Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Thank you SO much for posting this! We have quite a bit of catnip due to a very entertaining kitty so I will be able to test this. ^_^ Split ends are my biggest problem but I would rather suffer them than use chemicals.
You are most welcome! I just finished updating the catnip article,, and blog post, with my newest steeping time.
It is the best one I have used so far. I started a while ago to keep my catnip stored in a clear plastic bottle. It allowed me to see any infusion differences. I noticed a particulate evident at longer steeping times that is not apparent at reduced steeping times.
It took a while before I could be sure of results because I often mixed steeping times over several washes, depending on my busy routine.
I finally started making the infusion at more convenient times and keeping the exact same steeping time to test my hypothesis. It worked. 4.75 hours and not one "fairy knot".
Re: Catnip for split ends?
For some reason I haven't done a catnip soak in ages, I think I've been too busy with moving/uni etc.
I've definitely noticed an increase in splits since I've stopped doing the catnip soaks. So I did a catnip soak this morning after shampooing (I don't rinse it out) and my hair is lovely and soft, I'd forgotten how wonderful catnip soaks are, and hopefully I can get back on track with stopping split ends. :D
My flat mates think I'm nuts, one even thought I was a drug user after seeing me with a bag of catnip :p whoops!
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Hello, I have a question, instead of using catnip tea can be used catnip essential oil?. Thanks very much.
(sorry for my english but I'm learning it)
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I just did a catnip rinse today after kind of forgetting about it for a few months. I've forgotten just how soft it makes my hair feel! I need to make time to do this more often.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Fatty acid profile of Nepeta Cataria (catnip), click to enlarge and read,
"The fats are comprised of: linolenic (57%), linoleic (18%), oleic acid (12%), and saturated fatty acids (6%)."
There is a lauric acid content.
I do know that with body heat, a catnip infusion is accessing my hair and penetrating somewhat and more than without body heat (covering my hair with plastic during a treatment). From results, I am very pleased. Does or can a catip infusion penetrate the hair shaft to the cortex? Some of its lauric acid may, not to the extent that coconut oil can though. I do not have an answer to that. I do know I no longer have a breakage taper or split ends. What exactly is working I cannot say. I just know that it is working.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
I cannot wait for my hair to be long enough for catnip soaks again. I have told others about using it and they have had the same good results. Thanks for all your research, Ktani!
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
I cannot wait for my hair to be long enough for catnip soaks again. I have told others about using it and they have had the same good results. Thanks for all your research, Ktani!
You are most welcome!
Considering that others have had reported a good hair growth result with catnip besides me, you could start now.
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Hi Ktani!
I do herb washes and use catnip as the final rinse. Would adding a tsp of hibiscus powder 5 minutes before using he tea affect the catnip in anyway?
Re: Catnip for split ends?
Originally Posted by
Hi Ktani!
I do herb washes and use catnip as the final rinse. Would adding a tsp of hibiscus powder 5 minutes before using he tea affect the catnip in anyway?
It depends on what you are using the catnip for, a rinse or a treatment. I never found catnip as effective as a rinse. As a treatment, the mucilage in hibiscus would not allow catnip to have the same access to the hair. The herb washes may already be doing that as well. Many herbs coat hair.