I've been wearing my Flexi-8s with great enthusiasm since I got them a few weeks ago. I LOVE them--they look great, they make me feel pretty, they're really easy to use! BUT...

My concern when I was picking them out was that my hair would get snagged on all those pretty beads or between joints. Sure enough, over the last few days I've ripped out or broken a bunch of strands during everyday activities like leaning my head against a car head rest or bending my head or neck too far.

Does anyone else have a problem with this? I've been trying to set the Flexis loosely so that they don't tug, but even still some strands get stuck between the beads. I would love to permanently replace my big dated scrunchies and ugly claw clips with Flexi-8s, but not if it's going to mean a line of damage where I put them in.