Since my fine, chemically highlighted hair is somewhat prone to breakage and splits, I started to experiment with catnip last Sunday. My first use was a 1 hour treatment prior to SMT. Since then, I have been misting my length on a daily basis. I mist with about 50 mL of catnip tea, plus approximately half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and a few drops of ylang ylang EO.
ktani, I have not experienced any stickiness from misting, even when I exclude the jojoba. My hair has great body from the misting, and the jojoba makes it feel very soft and well conditioned. One week is too soon to tell if I will have the stronger hair and less breakage, but so far, so good! :D
BTW, I wash my hair 2X per week, so the catnip stays on my hair for at least 3 days at a time, misting daily.