Hey, I posted this in the newbie section but then realised that people dont always look in the newbie section and I am absolutely desperate for help. I hope this is ok.

I've always had quite longish hair up until last year and then it all started to go horribly wrong. My hair is very fine but there is/was alot of it. I used to have it trimmed/cut twice a year, sometimes once. I decided to go blonde again in December 2010. Since then I've had my roots touched up with bleach every 6-8 weeks. All was fine up until December last year. I had a major shed so my hair thinned quite a bit but my hair also started breaking off. My hairdresser has always trimmed my hair each time to keep it looking nice and healthy which I didnt mind until 12 weeks ago. She said I'll give you a good trim this time and took 3 inches off and added some more layers. 6 weeks later she trims again and takes 2 inches off so in 12 weeks i lost 5 inches of length and the layers have just made my hair look, quite frankly ridiculous. I said to her at the time I was so happy as the layers had grown and literally the next second she snips them. My hair in 2 and a half years has gone from luscious and beautiful, to thin, wispy and barely there. I even visited the doctor for bloods as I was so worried but everything came back fine. I feel so upset and really am in mourning of my hair. I love my hair being long and thats when I'm most happy. I also love blonde and feel best blonde but if its killing my hair its just not worth it.

I think there may well be 2 things going on here. 1 is my hair/bleach combo and the other is my hairdresser. I really do like her, shes great, but I get the feeling she likes to do her clients hair how she likes rather than what the client likes if you know what I mean. I know she finds hair all one length boring and she hates middle partings lol... Its just like she is determined to chop my hair all off….

Anyway, I was booked in to have my roots done next week and I said to her after looking at my hair today that I need to lay off the bleach and she tried to persuade me not to. Now I love being blonde, but I tried saying "look, its really ruining my hair" but she says its not the bleach as she only touches up the roots so its not damaging. She said it was up to me but she loved me blonde and recommended I get a good shampoo and carry on. She also then said “I’ve only had my hair cut and coloured 4 times since December 2012 and that is not enough for healthy hair. Only 3 to 4 haircuts in 7 months will cause major breakage in healthy natural non coloured hair” Now to me this seems wrong? I know from my own experience that 1 or 2 haircuts a year and my hair used to be in better condition than it is now! I’ve always trusted her with my hair but this info seems way off?

I'm pretty certain its the bleach thats killing my hair. Looking through my pictures my hair just went to pieces after the bleach. I was blonde for a year before and you can see in the pictures how my hair just gets thinner and crap. I can't carry on being a blondie (even though I adore it) I'm sure if this continues I will be bald in a couple of years.

Here are some pics of my hair.

Natural virgin hair 2009-2010

2010 when I started to go blonde

2012 when I was blonde and it started slowly to go bad. It was naturally dried in this pic.

and now from the back you can see just how thin and straggly it is It makes me want to cry

So, Have any of lovely people some advice on what I can do to get my hair back? I stopped using heat 8 weeks ago, I stopped washing everyday too so now wash every 2-3 days. I always condition, I use leave in conditioner too and moroccan oil about twice a week. I very gently brush my hair now too. I've noticed that it doesnt seem to be breaking as bad but I'm sure the damage is done. What would you do if you were me? Any replies GREATLY appreciated xx

A few questions

  1. Do you think its bleach that’s ruined my hair? Or a combination of things? Age? (Im 31)Heat?
  2. Would prenatal vitamins help?
  3. Would you stop having trims or if not how often should I get trimmed? I feel like everytime it grows the growth and more is then cut off 6 weeks later and its getting shorter and shorter. My hair doesn’t feel dry now but it is so incredibly thin.
  4. What products could I use to help?

Oooops apologies for the massive pics!