Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Is it bad for my hair to have catnip on it so long? Or has anyone done experiments and found that in the long run it didn't make any difference whether you do 1-hour treatments or longer?
I use infusions of catnip as a leave-in conditioner and have seen an increase in the rate of my hair growth since I started doing so two years ago.
Yes, it does leave a coated feeling on the hair but I don't mind that at all.
Good luck with your catnip experiments.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I make a tea from 3 teaspoons of catnip, 1 bag of Red Zinger Tea (when empty I'll switch to straight hibiscus) and 1 bag of organic green tea steeped twice. I put 1 ounce ACV in a 24 oz plastic drink bottle, then add the tea to the top I use half of this each time I wash my hair. It may leave a slight coated feeling but my hair also feels stronger and less breakable. I also find that it is shinier than any other natural product has ever done. :D
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Hope it's okay to ask this here...Anyone tried using a catnip soak as a water only rinse to stretch washes? I want to get to two shampoos/ catnip soaks a week, and need one one extra WO or rinse option to get me through to that. Should I try water only, or water only+ catnip?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Anyone in here using catnip as a jelly? I made a (gelatine) jelly with the catnip tea because I really want to leave it on for a while, longer than I could if it's a tea. Also my hair is hennaed so I expect that it would take a bit more time to soak in (maybe). Will rinse it out after. Sounds horrendous?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Sounds great Cathy. Looking forward to hear about your results. :D
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Sounds great Cathy. Looking forward to hear about your results. :D
Maybe my whole wig will burn down! :D
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Lol. How is your hair doing? I hope you are :cheese: ??
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Anyone in here using catnip as a jelly? I made a (gelatine) jelly with the catnip tea because I really want to leave it on for a while, longer than I could if it's a tea. Also my hair is hennaed so I expect that it would take a bit more time to soak in (maybe). Will rinse it out after. Sounds horrendous?
I'm curious about this, too. Have you had any signs of protein buildup? Is the catnip still taking?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
I'm curious about this, too. Have you had any signs of protein buildup? Is the catnip still taking?
I don't know, guys. Rinsed it out after two hours and 40 minutes, but the thing is I was soooo tired that I went to bed right away with practically dripping wet hair :demon: Despite that, hair feels good, but I'm not sure how I can tell if the catnip has taken :cool:
I never have problems with protein, my hair doesn't mind if I don't use proteins at all or if I use them day and night. So that part I can't answer at all.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
When I go to bed with wet hair, normally it's a mess when I wake up and it takes a looot of time to comb it out. Now when I finally woke up ;) it combed out rather easily and I lost about 30 hairs (I expected well over 100+ when accidents like this happen).