Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Miss Maisie
Ugh. I'm having an AWFUL hair week. I just started a new job, and I'm trying to make sure my hair looks cute and nice for work. I feel so blah and frumpy with my hair this length. Shoulder to APL is the worst. I have layers, so I can't really do any buns, and I feel like it's not really flattering on me right now. This is always the point that I get to before I end up chopping back to chin length. Does anyone have any style suggestions for me? I'm feeling pretty down about my hair in general right now (I've blown it dry three times this week and I keep beating myself up about it, and last week my hairstylist friend noticed that I have breakage underneath my hair from ponytails). Any words of encouragement are appreciated!
I can commiserate, cus this point is always where I cut it too. Here is what I'm doing to pass the time this time and stay focused on the goal: 1) focusing more on improving texture through CO than styling. (did my first ACV rinse today since childhood), 2) watching hairstyle videos and bookmarking for future, 3) trying out mini braid styles, 4) headbands, 5) bandanna no heat curling (works great even with my layers). Also ordered some vintage barrettes, and have worn some I already had, despite the idea that barrettes are only for young people!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Miss Maisie
Ugh. I'm having an AWFUL hair week. I just started a new job, and I'm trying to make sure my hair looks cute and nice for work. I feel so blah and frumpy with my hair this length. Shoulder to APL is the worst. I have layers, so I can't really do any buns, and I feel like it's not really flattering on me right now. This is always the point that I get to before I end up chopping back to chin length. Does anyone have any style suggestions for me? I'm feeling pretty down about my hair in general right now (I've blown it dry three times this week and I keep beating myself up about it, and last week my hairstylist friend noticed that I have breakage underneath my hair from ponytails). Any words of encouragement are appreciated!
It's at this point that I started looking for cute hair toys: combs, headbands, and clips that could hold it up or back without being damaging. Ulta is a great place to look, if you have one.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Miss Maisie
Ugh. I'm having an AWFUL hair week. I just started a new job, and I'm trying to make sure my hair looks cute and nice for work. I feel so blah and frumpy with my hair this length. Shoulder to APL is the worst. I have layers, so I can't really do any buns, and I feel like it's not really flattering on me right now. This is always the point that I get to before I end up chopping back to chin length. Does anyone have any style suggestions for me? I'm feeling pretty down about my hair in general right now (I've blown it dry three times this week and I keep beating myself up about it, and last week my hairstylist friend noticed that I have breakage underneath my hair from ponytails). Any words of encouragement are appreciated!
It does get better, but there are styles you could try. How short are your layers? You might be able to do a peacock twist with a banana clip, or a gibson tuck. It wouldn't help with your ponytail breakage but you could do a fake sockbun with a hair donut. That was my go-to style when I hit shoulder.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I have hit shoulder! I am on my way to APL! I saw a girl with my goal length yesterday and grinned. I am so close, soon I will have hair like hers! And then it shall be styled and bunned and braided and everything. bwahahahahhahaa...ahem.
And then I shall grow it some more. :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Im nearly APL!! I hope Im solid APL for new year! Do you think I could?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Yes, I think you can get there for sure.
Why not hope for a growth spurt when we are at it :cheese:???
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I don't remember if I posted in this thread before or not, but I think I'm in the "APL by Christmas" boat. I believe I'm an inch or two off, need to take a proper picture to tell though...
I must remark, though- goodness is this an awkward length on me. I have this awkwardness to look forward to until I'm well past BSL... oh boy. >_<
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
wear my hair up (apart from special occasions)
:lol: I thought this was pretty funny as for most out there it's the opposite.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It's possible that you're already there... have you tried taking a picture with something under your armpits, like a tape measure or towel? If more than a few hairs pass the top of that, I'd say you're there. I am usually pretty conservative about when to call certain lengths but you have an almost-horizontal hemline which makes it a lot easier. Mine is a deeper U hemline so I'll probably wait until the longest part is a little past APL before I claim APL.
Your hair is beautiful by the way!!! It looks so smooth and shiny :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Today I had the bright idea to pull out my curl and see if my hair was shoulder length yet. Lo and behold, it is! It's too bad it doesn't look like shoulder length, LOL! My hair has layers and curls, so I know it will take longer to look like I've hit milestones. But that's OK. I am determined to enjoy the journey and to pass that pesky 23.5-inch mark that I haven't passed yet. Sooo, APL, here I come!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It's possible that you're already there... have you tried taking a picture with something under your armpits, like a tape measure or towel? If more than a few hairs pass the top of that, I'd say you're there. I am usually pretty conservative about when to call certain lengths but you have an almost-horizontal hemline which makes it a lot easier. Mine is a deeper U hemline so I'll probably wait until the longest part is a little past APL before I claim APL.
Your hair is beautiful by the way!!! It looks so smooth and shiny :D
That is a good idea! I will try!
Thank you! :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm not sure if I qualify for this group, I probably have another inch or so to go?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I'm not sure if I qualify for this group, I probably have another inch or so to go?
If you're between shoulder and APL you are in :D. Welcome missdelarocha
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hi everyone! I am somewhere in between shoulder lenght and APL too, but not 100 % sure I can get on the "APL by Xmas boat", that's too early...!
I had to sacrify/trim about +5 cm one month ago (APL time back then, yes) because I was too fed up with really really ugly layers and wanted to start fresh again. My hair did look good qualitywise and colorwise, but the layers, pfff...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
If you're between shoulder and APL you are in :D. Welcome missdelarocha
Woops I meant to say I was an inch or so from shoulder :o, I'll just lurk until then :p
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I had just made it to the APL to BSL group but got 2 inches trimmed a few days ago to get rid of my layers. I'm very glad they're gone but sad to have lost the length :( It's nice to have support though!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Look it's APL if I wear braid waves to stretch out my curls. But .... it's also such a wonky, disproportionate MESS. I feel like I don't want to claim APL until I'm happy with the shape and it's trimmed and it's still APL.
The blue lines show where I would trim it if I were going to make it look proportionally "correct." What do you think ... should I go for it?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Jaine, I know exactly what you mean. I'm probably going to get a trim in February and part of me feels like even though I'm very close to claiming APL, I might as well wait until after.
Personally I think your hair looks good at it's current length but if you aren't happy with it then the cut is probably a good idea. You could always wait until you're a little more established at APL to make the chop, though. Then it wouldn't seem to take quite as long to make it back.
Misdelarocha, you'll be here in no time. And then the really long slog begins. Hehehe
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Jaine, I really don't think you need to loose so much length unless you really want to. A small 1cm trim off the longest parts would even it up nicley if that is what you are looking for? It looks great now, and you're in a similar position to me. I'm planning on microtrimming the ends and longest shooters monthly over the next few months to even mine out and thicken up the hemline before calling APL.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I know I don't have my true curl pattern, but after being brushed out (after being in a braid all day)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hello SlighlySoprano Congratulations I think you've made it :D
Well done you!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
SS, YES that's APL - congratulations!!
Jaine, I am having the same argument with myself right now, with the same section of hair!
I've realized that I've been very remiss in taking length shots. So this morning, up the stairs I went, armed with camera, tripod, hairbrush, towel (geez, no wonder I haven't taken length shots, all I have to do for updos is point and shoot!). And this is what I got:
Apparently some time while I wasn't looking, I hit APL! :cheese: :happydance: :disco:
Hmmm, now what??? I've always much preferred my hair blunt cut and straight, but that's back before LHC, when I was chemical dying, blow-frying and heat scorching (flat ironing) every day. (Geez, how did I even HAVE hair?!?!) I brushed it out with a BBB for the above photo, so length wouldn't be eaten up by waves - but I'm not sure that my waves are looking as nice anyway with the increased length. I haven't trimmed at all since the 15th of January, so the ends are looking a bit scraggly - but I'd really wanted to not trim at all until it's long enough so I can do it myself, I really don't want to pay anybody anymore. Decisions, decisions..... :ponder:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
^^ Congrats on making it to APL. Your hair looks lovely. :) My hair is somewhere between shoulder and APL and I find feye's method still works on my lengths (in front of a mirror to see what im doingh) to work for dustings and such so you may be able to try it on your lengths. I don't think your ends look bad at all, but it's amazing how ends feel after a microtrim or dust
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congratulations CrisDee:D Will miss you:(
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Ha, ChrisDee, you beat me. I am an inch past shoulder, months away from APL. But it is growing and I keep reminding myself in five years, I will be back to waist or beyond. Congratulations or reaching APL! I am not trimming but that is me....
edit: I know, need new photos. Maybe this weekend if the sun ever comes out.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
i am about 3 inches from APL but i am going to maintain at that length to get rid of layers and to get the ends thicker. My ends are blunt but thinner than my natural thickness after i got my hair thinned out with thinning shears, a month before i decided i wanted to grow my hair out :( ah well. APL is really long for me, it has never been that long before.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hi Tori! :waving: Thanks, Pixie! Lissandria, I'm torn as to whether to trim, I hate the unevenness of it all, but I just can't bring myself to sacrifice any hard-won length! K, I can't wait to see pictures, I'm sure it won't take you nearly five years to get back to where you were - and now you're healthy! :cheese:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Crisdee your hair looks great!!!! I think you can go further without a trim if you like ... it doesn't look like unevenness to me, just some waves.
I have a trim scheduled for next Saturday. I decided not to change the shape right now ... I just want 1/2" - 1" cut off of the longest racer hairs to reduce tangling at the ends (which would only be cutting about 3% of my hairs ... my ends have a lot of taper after 11 months without a trim). I don't seem to have any splits but I am getting tangles at the ends when everything is a different length...bleh.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Misdelarocha, you'll be here in no time. And then the really long slog begins. Hehehe
Hahaha, noooooo! :lala:
Congratulations CrisDee and SlightlySoprano! :hifive:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well I'm confused now. I got all the products out of my hair and damp-bunned it with nothing in it...and my ends weren't tangly. So maybe I don't need a trim. Maybe the tangly ends were from the hard-hold gel I was using (the bottle of gel is actually about a year old so maybe it went bad...) I do like wispy ends so I'd rather keep them as long as they aren't tangly.
I still want to go to the salon for something though...maybe I'll get a French manicure or something.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thank you so much guys :o I'll see you all over at the BSL thread soon!!! :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I wore my hair in two dutch braids today, and I could feel the elastics hitting my back below the shoulders! It's the first time thats happened, proof my hair is growing!
But when I looked it the mirror, APL still seems like SUCH a long way to go! *praying to the peanut butter gods for a growth spurt*
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I haven't been measuring my hair because if I start, I will obsess about my slow growth. So I was thrilled today when I shifted on the couch and realized my hair was trapped behind my back! It is well on it's way to APL now if I can lean back and trap it. :D I'm so excited!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Well I'm confused now. I got all the products out of my hair and damp-bunned it with nothing in it...and my ends weren't tangly. So maybe I don't need a trim. Maybe the tangly ends were from the hard-hold gel I was using ...
Jaine, this may be a stupid question, but does your gel have alcohol in it? That makes my hair tangly as heck! Whatever the case, with your lovely waves, wispies look fabulous - glad you found that out before you got the trim! :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I have almost reached APL with wet hair, I saw in the mirror today, hooray! Maybe Christmas is doable! :D :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hi, I will just be lurking on this thread for probably another 6 months, but I have to ask: What's UBL?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi, I will just be lurking on this thread for probably another 6 months, but I have to ask: What's UBL?
Upper Back Length:D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hey, I'm new but always wanted healthy long hair. A year and a half ago my friend convinced me to cut my hair from BSL To Chin. Liked it the first day, I guess the rest is history.
I feel like this stage is taking forever, and that my hair refuses to grow no matter what I do. Guess I'll be here a while D: unless of course the daktarin makes my hair grow like a weed. It's measuring around 18in at the moment. Trying not to obsessively measure. :rolleyes:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Upper Back Length:D
Ah yes, that did need a name. Thanks!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Fianlly uploaded new pictures. This is taken at an angle but I am about an inch below shoulder. Growing back slow but sure!