Hello from Concordia , Kansas!

So I wanted to join a forum in which I could talk/rant about hair . Ever since I was a young boy I had become obsessed about wanting to look like Conan the Barbarian. It wasn't just because he was a role model in being a big, strong, and a powerful man.. But the long hair was a barbarian/medieval look which I simply wanted. My parents never let me grow my hair out. It was always prim and proper.. bleh.... when I was around the age of 15 the parents divorced and I lived with my mother. I was a little rebellious and started growing out my hair BUT, i had it all shaved underneath so it looked flipping RIDICULOUS! Well, since I turned 18, it was all gone since I joined the US Navy. Never again did I look back thinking I would ever have the opportunity to grow it out.

I was done with the military in 2002 and always wanted long hair but I could never get past it barely touching my ears without freaking out. Years and Years go by.. I tried again once in 2008, but people treated me like a hippie, assumed I road a Harley, flat out mocked me and had so much trouble with people approaching me. I could never do it.. I worried to much about how other people treated me I simply gave in and did what I had to to "Fit" in with the normal societies way of how 'MEN" ought to look. It wasn't till i was nearly finished with Nursing school in 2011 that I said you know what.. I'm sick of it.. why should I worry about how people look at me, I walk tall, I stand proud, I'm masculine, and was told I am a handsome man especially not looking my age being 32. So everyday I told myself that I will one day have the hair I wanted.. I will do it, no matter what the cost, what the grief or attitude I get.
1 year later I've finally got to a point I love it.. its definitely not the length I want yet, but its on its way. From time to time people ask when I will cut my hair and I just tell em with a grin ear to ear, "When the front of my hair touches my butt crack, that's where Ill maintain it.. PERIOD!"

I look forward to posting images and keeping up to date with everyone here. I love criticism and I want your opinions! Not because they matter, but because I like to hear what they really think so don't hold back.. be honest.. I'm a big boy!

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