Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I made it to 20"! I am so so so sosososo pleased! It seems like a dramatic amount from 19.5" to 20" in my pictures. Now I will hang out in the 20's for a long time... I think I only have 2 more inches until I hit APL on my body! Yayyyyyyy :happydance:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I made it to 20"! I am so so so sosososo pleased! It seems like a dramatic amount from 19.5" to 20" in my pictures. Now I will hang out in the 20's for a long time... I think I only have 2 more inches until I hit APL on my body! Yayyyyyyy :happydance:
I have about two more inches until APL when dry and wavy myself, and am indeed hanging out around 20" myself. I usually hit APL at 22-23 inches. When wet, I just touch APL now!
Stay strong everyone!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
So, I did have a trim today...it's been 6 or more months since my last hair cut, and I was already noticing splits :( So, I had the hair dresser cut off about 1/4 inch and even up the overgrown layers. I want my hair to grow as much as possible, but in the long run, I'd rather have a healthy, thick hemline.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I trimmed my hair yesterday, so I have 2-2.5 inches to go to get to APL.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Maybe APL in Spring 2010, with a healthy hemline.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Oooohhh This is me!! I just joined LHC on the recommendation of a friend :) Had BSL hair that was dyed and fried, chopped it all off (buzzed at the back!!) and growing out virgin :) Natural red hair... yippeeee!! I should have never coloured it in the first place.... I'll post some photos a bit later, Im so excited to share this journey with all you lovely ladies!! your advice is so much appreciated!! :) So far, I cut my hair in July to VERY short, and in 4 months it has grown 4 inches, just touching my shoulders now :) Yippee!! :cheese:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Oooohhh This is me!! I just joined LHC on the recommendation of a friend :) Had BSL hair that was dyed and fried, chopped it all off (buzzed at the back!!) and growing out virgin :) Natural red hair... yippeeee!! I should have never coloured it in the first place.... I'll post some photos a bit later, Im so excited to share this journey with all you lovely ladies!! your advice is so much appreciated!! :) So far, I cut my hair in July to VERY short, and in 4 months it has grown 4 inches, just touching my shoulders now :) Yippee!! :cheese:
I reached two mini-milestones. Yesterday in the shower my hair got stuck under my armpit for the very first time in a loooong time and when it was still damp I tried to so a lazy wrap bun and it stayed in place several hours! It still won't work on dry hair though.
Also, I was really annoyed the past two weeks with flyaway stray strands around my temples, ears and neck. I couldn't figure out why my hair was being so nasty to me while I was treating it so nice but I just realized that this is actually a good thing. The hairs there are growing!
All around the edge of my hair I have about 2-3 inches of new hairgrowth that is now growing because it doesn't get damaged by brushing and blowdrying. I can't wait for it tobe long enough to fit in a ponytail. It should easily add an inch to my circumference!
ETA: I should actually say I have those hairs all over my head. When I part my hair at any point I notice that it lays perfectly except for a halo of shorter hairs at about 2-3 inches.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well, I am pretty sure I'm APL sopping wet and combed straight. However, I think my DH was overly optimistic about it being APL dry and wavy. I have about 1-2" to go according to the photo I took yesterday. So, back to singing "All I want for Christmas..."
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I've been a slacker lately but finally put up a new length pic today. APL, here I come!! I'm guessing January-ish....
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Sadly, I will probably not make apl by Christmas. I have 2 inches to grow, and am almost out of monistat, and I was going to take a break from that from when I ran out until the new year.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
What is this monistad you speak of?:poot:
I've seen a thread about it but that didn't really clear things up and I don't think they sell it here. What is it originally used for? From the tone of the thread I get ideas in my head like how it actually is hemorrhoid cream or something.:o
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Sadly, I will probably not make apl by Christmas. I have 2 inches to grow, and am almost out of monistat, and I was going to take a break from that from when I ran out until the new year.
Do you find the monistat trick works well? How do you use it?! I can't wait to get to APL....;) lol Im very impatient! :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
What is this monistad you speak of?:poot:
I've seen a thread about it but that didn't really clear things up and I don't think they sell it here. What is it originally used for? From the tone of the thread I get ideas in my head like how it actually is hemorrhoid cream or something.:o
Hey!! Monistat is a cream/pill that is used to treat yeast infections... yup, lady part cream! Apparently the active ingredient in it also CAN cause your hair to grow faster :) You should definately be able to get it at your local drug store/pharmacy!!
Hope this helps!!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hey!! Monistat is a cream/pill that is used to treat yeast infections... yup, lady part cream! Apparently the active ingredient in it also CAN cause your hair to grow faster :) You should definately be able to get it at your local drug store/pharmacy!!
Hope this helps!!
Thanks! So I was sort of right.:o
From what info I can find it is a prescription drug over here so I'll probably not be able to find it at regular stores because they aren't allowed to sell prescription drugs.
I wonder what made someone put it on their head... I'll check out the thread again for more info.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Ohhhh! Congrats to XcaliburGirl ! Will you still sing with us? I'm sure no one will mind if you sing "bra strap" instead of "armpit."
(Ok, now that goes on my list of sentences I never thought I'd utter.)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Subbing. My longest layers are at shoulder now, I'm hoping to hit APL by next summer *fingers crossed*.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Thanks! So I was sort of right.:o
From what info I can find it is a prescription drug over here so I'll probably not be able to find it at regular stores because they aren't allowed to sell prescription drugs.
I wonder what made someone put it on their head... I'll check out the thread again for more info.
It is usually called 'daktarin' in Europe, and you can buy it in drugstores like 'Etos', 'Kruidvat' etc. It might be hard to find in the section 'medicin, other'. Just tell one of the workers there that you want to see everything they have to treat a yeast infection on your feet, arms or "insert".
Good luck!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hmmm... i think i will be APL very soon.
I've been in hospital recently and now im at home but we have no bath because of a flood so i have been washing everyother day and just tying my hair up everyday. Blowdryed today for the first time in 2 weeks (its v.cold now) and noticed my hair has grown!
My roots are about an inch longer and i can see my hair isnt far off APL when straightened, which is good for me since i use the iron when i have it down once per week. Im aiming for BSL so using the iron doesnt bother me. Once its long enough for waves to look decent i will quit!! (i have very kinky, frizzy hair but no real waves and scrunching doesnt work!)
So I think APL for Xmas please :D Best pressie ever! :cheese:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It is usually called 'daktarin' in Europe, and you can buy it in drugstores like 'Etos', 'Kruidvat' etc. It might be hard to find in the section 'medicin, other'. Just tell one of the workers there that you want to see everything they have to treat a yeast infection on your feet, arms or "insert".
Good luck!
Thanks! I'm going to do a lot more research though. I'm not entirely convinced this is save. It seems to good to be true and honestly a little fishy. (tee hee :o)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I just coerced my DH to measure my hair again.
Last measurement October 31st:
Damp/nearly dry hair, stretched 53 cm
Dry hair, stretched 54 cm
That can't be right, right? My hair stretches a lot when it's wet and it's easily 3-4 cm shorter when it's dry so this would mean my hair grew at least 1 cm and possibly more in one week!
Either the deep oilings and scalp massages with a castor oil mix are working or my hair is just plain freaky.
I promised myself I wouldn't measure more than once a month but my curiosity got the better of me and now I doubt I can leave the tape measure alone for three more weeks...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I decided to change my goal length to BSL, when it originally was waist. I'm getting too discouraged with such a big goal as waist length. So I changed it to BSL, which is kind of a much more reasonable "mini" goal. I'm trying to be more content with the different stages of my hair.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I decided to change my goal length to BSL, when it originally was waist. I'm getting too discouraged with such a big goal as waist length. So I changed it to BSL, which is kind of a much more reasonable "mini" goal. I'm trying to be more content with the different stages of my hair.
I understand how you feel. Waist seems so far away!
I don't know how people with classic and beyond goals stand it.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm in! My hair is some inches over my shoulders. And I don't like this length at all. Today I had an little trim, it was necessary but I hate that it shorter now. I 'm not going to cut my hair in 2011..:)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I don't know how people with classic and beyond goals stand it.
I'm an all or nothing kinda girl! So that's how I keep my sanity and patience when growing from Shoulder to Tailbone :)
I also focus my mini goals on different updos and styles instead of length so that I'm not getting frustrated with how slow my hair may or may not be growing :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I think i am soon at APL! I need to get someone to take a picture so i can see clearly and someone to measure as it's a little tricky by myself.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
It seems to good to be true and honestly a little fishy. (tee hee :o)
(about monistat/daktarin)
Yeah, don't go with it too much i might say! I actually applied average once a week during the last month-2months, and it made my dandruff go away but i am extremely cautious too: it is not good for the balance of your skin i suppose... So give it a try, or not. (and i am still using the same tiny tube, after that is gone, i don't want to use it again).
Anyhow, i am out of this group for now! :cheese: But as i will plan a trim in December, i might be back again.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
(about monistat/daktarin)
Yeah, don't go with it too much i might say! I actually applied average once a week during the last month-2months, and it made my dandruff go away but i am extremely cautious too: it is not good for the balance of your skin i suppose... So give it a try, or not. (and i am still using the same tiny tube, after that is gone, i don't want to use it again).
Anyhow, i am out of this group for now! :cheese: But as i will plan a trim in December, i might be back again.
I've been checking out drugstores and found a drugstore-brand alternative that is pretty cheap so I might try that.
I did read about people who have itchies on their head and the monistat helped, if it does that for me I'll be a happy girl! Maybe I DO have a fungus-head. :o
Congrats on reaching your mini-goal! Don't cut too much in December! ;)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I have a lot of layers, but about half my hair touches my shoulders, I don't know if I can call shoulder.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I am officially joining this thread now :D woohoo for making shoulder!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I have a lot of layers, but about half my hair touches my shoulders, I don't know if I can call shoulder.
If some if it touches your shoulders, then you're at shoulder. Congratulations!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I am officially joining this thread now :D woohoo for making shoulder!
Congratulations! 8months and you've come a long way from a pixie! You'll be BSL by the end of next year at this rate.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I qualify for this at last! I've had to trim a lot. And the front isn't quite down to my collarbone yet.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm joining too :) I'm at shoulder.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I can finally leave this thread. I'm now officially at APL. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I can finally leave this thread. I'm now officially at APL. :)
congratulation :cheese: I'm hopping to follow you in a couple of months :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I can't remember if i already posted, but i'm joining! my hair is definately shoulder length now, i straightened it yesterday for the first time in a month. Been CG for the last month and my hair seems to love it, so i shall be continuing :) hmm I am hoping to be APL/passed APL by next summer :)
I'm in the no trimming club too so hopefully that will speed it up, am determined not to get it cut like i always do when it gets to an awkward length.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I can't remember if i already posted, but i'm joining! my hair is definately shoulder length now, i straightened it yesterday for the first time in a month. Been CG for the last month and my hair seems to love it, so i shall be continuing :) hmm I am hoping to be APL/passed APL by next summer :)
I'm in the no trimming club too so hopefully that will speed it up, am determined not to get it cut like i always do when it gets to an awkward length.
Infact i just measured my hair "correctly" after looking at other measuring threads, and it seems my hair length is longer than i thought and i should hopefully reach APL by Feb/march 2011 :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Does anyone have any updo ideas...I'm looking for something that makes nice symmetrical bun waves, that I can do with untrimmed-pixie layers that are just touching shoulder (about 2 inches longer than my avatar)...the closest I've gotten so far is two peacock twists that face each other in the back because one is kind of cowlicky on one side when I take it down.