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Thread: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    Hi, I'm putting this is bullet points to stop me babbling lol

    - I have a balding spot on the front of my head, i initially thought i was wearing my hair tight but it's where my fringe is (was nose length - now cut to hide it).

    - First i thought it was nutrition as it started around June when i was on summer hols and my diet always goes funny but since eating properly there's no change

    - I have been doing head massages every night for about 6 months with Coconut oil or palmers strong root spray and the patch seems to be gradually getting bigger

    - I worked out that the end of work experience is when i changed to tresemme naturals (was using alberto balsam before) so am wondering if this may be the cause of it?

    - When i combed/brushed (only comb or TT) i used to lose about 20 hairs and naturally shed the rest throughout the day which was found on clothing.

    - Since my hair seems to be falling i have counted upto 40 hairs whilst combing in the morning and still shed slightly more throughout the day as well as easily another 40 or so when i shower and even more again when i comb when out of the shower (damp hair and comb - hair never knots when i wash it) so it definitely seems to be falling more.

    - If hair continues to fall i will go to the drs (being 21 it could be hormones) but want to try and discount everything i can before

    - I'm going to cut out tresemme for a while as i have pantene (my other fave.) but am just wondering if anyone else has had trouble; i've googled it and people have had hair loss but not with tresemme naturals moisture (it is also the new formula).

    I've never had any form of hair loss before in my life, my hair did used to be thin but got thick at around 18 although it has never been this thin. I've even cut my hair to just below the shoulders to prevent my scalp showing (having dark brown hair it's hard not to notice)

    Thanks for reading my ramblings :-)

  2. #2
    Member Raging Wolf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    I would strongly recommend that you see a doctor for your hair loss issues. It sounds like it could be more than just your shampoo. One thing that I would suggest that you talk about with your doctor is your iron levels, especially your ferrin levels. I wish you the best.
    This is my hair currently. It is not the greatest picture, but I will post more as I figure this out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raging Wolf View Post
    I would strongly recommend that you see a doctor for your hair loss issues. It sounds like it could be more than just your shampoo. One thing that I would suggest that you talk about with your doctor is your iron levels, especially your ferrin levels. I wish you the best.
    This! Also consider vitamin B12 levels, as low B12 causes a form of anaemia and can also result in hairloss.

    Another consideration is stress (physical (e.g. an illness, a broken bone, etc.) or mental). This can manifest in hairloss. Technically, what has happened is that the stress has prompted the hair follicles in question to stop being in anagen (growth) phase. Thus, as when anagen phase ends normally, you won't see any re-growth until the hair re-enters anagen. To do this, it first has to go through catagen (transition phase, ~3 weeks) and telogen (resting phase, ~3 months, during which the old hair will fall out). So, it may take a little while for the hair to re-grow.

    However, even if you suspect it is stress, I would still go to the doctor as there are many possible causes that won't get better on their own and will need some sort of intervention to prevent them from continuing or even getting worse.

  4. #4
    Member HintOfMint's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    In addition to getting to a doctor (STAT!), I would stop pulling oil and other products on my scalp. It could be making it worse. It's not an uncommon reaction, lots of people don't do well with oil, conditioner or anything being massaged into their scalps.

  5. #5
    Member Tangle or Curl?'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    I've started co-washing with tresseme naturals and haven't noticed any more shedding than with any other non coney conditioner. I've also noticed fewer tangles. What I did notice though is that it has substantially less slip if you let it soak in for a long time and then try to detangle without re-wetting your head/comb (if you do curly girl method like I do).

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    When I used Tresemme Naturals, I shed A LOT.

  7. #7
    Member mscm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    I agree with going to the doctor. A few years ago i experienced exactly the same myself. The doctor said it was either stress or that I had hit my head hard. It was the stress, and after a while my bald spots went away. Good luck, go to the doctor!

  8. #8
    Tries to Help Everyone jacqueline101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    I'd go to the doctor just in case it's something else.
    Some say I'm nearing hip and my fat ate the hair I'm jacqueline101 not a pronoun

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    See your family doctor or a dermatologist, you may be worsening the problem self treating. The scalp does not need the fatty acids found in coconut oil, the Palmers contains a silicone, drying alcohol and various irritants which won't do the skin any good either.
    Dyed-in-the-wool redhead, growing out a major shed & mechanical damage to hairline. Eight years 'modified' Curly Girl, just past BSL stretched but keep trimming.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tresemme naturals - hair loss?

    Hi guys, thanks for the replies!!
    Went to the doctor on Friday and he said it's likely to be stress/emotional related as I didn't realise stress could take so long to effect the hair.

    Basically my mum has been an alcoholic for 26 yrs (i'm only 21) and it's been a physiological drain on my whole family (with my dad and my sister being on antidepressants). Last month she fell down the stairs (again) but this time she had bleeding on the brain and almost died, although i'm not in any way close to her and i even tend to stay in my room to avoid her, she is still a family member.
    We got told she was being sectioned into rehab as she was a danger to herself so we all ended up crying with joy at the thought that it could be over. However they have gone back on their word and she's been out of hospital 2 weeks and lasted 45 minutes before going to get more alcohol and is still drinking and keeps cancelling doctors appointments so nothing can be done.

    My doctor has said the shedding will usually last a couple of months however with me being back at uni tomorrow it may start stopping within a couple of weeks and in the meantime has suggested i use a hair loss shampoo. The bald patch does appear to be going but i don't know if i'm just getting used to it.
    Although the patch seems to be going, i'm shedding about 50 hairs each time i comb my hair (about twice a day) and probably about 60 when i wash. My sis has given me some of her nutrasome to use and when that runs out i'll probably get some more (nutrasome isn't really stopping the shedding but it makes my hair look much thicker)

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