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Thread: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

  1. #1

    Default Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    I was wondering why last time I didn't get as good results with my overnight oil treatment as previous time. The difference was actually huge, previous time I was REALLY impressed and my hair was totally tangle free, while last time I actually saw no result and the tangles hadn't gone anywhere. I was using same oils, coconut and sunflower, but this time I didn't heat them and previous time I did. Have others here noticed difference between hot and cold oils?

    I actually found old topics about this and there many people told hot oils work better, but those threads are all archived and you can't bump them up, so I decided to start new thread about this because I think this can be good information for many people. Especially for people with frizzy, dry hair.
    Last edited by Priska; May 23rd, 2023 at 02:10 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Actually in the middle of this I made one overnight oil treatment with (cold) olive oil and tried to rinse it out with CO-wash. That left my hair totally greasy. So I think this is also one factor that has an impact to the success of oil treatments, the suitable way to rinse it out. Complicated. But that's why I wanted to talk about this, because I'm not sure if it's the temperature of oils that made the difference, or what.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    The game-changer for me in getting oil treatments out of my hair has been lightweight conditioner. Think V05, White Rain, Suave. Works way better than shampoo (at least for me).
    Putting it in my signature because I have to say it so often:
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    The game-changer for me in getting oil treatments out of my hair has been lightweight conditioner. Think V05, White Rain, Suave. Works way better than shampoo (at least for me).
    Thank you!

    It also can be that olive oil is harder to wash out from my hairtype than coconut and sunflower oils, that have not left my hair greasy when I've used them this way.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Now I got great result. I used hot coconut oil (very hot actually. My hair felt lots hotter than I meant when I lifted my hair from the coconut oil mug... ) I massaged it well into my hairs, kept it about 4 hours and rinsed it out with conditioner that I used abundantly and massaged it in too. So nice shine, and my lightweight hair is now heavy! Love it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Would actually ALL hair treatments give better results if I made them hot??.. like for example flaxseed gel treatment or even normal conditioner? ...

  7. #7
    Lagging behind life MusicalSpoons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Quote Originally Posted by Priska View Post
    Would actually ALL hair treatments give better results if I made them hot??.. like for example flaxseed gel treatment or even normal conditioner? ...
    In theory any component of those affected by heat would penetrate deeper into the hair shaft. I know with protein (such as in flaxseed gel) more 'sticks' to the hair with heat. But as always the only way to find out is to experiment
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Thank you for your answer!

  9. #9
    Evil Duck Queen TatsuOni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    Heat will open up the hair and allow more oil or conditioning agents, to actually get into the hair. But too hot will damage the hair. You don't want to fry it.

    I like to use a deep contioner in the sauna. I don't apply it warm, but it will warm up in the sauna and penetrate my hair better. But I do keep a towel over, to protect it from getting hot enough to be damaged.

    There's also stuff like heat caps, but I've never tried one myself.

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  10. #10
    Member shelomit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hot oils more conditioning than cold/roomtemperature oils?

    I find that heat makes a major difference with pretty much any product I use (with the possible exception of shampoo, just because I've never tried letting it soak in). I'll apply conditioner/mask/pre-poo oil/whatever, slap on a shower cap, and then cover my head with towels and scarves and let my body heat warm it up over the course of an hour or more.

    I've never tried heating a product before adding it to my hair, though.

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