Does a one else experience this? I look at my my hair and it seems thin. It is no thinner than it has ever been really. I just measured pony tail thickness and it is roughly 3 in. Last time I measured it was 2.75 but I grew out my bangs so they are included now. I thought I was waist length but I am actually an inch past that but it seems short to me. I will be at hip in 2 inches at (32 in) and TB at 35 in. All you lovely haired ladies and gents seem to have thick, luscious locks. Mine looks longer in photos than when I look in mirror. Are we our own worst critics? I recently seen a woman with a pony tail no thicker than my little finger and felt mine was thick until I saw another lady with half her hair braided and that braid was 4 times thicker than my whole head of hair.