I don't usually get compliments on anything about me except my artwork and occassionally on my green eyes. Thats it, nothing special.

This past weekend I had a both at a Mayfaire selling my art, and i got FLOODS of compliments on my hair. My hair is just passing shoulder length (at its longest layers) so its not exceptionally long, and I had it in a french twist anyway with an antique pearl and gold barette....the length though was hardly the topic of conversation.

The color: I use henna and have been a little "iffy" about the flamboyant candy apple red i get, especially the two tone effect where it dyes my silver hair and my dark dark hair..... no fear of that now! I got several comments on it, such as "That is the COOLEST two tone red I've ever seen!", "How on Earth did you get that awesome pink cherry and burgundy two tone like that? I've been trying to get that for years!", "whoa, that red is spectacular! How did you get it??".

The health of my hair: "Wow, your hair shines like a polished mirror!", and my favorite, "Okay what hair God's ass did you kiss to get shine like that?"

These just totally made my little world!