I'll be shoulder soon I hope! 2-4 months? 2 with curls stretched out and 4 curly maybe...
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I'll be shoulder soon I hope! 2-4 months? 2 with curls stretched out and 4 curly maybe...
My goal for APL is June 2012... I hope I make it!! *crosses fingers*
Georgies I hope you reach shoulder soon! :)
Mommyof4 Good luck reaching your goal of APL by June. How many inches do you have to go?
I think we all need to support each other on this thread, it will make the shoulder to APL abyss more bearable. :flower:
I think this length that I'm at has to be the worst possible wait ever mainly because of my curls. When it's wet and I comb it out it's almost there but as soon as they dry they spring back up to about a 1/2 inch past my shoulds. Boo.
Hoping to get to APL by spring.. ^_^
Good luck everyone! The tips of my hair are just scraping APL, but only in the back. And since I am planning on trimming soon (I want to get rid of my layers), I figured I would wait until I was "truly" at APL. Sigh!
Still here! Should hit APL sometime in mid Febrary-I hope!
I'm in a fase where I check every day if my hair has grown, argh.
*must get some distraction*
I will sadly be here a while as I grow out bleach and overly layered (not on purpose, the old chemical haircut) baby fine hair. can't wait to get there!
I will be here for what feels like forever. I hit shoulder in something like Nov. and since I am going to slowly cut out growing out pixie layers I will be here forever! I have already trimmed half an inch off... so I am still pretty much just shoulder still. sigh. Grow hair!
My hair is just skimming my shoulders I'm hoping to get to APL by autumn 2012. *fingers crossed*
This has got. to. be. the. worst. stage. My sympathy to all you lovelies here.
it's an aughfull stage!
it's too short to make a pretty braid, but it's too long to let it loose without doing anything with it, but also is it too short to da a nice updo, besides french twist or a gibson tuck :( <i would like to make a bun... ( no sock bun, that I can do with my hair ;) )
How soon to APL? It is KILLING ME.
or can i call this APL?? i bet not huh :(
I belong here too... :)
Guess I have like 10 cm to APL. Weird thing is I have a few strands that reaches to BSL, guess that is where I would have been without all the breakage from ironing. :(
I'm at just past chin, not yet shoulder. It's an annoying stage as far as styling goes. But I tried to make a french braid this morning and it didn't come out half bad.
I'm pretty sure the shortest layers of my hair are at shoulder now. I can do mine in a french braid, but I get a tiny little tail that I can't do a whole lot with.
For me the most annoying was pixie length to shoulder. That's what I like to call the 'Hat Stage'. Nobody EVER sees my hair when I'm growing it out from a pixie.
I think it looks like that because there's wave left in from me having worn it up. It doesn't look APL when I haven't straightened it, though -- so I guess I need to decide if I want to make my length based on natural texture or straight.
Yay! ^^ I know what you mean. If I tilt my head a certain way, my hair is APL, but I figured its best not to 'cheat' myself. :rolleyes: My hair has a slightly wonky wave to it too, so I'm used to my hair being 'crooked' when its actually level if you pull it straight!
I'm at 18 inches now (with @#%&! layers and growing-out bangs) and I don't understand why my Ficcare is the only thing that will always hold my french twist. Most of the time a Flexi is working as well (it's very secure when I use a couple of pins too) , but the Mei Fas I have and that worked some months ago... No :( Same with my comb. WHY?! My French twist ends up as this strange vertical thing. I want more length!!!
Also, a French braid looks silly - if I tie the braid off at the nape of my neck the tassel is too long, and if I continue braiding for and inch there's not much thickness left and my braid is tiny.
The good thing is that this is the perfect length for pin curls. For a concert (DBF's project, wanted to look good) I went to last week I was all 1950's with brushed out pin curls, pencil skirt and red lips 8)
My hair is now around 2 inches before APL, I confirm it's an awful stage! too short is a way, too long in another... but I "have to be strong" and won't trim till next september!!!!
I noticed this morning that the lowest layers of my hair reach APL when it's dripping wet :D
As soon as it's even a little dry, it goes up again...
I am not calling APL until the majority of my layers is without a doubt long enough, at its waviest.
Count me in as well. My longest layer is an inch below the shoulder. Some day I will take a pic and post it.
Here with you all - and struggling to find nice things to do with my hair. It's too short for all the really cute updos - the one stick lazy wrap bun is my ultimate goal! I'm doing a messy one stick updo most days, or just twisting it up with a clip. How do people feel about ponies? They look cute at this length, but are they too damaging?
I am a couple inches from APL and can do a sock bun or a cinnamon bun with a small Ficcare. I cannot use any of my sticks or forks yet, darn it! I splurged on a Ficcare so I can wear my hair up - I dislike the plastic clips. Grow, dammit!!
I just keep telling myself by this time next year I should be clsoe to BSL and wearing my toys again.
I'm about 1/4" away from APL... taking so long!! Why did I chop my hair? Haha. :rolleyes:
I'm an inch or so past chin, I think. It's 16" front hairline to ends in back. APL is 21" on me, so it will be 10 months till APL. A year total from chin at 15"ish to APL at 21"ish. I'm excited about this part of the journey because here is where I can use all my toys again! :D I need another few months before I can do a hairstick bun, I can do a half-updo with one right now but lots of bits fall out. I've also been french braiding and wearing that with the little stub tucked under and a barrette to hold. <3 Here's looking forward to all the updos!
So, I did the towel test today, and my sopping wet (i.e., relatively straight) hair is a bit over an inch away from APL. Of course, (a) my hair springs up a good 3 inches or more as it dries and (b) I plan on getting a trim soon, but I'm still excited! Unfortunately, I really do need a trim. It's been about 10 months, I think, and my ends look a bit unkempt due to old layers growing out, use of thinning shears back when I had a bob, and the fact that hair never grows perfectly evenly. Must suck it up and get a small trim soon so that I can wear my hair down more!
Last night I had a nightmare that someone cut my hair back to shoulder! I was furious, I don't want to have to go through such an annoying stage again!
What is it about SL-APL that makes it so agonisingly slow? Please tell me APL-BSL is better (my mini-goal after APL).
I think I'm almost there... It's hard to tell myself because i can't seem to keep my head straight when I'm looking with two mirrors... I'm going to have hubby look tonight and then ask him to measure. the last time I asked him to measure he said it was at 17" when I had measured it at 19"... so we'll just see how that goes today ;)
I tried to measure myself today and it measured at 21.5 inches so I think that may be right. My goal is waist (30") so I'm hoping it will take another year or so... who knows, maybe less with all the babying I've been doing!!! Grow baby grow!!!
I just joined and I think I am solidly in this camp!
Thanks! I am trying to get back to the BSL+ hair I had before I lost my mind and went to a chin length bob. Like a lot of people have said, it looks good with a round brush and a whole lot of high heat, but boy does it look silly if you don't!
I just measured at 17" so I have a ways to go but there are so many things to try this time! I think I am going to try CWC starting this weekend.