Okay, I am going to put up a tutorial with things from start to finish, using Postimage.org, as it seems to be the easiest I could find, and it appears to be unlimited, and it resizes pictures to forum width for you.
Here's what it looks like when you get to their page:
picture hosting
Register and log in, then click upload a photo and alter the size to message board size like so:
upload images
It will tell you upload complete and give you this link table at the bottom, you want to copy the hotlink for forum one:
photo upload
You can do this either by hitting copy to clipboard, or highlighting and using right click to copy, or using crtrC.
Then you just paste in their link with either a right mouse click here, or a ctrlV:
upload picture
the upload picture underneath the pics takes you directly to their site to upload more, so in using this method, it will allow other people to learn how simple it is to do as well.
Hotlinking one of your own pictures from a picture sharing site like this is okay. Hotlinking a copywrite picture is not, nor is hotlinking a picture from another site like this:
(because I'm hotlinking from my own forum it's okay for illustration purposes)
When you hotlink to a non file sharing site, you use up bandwidth from that site, so if there is a picture that you own, and you want to share it, that is how you do it.
How you can hotlink from a site that allows you to do so and it's not copywrite, you do it like so:
Right click the image and chose copy image url.
click this button:
upload pictures
paste the url of the picture into the popup and viola, it's magically posted into the body of your comment! Beware that it might not be a very good size for a forum post, so you would do well to resize images if they are too large, by downloading them first and putting them through an imageshare site like postimage.org.
I also like servimg.com and even imgur.com for photosharing, the last one is super easy, but sometimes forums don't accept their pictures. Good luck and please, test below some photos using these methods!
This works for Imgur and Flickr, it might work for other photo hosts too.
You may add a letter to the URL, right before “.jpg”. The letter you add depends on the size you want.
s = Small Square (90×90)
b = Big Square (160×160)
t = Small Thumbnail (160×160)
m = Medium Thumbnail (320×320)
l = Large Thumbnail (640×640)
h = Huge Thumbnail (1024×1024)
(Thanks to TreesOfEternity for posting this.)
"Snuggling is sex without the fluid exchange."
with Flickr you don't need the photo button from in here it codes it for you:
Okay, on Flickr, there is a button called share that you will see over your picture:
free picture hosting
Press it and you get this:
hosting images
make sure BBC is highlighted as in my example.
Just highlight that area and copy it with a right click or a ctrlC and then come here and rightclick to paste or ctrlV:
Char and Tanner on the couch by greenfireflygirl, on Flickr
Last edited by Greenfire; August 9th, 2012 at 09:18 PM.
IMGUR is much more simple... (to me anyway)...
Last edited by ratgirldjh; September 1st, 2012 at 07:00 PM.
rats spelled backwards spells star
I'm not sure it will work...
testing testing [IMG][img=http://s23.postimg.org/ta0ocdho7/May2013.jpg][/IMG]
Here is a pic, I hope![IMG] <a href=http://s1277.photobucket.com/albums/y495/PeacenQuietGal/?action=view¤t=20130517_181132_zpsa4938325.j pg target=_blank><img src=http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y495/PeacenQuietGal/20130517_181132_zpsa4938325.jpg border=0 alt=></a>[IMG]
Last edited by PeacenQuietGal; August 17th, 2013 at 11:51 PM.