Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hmmm, I find it hard to believe that BSL is only two inches below APL on anybody. BSL, if the bra is fitting correctly, is at the bottom of your breasts- where they attach to your waist/lower chest. So you would have to have brests that are two inches in length from your APL line at the front! :shocked:
I redid the towel test and it looks like I am 1 cm away from APL. But, really, my armpit crease is way higher in the front than the back, and I am not a big person. I could have dh measure officially, but he might be sick of hair talk today!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I redid the towel test and it looks like I am 1 cm away from APL. But, really, my armpit crease is way higher in the front than the back, and I am not a big person. I could have dh measure officially, but he might be sick of hair talk today!
:P I trust you.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Some people wear their bra straps really high at the back. That could be the explanation.
I had to search high and low to find a decent-looking bra that doesn't ride up in the back, and it set me back $100! 30DD is not a fun size to shop for.
But - now that I have a properly fitting bra, shoulder -> APL and APL -> BSL are both about 6 inches apart, and I'm 5'4".
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I keep hearing the term Velcro ends... I don't know what that means, can you please explain this to a newbie? Thanks!
Hi, MamaCimino, welcome to LHC! To answer your question velcro ends generally means when the last few inches of your hair tends to tangle and snag more than the general length. There may be no visible damage, but in those last fews inches the strands tend to catch on one another like velcro. Hope that clears it up for you. :) A lot of us who don't suffer split ends frequently tend to get velcro ends instead.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I had to search high and low to find a decent-looking bra that doesn't ride up in the back, and it set me back $100! 30DD is not a fun size to shop for.
But - now that I have a properly fitting bra, shoulder -> APL and APL -> BSL are both about 6 inches apart, and I'm 5'4".
Oh my god. $100?
I have never paid more than $9.
But then again, I'm 32A. And will always be 32A.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I had to search high and low to find a decent-looking bra that doesn't ride up in the back, and it set me back $100! 30DD is not a fun size to shop for.
But - now that I have a properly fitting bra, shoulder -> APL and APL -> BSL are both about 6 inches apart, and I'm 5'4".
I wear a 32DD/E and am also 5'4", but I raise you... a *nursing* bra. :p
And now that I think of it, things with straps like bras or tank tops always have the straps way too long for me. So I must have some freakish shoulder proportions.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
proportions really mess with me when i start thinking about my goals...i have pretty a long torso for being another 5' 4'' gal, but tailbone is exactly the same as classic on me. weird. ahh, well.
Hey! If I stand just so, with my hair wet, and don't move at all, I'm at APL!!!!
But only if I do it just right, lol, so I couldn't even get a proper picture because I kept scooting away from the towel....sooo friggin' close.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I had to search high and low to find a decent-looking bra that doesn't ride up in the back, and it set me back $100! 30DD is not a fun size to shop for.
But - now that I have a properly fitting bra, shoulder -> APL and APL -> BSL are both about 6 inches apart, and I'm 5'4".
Originally Posted by
I wear a 32DD/E and am also 5'4", but I raise you... a *nursing* bra. :p
I can understand your gals' pain, too. Although, I'm 5'6", I was in a 32DD until I lost enough weight (and glorious baby-making perkiness) that I can now get a 32D. It is SOOO much easier to shop now.
But the REAL exciting thing for me right now is... I am officially APL!!! I finally decided to check tonight, after a week or so of assuming I was close, and it's for real. I'm so excited. :happydance:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I can understand your gals' pain, too. Although, I'm 5'6", I was in a 32DD until I lost enough weight (and glorious baby-making perkiness) that I can now get a 32D. It is SOOO much easier to shop now.
But the REAL exciting thing for me right now is... I am officially APL!!! I finally decided to check tonight, after a week or so of assuming I was close, and it's for real. I'm so excited. :happydance:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I can understand your gals' pain, too. Although, I'm 5'6", I was in a 32DD until I lost enough weight (and glorious baby-making perkiness) that I can now get a 32D. It is SOOO much easier to shop now.
But the REAL exciting thing for me right now is... I am officially APL!!! I finally decided to check tonight, after a week or so of assuming I was close, and it's for real. I'm so excited. :happydance:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
But the REAL exciting thing for me right now is... I am officially APL!!! I finally decided to check tonight, after a week or so of assuming I was close, and it's for real. I'm so excited. :happydance:
Congrats- see you over on the APL-BSL thread :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I've just learned how to rope braid and do a fishbone braid today. Which is great. However, my hair is still too short really to be able to pull of just one braid at the back. Which is not so great. Bring on APL!
Wishing good progress to all!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
It's time for a random length update! :)
Not APL yet obviously ... but I'm happy that the shape seems to be holding up. My last trim was in December. It's the first time in years that I've gone for more than 6 months without a trim.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Jaine you don't look too far off! Great growth :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I had to search high and low to find a decent-looking bra that doesn't ride up in the back, and it set me back $100! 30DD is not a fun size to shop for.
But - now that I have a properly fitting bra, shoulder -> APL and APL -> BSL are both about 6 inches apart, and I'm 5'4".
Same experience here. Not so much because I'm well endowed, but just the opposite. After breastfeeding two in a row, it's hard to find one that fits properly. I got three of the same from La Senza and they fit wonderfully. The strap is quite low (making BSL too far ;)). They set me back quite a bit $$$-wise.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It's time for a random length update! :)
Not APL yet obviously ... but I'm happy that the shape seems to be holding up. My last trim was in December. It's the first time in years that I've gone for more than 6 months without a trim.
VERY NICE! You're so close, about the same as me from APL.
The other day, I had the exact same pouf in the back of my hair :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It's time for a random length update! :)
Not APL yet obviously ... but I'm happy that the shape seems to be holding up. My last trim was in December. It's the first time in years that I've gone for more than 6 months without a trim.
Wow, your hair is beautiful! And you're getting very close to APL.
I had my daughter measure the distance for me yesterday and I have 4 inches to go, give or take.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thanks guys :) Weirdly, I think the picture makes me look closer to APL than I actually am. Maybe it's the angle of the camera looking down on me ...or the width of my hair in the picture making me look smaller in the shoulders than I actually am. In reality I think I have about 3 inches left to go.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Same experience here. Not so much because I'm well endowed, but just the opposite. After breastfeeding two in a row, it's hard to find one that fits properly. I got three of the same from La Senza and they fit wonderfully. The strap is quite low (making BSL too far ;)). They set me back quite a bit $$$-wise.
The tops of my breasts have "hollowed out" from going on 6 years of nursing... does this bra you got work with that?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
The tops of my breasts have "hollowed out" from going on 6 years of nursing... does this bra you got work with that?
That's precisely my problem and these bras are the ONLY ones that solved this problem. The caveat though is that these bras are quite padded and make mine look a couple of sizes larger than they really are. It can be a good thing, but sometimes I like a more subtle look ;)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It's time for a random length update! :)
Not APL yet obviously ... but I'm happy that the shape seems to be holding up. My last trim was in December. It's the first time in years that I've gone for more than 6 months without a trim.
:applause: :cheer: :cheese: WOW, Jaine, look how long, thick and GORGEOUS your hair looks!! Way to grow, you'll be at APL in no time! :disco:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hi everybody! This is going to be my first post in this forum.
I started to take care of my hair just about three months ago and I already see a dramatically huuuge difference!
I am currently VERY layered, because of severe breakage I assume. The longest tips of my hair is about an inch away from APL, but my shortest strands only reaches down to eye-length. I hate that. If it werent for all of the layering I guess I would be pretty happy with the length at this moment, but now my hairstyle makes me feel like atleast 30 years older then I am.
I will not cut my layers away though, I'm just longing for some length at the moment, maybe I'll cut away the layers in a couple of years.
Soo, I am not really UBL since a lot of my hair is far above my shoulders, but I guess this is the right thread for me anyway!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody! This is going to be my first post in this forum.
I started to take care of my hair just about three months ago and I already see a dramatically huuuge difference!
I am currently VERY layered, because of severe breakage I assume. The longest tips of my hair is about an inch away from APL, but my shortest strands only reaches down to eye-length. I hate that. If it werent for all of the layering I guess I would be pretty happy with the length at this moment, but now my hairstyle makes me feel like atleast 30 years older then I am.
I will not cut my layers away though, I'm just longing for some length at the moment, maybe I'll cut away the layers in a couple of years.
Soo, I am not really UBL since a lot of my hair is far above my shoulders, but I guess this is the right thread for me anyway!
Welcome, Milk. I agree, the longest layers decide the length :agree: Happy growing!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody! This is going to be my first post in this forum. ..
Hi Milk! :waving: I think most of us go by the length our hair "looks." Many of us are pixie grower-outers, so many of us have layers - a lot of my layers are only between chin and collarbone - but the bulk of my hair (at least in the back) is between shoulder and APL. So this is the thread for me, at least for now. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody! This is going to be my first post in this forum.
Hi! I have a lot of layers too, but I'm one of those weirdos who loves layers. Maybe because I've always had them except when I had a chin length bob and no layers made me look like bushwoman? ;) My hair is thick and kind of coarse. I think when I get maybe BSL I'll try growing the layers out and see what happens. Anyway, welcome!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
On me, BSL is 2-2.5" below APL, on all my bras, and I think they fit properly. But I am freaking long from shoulder to APL, and have a long neck as well.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thank you all for greeting me welcome! :)
Originally Posted by
Hi! I have a lot of layers too, but I'm one of those weirdos who loves layers. Maybe because I've always had them except when I had a chin length bob and no layers made me look like bushwoman? ;) My hair is thick and kind of coarse. I think when I get maybe BSL I'll try growing the layers out and see what happens. Anyway, welcome!
Yeah, I totally get your point, I have a semi-fro so my hair is very coarse as well. But when I think back at my hair on how it looked when i didn't had any layers in it, I prefered that look a thousand times over this, even though it could look a bit triangular.
I'll probably cut the layers out when I'm at bra strap length aswell.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
On me, BSL is 2-2.5" below APL, on all my bras, and I think they fit properly. But I am freaking long from shoulder to APL, and have a long neck as well.
I'm on the long APL side too. APL for me will be 23 inches.
Actually, last night I was going to call my length APL- but its really only just touching APL at the moment. So in some pics its on the mark and some its just above depending on posture etc. So again, I want to reach and call this milestone with grace rather than calling when the first mm hits APL :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, I also broke my vow not to measure or take pics of my length until the end of this month *sigh*
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Do you think I should stop damp-bunning my hair? Damp-bunning was my attempt to "straighten" it in an attempt to look more "professional" ... but now I'm not so sure if that was working. It always looks wonky when I damp-bun it.
Here it is at the end of the day after I air-dried it loose:
Here it is at the end of the day after drying in a bun:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Jaine I love how your hair has dried loose, you have beautiful curls. I would definitely keep drying loose:D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Thanks guys :) Weirdly, I think the picture makes me look closer to APL than I actually am. Maybe it's the angle of the camera looking down on me ...or the width of my hair in the picture making me look smaller in the shoulders than I actually am. In reality I think I have about 3 inches left to go.
Your hair is lovely and thick! Are you claiming apl when it is wet or dry?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Your hair is lovely and thick! Are you claiming apl when it is wet or dry?
Oh no no I'm not claiming apl yet!! I think I have about 3 more inches to go until I claim it. The picture makes it look like less than 3 inches but the picture lies :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
This is meeeee! I'm anxiously awaiting APL; about where I was this time last year.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I love it dried loose. It looks amazing ...either way really, but I especially love your curls in the first photo.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
it seems i've been called! :P
i'm actually not sure what i want to do with my hair right now. i'm currently just trying to figure out the best natural hair care regimen for it (WO experimenting at the moment). i get random urges to cut it, but....maybe i'll just try ignoring it for a while, see how long it gets. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I love it dried loose. It looks amazing ...either way really, but I especially love your curls in the first photo.
Originally Posted by
Jaine I love how your hair has dried loose, you have beautiful curls. I would definitely keep drying loose:D
Thank you! :)
I think I will let it be curly more often :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I cast my vote for the waves, jaine, they are so lovely in the first photo. Mother Nature usually gets it right!:blossom:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I cut my hair peeps!
Even though my ends were looking pretty good, not too many splits, my layers were just driving me CRAZY. I hated them. I found they looked messy and unkept. Plus I have all these highlights to grow out.
I went in planning a big chop that would take me back to just-skimming-shoulders. And that's what I asked for at the salon, to leave the bangs alone and cut to the shortest layer, which was halfway along my neck.
Then the rare and unlikely happened. My stylist only gave me a trim! I'm puzzled but satisfied. He only cut about an inch off, maybe even less. So my hair doesn't look that much different, just blunter.
There are still bangs and two face-framing layers that I'm looking forward to getting rid of, but the rest of the layers are gone. The bleach is obviously still there since I didn't get that much cut off. The ends are much more even now and slightly less crunchy. Still need to get another inch off I'd say, before I'll feel "clean".
Will post pictures soon.
Gotta go withdraw from the no-trims in 2011 challenge. I had a feeling I wouldn't stick with that one :grin:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
New to LHS but am in the midst of growing out from a short wedge. I haven't cut since January and my longest layer is now comfortably shoulder length, but the shorter layers are about chin length. I just need to be strong enough to not chop it all off when I get frustrated (that seems to be my MO - let it grow to about shoulder length, then get frustrated and chop it off to a pixie or short wedge).
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well, I think I may be moving on soon. I measured my hair this morning (something I have not done in quite a while!) and I am at 21.5 inches :cheese: I'm going to try to get a GOOD length picture today or tomorow (I have Zumba tomorrow evening so it will be a wash day) to be sure, but I think I will be able to claim APL!