Re: Catnip for split ends?
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Did you grow them in a greenhouse or outdoors? Once harvested do you dry them,then sore?(Sorry for all the I was thinking of buying some catnip seeds from ebay.
I sowed my catnip seeds in February, put the pots on an indoors eastern facing window legde and kept the compost moist. They stayed indoors until May then I put them outdoors once the danger of frost had passed.
I didn't transpant them into bigger pots until their roots were well developed.
Good luck with your seeds!
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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I got some seeds from an eBay seller (sfr909tvcat) and planted them a few weeks ago. For a long time there was nothing but now they are coming up - hooray! The biggest challenge won't be germination, though - it will be protecting them from the neighborhood cats. (He also included a baggie of dried catnip. I won't use it on my hair because there are stems, but my cats are going NUTS for it, even the ones that usually are indifferent to catnip)
Try growing your catnip in wall pots or hanging baskets, that way the cats can't reach the plants.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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I sowed my catnip seeds in February, put the pots on an indoors eastern facing window legde and kept the compost moist. They stayed indoors until May then I put them outdoors once the danger of frost had passed.
I didn't transpant them into bigger pots until their roots were well developed.
Good luck with your seeds!
Thanks for the advice! Im guessing its too late in the year for me to start growing them now (U.K)? You can tell im not a gardener lol.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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Thanks for the advice! Im guessing its too late in the year for me to start growing them now (U.K)? You can tell im not a gardener lol.
If they are anything like the catmint I already have, it is not too late. The catmint grows until about November here in the Midwest - it is pretty hardy.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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If they are anything like the catmint I already have, it is not too late. The catmint grows until about November here in the Midwest - it is pretty hardy.
We get frost here from mid-September. Would growing it in the greenhouse help...or inside?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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We get frost here from mid-September. Would growing it in the greenhouse help...or inside?
I don't have much experience with greenhouses but I bring my potted perennials into the garage to overwinter them (it has windows so they do get some light). If the greenhouse is similar (gets cold but doesn't freeze) that could work to extend their growing period. I think trying to grow them inside would mess up their dormancy (but this is only a guess - I am far from being knowledgeable about such things!)
The other option would be to buy a live plant - that would give you several weeks head start on harvesting it
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I picked up some catmint at the local nursery today. I asked them if it was the same as catnip, and they said no; they looked at the label on it and it said something about butterflies. Anywhoo, it was sitting on my front stoop waiting to be planted and Spartacus (the cat) started grubbing on it. It has since been moved inside, and Steve the Cat just got caught eyeballing it. LOL! So I suppose it's the same thing as catnip! It will be going in a hanging planter, and hopefully the cats won't be doing handstands off the roof to get to it!
Re: Catnip for split ends?
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I don't have much experience with greenhouses but I bring my potted perennials into the garage to overwinter them (it has windows so they do get some light). If the greenhouse is similar (gets cold but doesn't freeze) that could work to extend their growing period. I think trying to grow them inside would mess up their dormancy (but this is only a guess - I am far from being knowledgeable about such things!)
The other option would be to buy a live plant - that would give you several weeks head start on harvesting it
I shall have to look into buying a plant. I will let you know if i manage to get one :)
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I tried catnip for the first time three days ago. Since my new cat isn't interested in the catnip we got him and I have a ridiculous number of white dots (accompanied by quite a few actual splits), it would be worth a shot.
I brewed 1 tsp in more or less 275 ml of water for an hour or two, shampooed my hair, put the catnip on my hair, bagged it, and tried to soak anything not properly in the bag. I let it sit for an hour before rinsing.
It's too early to see a difference in the number of splits, but I am otherwise impressed. I used only a teeny tiny bit of conditioner to comb out my hair at the end of the shower (I usually use a whole bunch of conditioner when I shower). My ends, which were going through a grumpy dry crunchy stage, are a LOT happier. The rest of my hair feels slightly different too, in a good way. I think it's softer. I keep petting it tonight. It's also nice and shiny, but I'm not sure if that's different as I usually don't pay that much attention to shine, and I have been reading this thread, and people keep bringing up their shiny hair.
Even if it doesn't end up reducing my splits, if this keeps up, I'll be sticking with this routine.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Bumping up this thread as I have been mentioning catnip tea soaks as a split end preventative and people are asking so here it is! My hair is just getting long enough to benefit from the catnip tea.