Just a trivial thread! I used to have TBL hair and its length caused me a few incidents that I thought I would share. This was the 90s - I didn’t braid or bun my hair out of the way - if it gets to that length again I certainly will!

At a concert, in the mosh pit - a random guy behind me was wearing a leather jacket. As I was dancing my hair got caught in the zip of his jacket. Cue embarrassing fumbling with a complete stranger to free it.

Arrived at work, got out of my car and as I was shutting the car door the wind took my hair and I trapped it in the door. I didn’t realise though and tried to walk away. Owww. Also numerous times I put the car window up with a load of hair trapped in it then wonder why I can’t move my head lol.

Cooking for a guy I was newly dating. I’m drying a wine glass with a tea towel.. there’s eye contact. Things are going well he’s looking at me etc. Only without realising it I’ve stuffed some of my hair inside the glass along with the tea towel. Casually flick towel out of the glass, and my hair somehow snags around it throwing the glass towards him and smashing it. The relationship didn’t last!

Partner sleeping problems - when they lie on your hair! Think I’ll leave it there...

Over to you :-)