Welcome, I just learned my full astrology sign from an ad on Facebook: I'm a Leo sun (I always knew that, since I was born in late July), Capricorn moon and Gemini rising and apparently Leo suns have a connection to health and wellness, so perhaps that's why I'm a bit of a hypochondriac (thinking you have diseases you don't really have, but I am a nearly six year Breast Cancer survivor, so let's hope it stays away, since that's not something I ever want to go through again), a girl gamer myself (first the original Nintendo, then moved on to PlayStation and never looked back). My hair took three years to grow back from losing it to chemo and is now a few shades darker (from strawberry blonde to light to medium golden brown), and I'm not getting an "age appropriate" hairstyle anytime soon (screw that), no matter how many times my Mom suggests it (nope, nada, not going to happen). Gen Xer with Boomer Mom (she had long hair herself when I was a toddler but cut it to her shoulders shortly after and kept me in short cuts until I was in high school because she didn't like dealing with it).