Seriously, I all but gave up regular exercise a number of years ago because I was so worried about my hair. That was when I first started growing my hair out almost 10 years ago. When I started noticing I was putting on the pounds and my waist wasn't what it used to be, I started getting scared, especially since my metabolism was starting to slow down. Once I stopped worrying about my hair so much, things got a little bit easier. It took a conscious effort, though, on what was more important, my hair or my body.

You'd think that things would be a little more difficult with the frequent washings and exercise, especially since my hair is much longer now. It's all in your attitude, and I can't emphasize that strongly enough. I'm dealing with it differently and not getting defeated by it.

For yoga and floor work, It just do heidi braids (it's easier to detangle than a single braid), and a topknot bun for everything else (swimming, treadmill, weights). The is followed by mostly a CO rinse, detangle in the shower (comb goes thru my hair like butter if detangled first) and drip dry before bunning.

What's important is that I make it a point to get to the gym for some exercise and always feel better after I go. I don't want to be sitting around and having my activities limited by my (stupid) hair. Yes, I love it, but I'm not going to let it rule my life.