oh yeah - you can definitely skip the conditioner if you leave the tea on for over an hour. I also have been using Cosmic Catnip and it seems fine.
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oh yeah - you can definitely skip the conditioner if you leave the tea on for over an hour. I also have been using Cosmic Catnip and it seems fine.
I am curious... does anyone sit under a heat cap after applying catnip? I am just using a shower cap today but in the future I might sit under my heat cap for 30 minutes then do the other 30 minutes just working around the house. Will the heat cap be beneficial?
The dilution I use is 1 very level but well packed teaspoon to just under 300 ml of boiled water, steep covered, with a saucer, in a mug.
It takes approximately 1.5 hours to cool completely but I use a dollar store bone china mug that holds heat longer.
After cooling, I tap the condensation from under the saucer back into the mug and strain, first into a creamer for easy pouring, then strain again into a shampoo bottle.
I bag and time the catnip on my hair for 1 hour. I have never felt the need to use heat but there is no harm in doing so, IMO.
This is a really good picture to see the catnip buds in catnip leaves and flowers.
Catnip parts
Catnip buds
Note: Catnip buds from what I have been told by a catnip farmer/wholesaler, should be harvested before they open, so there should be no white flower petals in a catnip mix of flowers and leaves. The flowers of Nepeta cataria, or common catnip are white.
This is the opposite of what I mistakenly thought and posted about earlier. You can actually see the buds in the first link photo, in the container. They are round and small.
Perfect! This is exactly what I was coming here to ask about. I did a catnip rinse after I shampooed today. I left it on only for about 15-20 minutes and my hair felt exactly as you described. I was worried so I followed with a bit of conditioner just on the ends.
My hair is now so very soft and shiny. I usually follow with an ACV rinse but today I didn't. Doesn't seem like I need it.
I've been excited to try out the catnip rinse. I went out shopping for a tea strainer and tea ball yesterday, but could only find the tea ball so I bought that.
When I was ready to steep my first batch of tea, I couldn't unscrew the tea ball! (My brother later managed it for me with some kind of gadget.) Anyway, what I did was add the loose tea straight into boiled RO water, covered, then later strained the steeped tea through a coffee filter into a measuring cup with pouring spout. That seemed to work fine - caught all the leaves and what-not. (Incidentally, I used ktani's proportions and her tip about adding back the condensation.)
I did the first part of my usual routine - although that might have impacted the results. I applied some light conditioner to my ends and non-SLS shampoo to my scalp. I rinsed thoroughly (hard water). There didn't seem to be any film left.
Then I poured the catnip tea over my hair, bending over and back to try to get full coverage to my BSL length. For I guess about 10 minutes I massaged the tea into my hair and finger-combed. I could feel the tea closing my cuticles and adding slip. It was a nice experience.
I rinsed my hair quickly in shower water, then again in a container of RO water (that I replace about weekly).
I didn't apply any leave-in conditioner or oils.
My hair is dry now. It's fairly easy to comb, but rather dry and limp. Despite the dryness, it does feel rather silky, if that makes ANY sense.
I want to pursue the experiment to see where it takes me. The next time, I'll bag my hair for a little while, then rinse straight in my container of RO water. I may eventually try to replace the first conditioner application with diluted shampoo, although diluted shampoo in the past hasn't worked that great for me. I've never tried soapnuts, but I might if I can find a local supply or one that isn't exhorbitantly expensive.
I hope you guys continue to find success with catnip tea.
Catnip does not do well over conditioner. That would IMO, affect your results.
Catnip, from my experience, does best when it has access to the hair, not over any coatings or reside and the difference in results is very obvious to me.
You can always add a small bit of conditioner post catnip, if you really need it. The next time you wash your hair, the small amount of conditioner should wash out fairly easily.
I wish you well with your experimenting.
Thanks, ktani. I could also maybe try a drop or so of apricot kernel oil as a leave-in for extra moisture. It's one of the few hair oils I like. One thing I did notice after towel-drying my hair was that it wasn't nearly as heavy/stiff as regularly-conditioned hair. I like that feeling!
Okay not sure how off topic this is, but I just ought some organic catnip seeds, and am planning on planting them along with my others in my annual herb garden. when i am ready to pick the leaves, how do I use them? Would I dry them out and crush them, then go onto teas and rinses, or is there a certain way to prepare them? Thanks to anyone who can answer or provide links! :)
There are a number of websites offering advice on this topic. None of the ones I looked at are referenced. Here is a forum question and answer on the subject, that you may find helpful, http://www.catster.com/answers/quest...ture_use-16867.
Hi, ktani.
It's dry now. It feels soft and silky, actually. In spite of what I said earlier, I think it feels moisturized enough as well. I would say it's easier to comb as well. The true test will be when I wake up tomorrow morning. My second-day hair is rather stubborn. My main *complaint* right now is the lack of body. But I guess added oil wouldn't help that!
I've been watching this thread for some time and I want to thank you for your valuable insights.
I don't remember if I saw this in the thread, but has anyone else with darker henna hair notice catnip rinses making it darker? My hair has gone from medium brown with a red tone to dark brown and almost no red with only three rinses! :confused:
Ok, my hair has been dry for several hours now and I am pleased with the results. It does feel soft and silk. Not quite as good as when I rinse with conditioner but almost as good. My hair might be slightly more poofy/frizzy. I look forward to doing this more often to try to prevent future split ends. My only questions are:
How many times per week must one do catnip tea rinse in order to prevent split ends?
Can I use conditioner after I rinse out the catnip tea? Or will using conditioner effect the catnips ability to prevent split ends? Also, what about applying leave in conditioner after I get out of the shower?
Lastly, how long did it take for you all to notice a difference in your number of split ends? Looking at my hair now I still have quite a few that I need to cut of. Once I cut them off should I stop seeing splits immediately so long as I use catnip rinse a certain number of times per week?
Sissy :o
1. As often as you like. I use it every time I wash my hair.
2. Yes you can but hopefully you will need less. If you do, less conditioner should wash out easier, not leaving a residue, which can impede the catnip's effects.
3. Same as number 2.
4. I saw my last split end over 1.5 years ago. I lose track. My situation was different. I had buid-up when I started. In the last 2 years or so, since I increased timing, the condition of my hair has improved even more.
It sounds like you've had incredible results with catnip rinses. Do you ever use conditioners or leave-ins now?
I would like to use both catnip rinses and my conditioners. I just purchased quite a few Aubrey Organics products to try and they haven't arrived yet so I have MORE than enough conditioner to work through :) Still, the more I look at it I am very pleased at the look of my hair with just a catnip rinse. It is shiny looking and it almost seems like I used conditioner :)
I'm going to try to do a catnip rinse every other day to start with because I feel my split ends just keep multiplying. How long before they should cease? I plan to use some conditioner or leave-in afterward for extra conditioning as my hair does tend to be dry. I hope this will not impede the catnip from preventing split ends too much?
I use absolutely nothing but shampoo and catnip. I tried experimenting with using conditoner and catnip almost 4 years ago but it did not work out. Catnip does not stain over conditioner. Instead, I concentrated on getting catnip to work better on its own and for me, it does.
My hair is now in better condition than when I used conditioner, with no split ends, no breakage taper and less breakage than I ever had.
OK, I checked my catnip now and there are a few buds but not very many, nowhere near as many as in the first picture ktani linked. So I may look for another source with more buds at some time...
I was going to try catnip again yesterday but it got so late in the evening that I didn't rinse it out. My hair is ok today, so I may experiment a bit more with just leaving the catnip in. I know this didn't work so well for ktani, but does anyone else successfully and regularly leave the catnip on their hair?
Coming to think of it, running around with a dripping head for an hour or so is one thing that does put me off catnip. When you all say you bag it, what is your exact routine for this to prevent drips? I seem to only be able to control them when I wrap clingfilm around my head which is a bit of a pain and waste of plastic. Any better tips?
Kaz x
How have been currently washing my hair and applying my catnip treatment
I wash my hair all forward, or upsidedown.
Shampoo method
1. I gently separate my wet hair by pulling it apart sideways with my hands, rather than finger combing it but I do use 1 finger at one point to go through it, to make sure there are no tangles, before washing it. I use the force of the shower water to aid this. My hair no longer tangles, so this is very easy for me.
2. I apply shampoo that has been emulsified, by putting some on my arm (the rest has been poured out in my hand that I dip into), and appling small amount to various areas.
3. I add more water and lather my scalp, bringing the lather down through my length. I do not apply shampoo directly to my length. My hair is still all forward. I do not bring all of the hair up onto my head.
4. I rinse out the shampoo, my hair being all forward and repeat step 1.
I then squeeze out all excess water from my length.
Catnip method
5. I shake my catnip in the bottle (optional habit) and pour small amounts into my hand and apply it to the back of my head (nape), sides, back underneath top and length, holding the catnip on each place applied, for a few seconds and repeat this in those areas except for the length (I pour some catnip through that at the end and just pin it up and bag the whole thing for 1/2 hour.
6. I then take my hair down, flip my hair back, and apply more catnip with the same method, to the front sides, top, top back (top of the canopy) and rebag my hair, with the length down and outside the bag, for another 1/2 hour. This is to get the catnip colour evenly distributed.
7. I remove the bag and reapply more catnip to my greyest areas, let my hair cool down a bit, flip it all forward again and rinse it out with cool water, using step 1.
I do it all without thinking now and it does take time but I am colouring my hair each time, not just conditioning. I have no roots doing this. I do have grey/white coverage and great conditioning, with no split ends and minimal breakage.
What I am starting to do now is use catnip as a second "shampoo", using less of my conventional shampoo, before colour/conditioning as above. There are times when my hair is more oily and this has worked once very well. The catnip "shampoo" is just applied to scalp and length, and rinsed straight out, not timed or bagged.
Thanks, ktani. So do you use a showercap to bag or literally just a plastic bag, or something else entirely?
I like the just spending time in the bath whilst incubating time. Will try that next time!
You are most welcome.
I just use freezer bags or bag, (Glad freezer bags, 11 x 14 inches) because I wash and reuse one. My current bag is months old. They are the ones that come with with ties. I stretch out the opening. It looks very weird because I do not crush it around my hair, so the air just makes it sit 14 inches above my head but it is a nice tight fit and when I have done this outside of the shower, I can see the condensation from body heat.
The freezer bags are extra thick plastic and they do not tear. I let my fingernails grow, then cut them all off and these bags never rip or tear when my nails are long and I stretch a bag. To stretch one, I just grab the opening and use my palms to get the opening wide enough not to pull my pinned up hair down, while bagging my hair. I twist the extra width at my forehead and tuck it under there.
By having squeezed out the extra water post shampooing, my hair does not drip as much from the catnip. The catnip is absorbed better, by my hair.
Ok, I think I have freezer bags similar to the ones you describe. Will give this a try! By the way, my hair is quite good this morning having last washed it Sunday night and not having rinsed the catnip out. I didn't give it a very fair trial down because I had slept on it damp, but it's definitely not bad now and possibly less greasy than after having used condish.
It should look like this.
Here is another picture.
Not all of the catnip I have used has had as many buds in it. It still worked and I stopped getting split ends. The pet store catnip seems over all, to have more buds. I would not be too concerned. I did have some poor colouring results from some health food store catnip that was leaves and flowers and looked nothing like my catnip now but I still got good conditioning from it.
I just get better colour and conditioning now, with the Hagen catnip and I believe that part of that, has to do with it containing more catnip buds.
Catnip flowers, to get the most out of them, according to the catnip farmer I spoke with, should be harvested before the buds open. Not all vendors sell catnip harvested the same way. When I started using catnip, I just bought catnip and could not find just the leaves for sale. It said catnip leaves and flowers, on all of the labels. Only later, did I learn that catnip flowers contain more oils. Catnip still worked for me then and does now. Because it is a natural product, there is going to be a variation in quality but that happens with conventional products too.
Okay, back w/an update. I purchased my catnip at Wally World in the pet section. It says its organic and my cats do love the stuff so it appears fresh.
I've been using the catnip tea according to ktani's recommendations both as a final rinse in the shower (then bag it while I finish). So, it stays on my hair maybe 5-10 minutes. I have also done two deep treatments by applying the tea to damp hair, bagging and then sitting under a heat cap for awhile (about an hour).
After testing w/out any conditioner, I decided to add back a no-cone conditioner only on the ends. So far, it's been fine as I have no build up from the conditioner so it doesn't seem to have inhibited the tea's ability to penetrate well, which was a concern of mine.
The results have been extremely good for me. My hair is crazy soft and so much so that it reminds me mildly of the texture of rabbit fur (a stretch, yes, but I can't pinpoint anything else that can express it properly). Since my hair is 2b/M/C/iii, this is fairly significant because it normally does not feel "soft and light" but rather course/thick with some softness, if that makes any sense!
I have been in the habit of oiling w/avocado oil layered w/another oil so that helped a lot with keeping my hair in healthy shape. However, w/the catnip tea, I am foregoing the oils for now as I want to give it a full chance to show benefits. I wish I could skip leave-ins and gels but my wavy hair just doesn't look nice when I leave it to its own devices. So, today, I did a test w/shea butter and then Boots Curling Cream. It was a disaster. My hair (like my skin) hates shea butter and I applied way too much of the Boots. I COd it to get the stuff out and could again feel the softness of the tea's benefits (whew)! Then, I put a little bit of the Boots on after emulsifying well (about 1/16 the amount I was using!) and then some strong gel.
We shall see how this turns out...
I am getting a little confused about 1 thing, from this post http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/...8&postcount=20, to the 1 here.
I understand everything except the cleansing part. Did you try catnip, on its own to cleanse your hair?
Also keep in mind, that although the coneless conditioner may appear to be washing/rinsing out completely, like the oils and shea butter it may not in one shampoo. Tricky stuff that but at least you are still seeing the catnip benefits.
Hi, ktani. Sorry about the confusion. I did try to cleanse once w/the tea but it didn't seem to work that well. However, I'm mid-experimentation so will give it another go now that I'm back to mainly CO w/an occasional CWC once or twice a week.
To clarify, I mean that I intend to mainly use catnip tea as my CO with my next phase of tests. Up to now, I used highly diluted natural shampoo on one occasion but my scalp freaked out. Today, I started over w/Nizoral on my scalp only, then did my tea rinse, then the no-cone condish on the ends as I was very wary of any residual Nizoral going down the length, which could have been drying.
If that part goes well (i.e. CWC wash once/twice a week depending on how my hair takes it), then I will just do the catnip tea rinse on the other 5-6 days of the week with a 1/week deep treatment thrown in after one of the CWCs. I should be able to tell, if the catnip tea will work as a cleanser during that time.
I'm also kicking around the idea of doing an ACV rinse prior to the catnip tea rinse at some point but have waited to give the tea a shot first without any other variables. Also, maybe I will try to do straight CO w/my Suave Natural Condish (no CWC) and then the tea rinse and see how that fares. So many things to test!
Right now, my hair remains damp but so far, it is still soft even w/the strong gel applied. I'm happy with that and hope it dries calmly. If that happens, I'll be quite pleased.
Thank you for the clarification.
I think for the new experiments, new descriptions will need to be applied and defined, lol.
Catnip as "CO" for example or catnip "shampoo", depending on the method used.
I used a catnip "shampoo" - straight catnip applied to hair, post my regular shampoo, worked through hair and scalp and rinsed straight out, with no bagging or timing.
A catnip "CO", is more what you used, straight catnip applied to hair, left on the hair and scalp for a while and rinsed out, in keeping with a traditional CO.
Otherwise it is going to get very confusing to those trying to follow this, IMO.
Oh boy, that's a good point! You're right. I did do more of a traditional CO with the catnip tea. It has proved so great for softness that I haven't had the inclination to do a catnip shampoo. What? Leave the tea on only for a minute??? No way! :) Maybe after 4 years, though. LOL
I do know that I will be keeping it in my rotation from now on. I'm super happy with how my hair's texture has actually seemed to change, which was unexpected. It is feeling and looking so nice and soft and I fully expect it to dry better than I'd hoped this afternoon but it'll probably take a few more hours.
Ok, further clarification.
I shampooed my hair and used a catnip "shampoo" to follow, not timing or bagging it. Then I applied more catnip and bagged and timed that as usual.
I have not tried to do a catnip "shampoo" on its own yet. If I do though and it is in between deep conditioning previously done, no bagging or timing should be necessary, IMO.