I was very surprised and flattered and appreciative, when I read them. My only 2 are "natural blonde colour" and "skin moisturizer". I rarely read tags.
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My hair is thicker, not because I have suddenly sprouted more hair folicles. But because with catnip, I no longer have any breakage taper.
This is my hope as well. I am sure that breakage along with split ends is the reason I have never been able to get my hair past my waist were it has been for years. I am already noticing an improvement and I when I measured my hair yesterday after, 3 months, I had just over 1.5 inches of growth which for me is a miracle. DH jokingly said Catnip must be acting like fertiliser for hair.;)Quote:
That is just FANTASTIC. I am so excited to get to the point where I have no breakage! I hope and pray to get there!
My hair growth rate was pretty good pre catnip. A former stylist once challenged me when I told him my hair grew about .75 inches a month, so the next trim, he measured, lol. I was right.
The difference is my hair ends between trims, pre catnip, always wound up looking ratty and I did not try to grow my hair longer than just past shoulder length. I was determined to stabilize the breakage and split end problem first. I did and no one was more surprised than me that it was catnip that did it. I had no idea when I started to use it, that it could do any such thing. It was just persistant experimenting on my part with it, that resulted in my current hair's condition (current being quite some time by now). I believe that my growth rate with catnip is improved as well but I do not measure my hair length exactly. I am just surprised every time I have been trimming it, that it has grown so fast. I do not have a goal length. I am taking it "an inch at a time", lol.
If your growth rate was .75 inches each month a while ago goodness knows what it must be now!
The ends of my hair always looked ratty due to breakage and I was sure that my hair had stalled as I was getting hardly any real growth. I trimmed off 2 inches of the ratty ends in May so I was really surprised that it had grown nearly 2 inches since then and the ends certainly don't appear to be as ratty as they were. I intend trimming about 1/2 an inch at the end of the month just to keep the ends looking neat but at least when I do that I'll probably have even closer to 2 inches of growth.:D I've no real goal length but I'd certainly like to see my ends looking thicker.:)
Growth rate was never a concern for me. Quality of growth was the concern.
Your profile and avatar pics are the same and to me, your ends look great. It sounds as if you are making progress. From my experience, be patient. Catnip use improvement can take time but it depends on what is on the hair, timing and method etc. You sound like you have that well under control. Congratulations on the progress you are seeing now. It feels good, I know.
Thanks ktani for the reminder about the henna. I did my last henna on July 8th so I think it's a good time to start the catnip rinses. I hope so, becuase I sit here with wet, catnipped rinsed hair under plastic wrap as we speak! I got the Cosmic Catnip brand and my cats are, as usual, going wild. So I think that bag I got at Wal-mart must have just been old or something.
I plan to do two rinses this week and then post something.
I will be concentrating on school work projects and enjoying my school break over the next 2.5 weeks but I will still be checking in on threads.
Good luck to everyone with catnip! I will still answer questions, if anyone has any, for me.
I finally did the full hour soak and I am just completely totally impressed! :cheese: WOW. Up until now I had just been doing rinses with very minimul results and couldnt figure out how it could be so conditioning. I definately saw results after the soak. My hair was so conditioned I didnt need anything other than the catnip and it felt like I gained twice the thickness. Im am absolutely sold on catnip now. I cant believe I waited so long to give it the real go. I wish I hadnt wasted what I did on the rinses.
In a post earlier someone said you could keep it in the freezer? Does it stay fresher longer that way?
Thanks...very grateful for this thread! :flower:
I found the timing key as well as bagging it, as I have said.
Better late than never, lol. I am glad that you finally got the results you were after.
Freezing it is a good option. I have never done that and my catnip has kept extremely well in a cupboard, away from heat, light and moisture.