Re: Catnip for split ends?
When I told my mom about this, and about using the pet quality not the bulk stuff, she told me (not sure if it's true, I'm just repeating what she told me) that the pet stuff is a slightly different herb. It's still catnip, same as the bulk herb, but it's a slightly different strain and would give different results.
Like I said, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I just thought I would through this out there.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
When I told my mom about this, and about using the pet quality not the bulk stuff, she told me (not sure if it's true, I'm just repeating what she told me) that the pet stuff is a slightly different herb. It's still catnip, same as the bulk herb, but it's a slightly different strain and would give different results.
Like I said, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I just thought I would through this out there.
I have been using catnip for over 3 years now.
I started off with pet store catnip then bulk health food store organic catnip - now back to pet store - this time organic catnip.
It is not true, IMO.
You can get different species of catnip from any store.
However - the most common species - my health food store did not often specify and my pet store catnip does not either, is nepeta cataria.
I do not wory about the name - my concern is that it works.
It does - pet store catnip is consistent - it works for me every single time.
I had difficulty with the quality of health food store catnip - that was inconsistent - from different stores too.
Pet store catnip from my experience, is fresher and better quality.
Organic is what I prefer - but non-organic worked too.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Ok, I've read through *almost* all of this thread, and I have only one question ...
Ok a COUPLE of questions.
Why is catnip more advantageous to other conditioning treatments to ends-only? Is it because other methods don't prevent the split ends? And also... does it leave your hair soft as well? Kindof like a conditioning herb rinse? And lastly, I promise; does anyone here use shampoo bars with catnip?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Ok, I've read through *almost* all of this thread, and I have only one question ...
Ok a COUPLE of questions.
Why is catnip more advantageous to other conditioning treatments to ends-only? Is it because other methods don't prevent the split ends? And also... does it leave your hair soft as well? Kindof like a conditioning herb rinse? And lastly, I promise; does anyone here use shampoo bars with catnip?
I do not use it on my ends only.
I use catnip to colour and condition my hair.
It stains my grey/white streaks a light blonde.
I finally got it to condition my hair the way I want - to not have to use conditioner - by bagging it and increasing the timing.
It leaves my hair very soft and tangle free.
The no split ends and reduced breakage was just an uxpected but wecome bonus.
You can ask as many questions as you like - if I can help - I will.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
I do not use it on my ends only.
I use catnip to colour and condition my hair.
It stains my grey/white streaks a light blonde.
I finally got it to condition my hair the way I want - to not have to use conditioner - by bagging it and increasing the timing.
It leaves my hair very soft and tangle free.
The no split ends and reduced breakage was just an uxpected but wecome bonus.
You can ask as many questions as you like - if I can help - I will.
Ah, I'll take you up on that! Basically, I'm not looking to color my hair with it (as I already henna..) so I'd shy towards the 5-15 minute weekly treatment side of things. I just have revealed awful split ends from quitting cones. I wouldn't expect a miracle but I at least need to get those things softened a bit so I can avoid the setback of trimming. I just got the stuff past my shoulders, I dont think I could stomach a trim! And I reeeaaally don't want to go back to cones. I'd suffer the splits before going back.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Shall I start gathering seeds for youall?
I live in the great plains, and it grows wild here, although it's a naturalized european.
ktani, i bet it grows wild in ontario!!!
Here i have four bundles drying and haven't used it yet ... :shrug:
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Shall I start gathering seeds for youall?
I live in the great plains, and it grows wild here, although it's a naturalized european.
ktani, i bet it grows wild in ontario!!!
Here i have four bundles drying and haven't used it yet ... :shrug:
Thanks for the offer.
It does grow wild here.
I just prefer to let the pet suppliers go through the quality control hastle, lol.
I think a lot of the bulk catnip from the health food stores - organic aside is grown wild.
The pet supply industry is very competitive - companies struggle for their market share and the catnip I buy is clean (not that yours would not be), quality controlled and excellent.
One thing I have noticed since switching to pet store catnip - is that when I wash out the shampoo bottle I keep the catnip tea in - there are no pieces stuck to the inside of it that missed the straining - it is just better catnip than the health food store bulk catnip I was buying.
And the colour and condition of my hair is better - I get consistent results - especially with the colour - the conditioning is close but even better IMO, than before.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Ah, I'll take you up on that! Basically, I'm not looking to color my hair with it (as I already henna..) so I'd shy towards the 5-15 minute weekly treatment side of things. I just have revealed awful split ends from quitting cones. I wouldn't expect a miracle but I at least need to get those things softened a bit so I can avoid the setback of trimming. I just got the stuff past my shoulders, I dont think I could stomach a trim! And I reeeaaally don't want to go back to cones. I'd suffer the splits before going back.
It will take a while before you get to where you want but catnip is excellent for the hair, IMO.
The first few pages of this thread have my routine for preparing it.
The only thing that has changed is that I no longer deactivate it at the 30 minute mark - I just let it cool, strain it and put in in the fridge or use it right away.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I read this whole thread, and now I can't wait to get home!! I have a brand new pack of organic catnip from the store. My cats will just have to share!!
I've been looking to get off commercial chemicals for all of my skin and hair needs. This is my first step and hopefully I'll be able to drop the expensive conditioner I've been COing with. If I can just rinse in catnip tea and go.... ;)
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Ok I think I'll try this. Maybe I'll pick up some catnip from the pet store tomorrow... Gotta get ferret litter anyhow :p