Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I just have entire bumps that come loose. Maybe this is a thickness + layers issue? French braids are one of my favorites, I would love to be able to do them. Maybe I'll try practicing again this weekend.
I can't do a full one with my hair yet, but if I part it down the middle I can do one on each side. There are some parts (like around my ears, and my bangs) that I slide a bobby pin into the braid after to hold it better.
Regardless, I usually end up with more bobby pins in at the end of the day than I started with. :) My hair is very thin and fine and slippery.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
:scissors:Well, I am officially back at square one for this thread; I gave in and chopped another two inches or so of my bleached ends...I'm sitting just, just, just past shoulders now. Had to relayer everything; what a pain!
Still have a couple more inches (at least) of damage to cut off, but it looks a lot better, much fewer splits, though I'm sure I didn't get all of them...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
:scissors:Well, I am officially back at square one for this thread; I gave in and chopped another two inches or so of my bleached ends...I'm sitting just, just, just past shoulders now. Had to relayer everything; what a pain!
Still have a couple more inches (at least) of damage to cut off, but it looks a lot better, much fewer splits, though I'm sure I didn't get all of them...
A frustrating feeling, but it feels so nice to get rid of damaged ends! Or at least, I always think so.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
:scissors:Well, I am officially back at square one for this thread; I gave in and chopped another two inches or so of my bleached ends...I'm sitting just, just, just past shoulders now. Had to relayer everything; what a pain!
Still have a couple more inches (at least) of damage to cut off, but it looks a lot better, much fewer splits, though I'm sure I didn't get all of them...
Aww, that's always hard! At least it will be nice and even and strong for you as it gets even longer, as opposed to breaking as it grows?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
i am currently between Shoulder and APL. dunno if im gona grow any longer then APL, BSL is stil a might but i think its a max for me.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
My hair doesn't appear to be growing at all.. I know it is, but as it's getting longer.. it just flips up into this ridiculous little 60's looking thing. :undecided
I want to see PROGRESS!
Yup, I am at the exact same stage and it bugs me like crazy, so most of the time I just put it in a ponytail or pin it into a (very poor-looking) bun. About three months ago I went from BSL to shoulder lenght, I only hope it was a temporary state of insanity, cause I've regretted it ever since. Now I'm impatiently waiting for it to grow back. Oh, hair, how much more time do you need??? :shrug:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Me too! The other day I was looking in the mirror thinking "hmm, my flips are getting bigger" but the overall effect is still within the realm of what I consider to be shoulder length.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'd just reached APL on the longer lengths at the back, but have had to have about an inch and a half taken off, as it was starting to snarl and tangle quite badly. It's taken me exactly 12 months to get from collar length to past Shoulder length, but it made sense to have it trimmed - meant I had to drop out of the no trims this year challenge, although it was twelve months for me. On the bright side, my hairdresser reckons my hair's in excellent condition, and he saw it just before I found and joined LHC when it was anything but, so I took that as a sign the regime I've adopted as a LHC member has paid off. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I can finally join this thread now. I am shoulder length, if you look past all the flippies. I imagine I will be here for quite a bit as I think APL is where I will start cutting off all my left over pixie layers. Anyways.... it's good to be here!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hello all again. Can I come back here? I chopped off my henna hair to shoulder. My scalp was hurting all the time no matter what I did to my hair. So all virgin hair again, Im growing out again. But this time I think I will try to keep some layers and a taper in it, to keep it from getting so heavy. My new hair is my avatar, I gained some big curl somewhere. So happy growing.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm going mine out, but I've been told that once the baby is born a lot will fall out :( We'll see. I know I won't be able to care much for myself or my hair for a while.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well, when you're pregnant you shed much less than normal and then after the baby is born it sheds quite a bit, but my post-baby shedding was never too noticeable.
Hi to all of the newcomers to the thread. The more the merrier. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Dear Helpful Moderator: Would you mind deleting this post #2294? Somehow my post ended up displaying twice and I can't figure out how to make it go away! LOL Thank you kindly!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm officially bowing out of this thread and off to BSL dream land!
I know I wasn't on here much at all recently, but still want to wish everyone happy growing and to encourage you by saying it happens faster than you think! Everyone who is leaving says that, huh? I just clipped mine up every day with my claw clip/ficcare so I wouldn't obsess over it, and babied it. Did my twist cuts to manage split ends in the length and to stimulate growth which I absolutely believe it does from nearly 5 years of doing it and observing my growth when I stop, coconut oil, etc.
I was really frustrated May-August LOL. I seemed to literally stall all growth and it lasted a couple of months then suddenly it sprouted up like mad, 1.5 inches some months (a lot for me) and now I'm past APL below my shoulder blades well on my way to BSL. I hit "can I call this APL" in August, barely. I went on a month vacation, came back, ignored my hair for another couple of months and suddenly I notice I am way past! So, as fun as it is to dwell here and meet some fabulous friends in the process, it did me worlds of good to forget about it for a while. Now I feel encouraged and ready to tackle BSL with a better attitude.
I wish you all speedy and happy growing! See you on the next thread!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
That's great! I like the idea of calling APL when you're a little bit past it. I plan to do the same....I don't want it to be dependent on the straightness of my hair that day or the angle of my chin or something like that.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
So I think I've just made it past APL when my hair is dry. It has to be brushed out a bit, but since the weather is cooling down it really just needs to fall out of the tight curls (no brushing needed). I'll take pictures at the start of the month, but I'm still very excited!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
So i'm not the only one who's crazy that thinks the position of my head makes it almost there..and then almost not there?
I think I'm almost there at APL. when my hair's wet. Then the wurls kick it and it's KO :( maybe i'll just wait till i'm past it.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I wouldn't count myself at APL (ar any length) until I'm solidly at it or a bit past. So it's not one strand of hair, or only if my head is at a certain angle, or I hunch my shoulders or anything like that.
I'd feel like I was cheating myself almost if that makes sense?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
So i'm not the only one who's crazy that thinks the position of my head makes it almost there..and then almost not there?
I think I'm almost there at APL. when my hair's wet. Then the wurls kick it and it's KO :( maybe i'll just wait till i'm past it.
Yep, that's where I am too. I refuse to call it APL until it's blindingly obvious that I'm there, with curls, and my chin pointing down at least a little!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
NEWS!!! Okay, this may not seem like a big deal but.....
my very longest locklet of hair has reached APL when wet!
(and my average length is but 3 cms away when wet!!!)
I am exited, because this wasn't the case a few weeks ago I'm seeing progress!!!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
In about 3 weeks, my hair has grown about a half inch! Woohoo! Also, I can sorta kinda put two french braids in my hair. I feel like getting to APL by the New Year would be great, but it might be a bit ambitious. Not that I have much say in the matter, lol! I might trim a bit when I get there, though. I want to cut out all my layers eventually, so I'm considering trimming at each milestone.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
to the responders, thank you. i cant look at my hair with the curls. it shrinks way too much. when wet its now past APL. so i guess i made it. On to BSL! i'll just keep braiding it till im more comfortable with the length :):p
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I swear, that for me shoulder to armpit is the longest milestone. it would have to be at least five or more inches (not that I have measured exactly- too depressing). Im only halfway when wet/straight.
*gets comfy to settle in this thread for a very long time*
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I swear, that for me shoulder to armpit is the longest milestone. it would have to be at least five or more inches (not that I have measured exactly- too depressing). Im only halfway when wet/straight.
*gets comfy to settle in this thread for a very long time*
OT, but I LOVE your avatar!!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
What length is it when the very bottom of my hair (outgrown Pixie) is a little bit longer then the base of my neck...not just fringe but a pretty good "hemline"?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hello everyone, my hair was 18" when I joined the forum on the 9th, which is 3" above BSL. I'm now 'poo-free' and wearing up do's day and night. I also started using Daktarin yesterday which I plan to use 3 times per week, diluted. My hair usually grows at the rate of an inch every 3-4 months, so I'm expecting to be here for a while lol. Must admit though I'm looking forward to seeing if there's any change in growth rate with such radical change in how I look after my hair... it was a bit scary going product free, but my hair seems better for it already, so today I stocked my cupboards up with Bicarbonate of Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
OT, but I LOVE your avatar!!
Thanks! :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Double post but my lovely boyfriend measured my back for me tonight. I have a full 6" between shoulder and armpit!!!! and Im only ~2.5" past shoulder. Ugh.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
i really need to measure, but for the time being i can tell i'm a few inches above APL...i wish i had *real* long hair :rolleyes:
in the meantime i'm just trying to learn more about herbs and rinses and all that fun stuff...i've also become somewhat obsessed with browsing the night blooming etsy shop, too :D i really wanna try the miruvor!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I just reached APL and like Lissandria said, from SL to APL seems to take the longest. I now feel like my hair isn't short anymore. Once it starts to feel like it has some length I'm not as anxious for length, so I stop constantly checking on it. Just my point of view. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I am finally at shoulder length again....hopefully for the last time:cheese:. This length is SO hard for me to get past, but I am determined this time...even if I have to wear my hair in a pony tail every day.
APL..... here I come!!!!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Sigh, I guess this is where I belong. *Eyeballs the waist-to-classic thread enviously*
I will say, however, that the nice thing about reaching shoulder-length (kinda... you can tell by my picture that shoulder is a teeeeennyyyy bit of a stretch) is the ability to do forked/sticked buns. Variety! Woo! Keeping my messy, style-less hair up and away is an awesome, awesome feeling.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
French Braider
I just reached APL and like Lissandria said, from SL to APL seems to take the longest. I now feel like my hair isn't short anymore. Once it starts to feel like it has some length I'm not as anxious for length, so I stop constantly checking on it. Just my point of view. :)
Congrats on getting to APL! :D
I agree with your POV, I think it will feel like I have "long" hair once I'm at APL. Updos and the like will be easier. The last time I attempted long hair- APL to BSL was a breeze- because I was satisfied that my hair was longer and some benign neglect/ lack of measuring was just what my hair needed. It almost felt like I woke up one day and had BSL hair (!) LOL.
Thanks for reminding me (cos had overlooked it) that SL to APL is the worst and that everything will get better once I hit APL- because every time i think about my goal of waist/hip or more, I feel so overwhelmed with how far I have to go. Thanks again.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Argh, I thought I had reached APL. Took a pic of the back of my head today, I'm still half an inch off. :steam Arghhhhh.
Patience, patience, patience, just got to keep telling myself to be patient.... :brickwall
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
i really need to measure, but for the time being i can tell i'm a few inches above APL...i wish i had *real* long hair :rolleyes:
in the meantime i'm just trying to learn more about herbs and rinses and all that fun stuff...i've also become somewhat obsessed with browsing the night blooming etsy shop, too :D i really wanna try the miruvor!
Im in love with night blooming too!! I have bought a sample of miruvor!! And Im waiting for it to get here!! :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm using daktarin and in 1wk I've notice a couple mm in growth already... only thing is it's blonde!!! I was blonde as a baby but had gradually darkened to brunette before reaching my teens... I have baby hairs coming through along my hairline too that are also blonde... is this normal??
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm very, very close to APL - and I think it's the longest it have ever been!
Thinking back, I'm not sure whether it's because I've given up and cut it of or ... that it just don't grow any longer.
But now we'll se - this time I WON'T WON'T WON'T cut it!!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
This is me! I finally joined this forum because this obnoxious never-land that is 'just past shoulder length' is where I always, always, chop back to super short.
It's just long enough that my trusty old updo of twisting it up and securing with a jaw clip thing doesn't really work anymore. It slides out (my hair is quite slippery), it's heavy enough to either fall down or fall over to the side. My tricks for making my shorter hair look good are no longer applicable.
But of course, not long enough for any decent bun because it's not long enough to coil around itself enough to stay. I've yet to manage a french twist that stays put instead of sliding out so that just needs practice. Just a wicked frustrating stage.
Since I'm long enough to easily ponytail, do you think a sock bun would be worth a try? Or just frustrate me more?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
This is me! I finally joined this forum because this obnoxious never-land that is 'just past shoulder length' is where I always, always, chop back to super short.
Me too. I cannot make a sockbun work because of my layers but if your hair isn't heavily layered it will probably work. It's worth a shot.