Definitely MaryO, welcome!
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Definitely MaryO, welcome!
Thanks everyone! :-) Will be joining you for chats here!
Chat away! I love seeing new stuff on this feed!
Hey guys! Hows everyone doing?
This stage of growing my hair seems to be the hardest. I feel like i am making no progress!
I haven't had a single hair cut since September 2012 and I will need at least a year from now to get to APL :( SO frustrating.
and my hair today
does anyone else obsess how slow their hair grows? wish there was a magic way :P haha
I know I do, I feel like I should be at APL at least by now! You have made some wonderful progress none the less! Happy growing! I think I wish more for a magical way to figure out what my terminal length is, I live in fear that BSL or Waist will be it for me and I know I dream of something longer then bum length minimum.
Hey all 0- i think i'm very close to APL, maybe an inch away? What do you think?
Just calling in to say that my hair has reached 19 inches at the back! :D The last time I measured it was 17.5, so how long is APL on everyone here?
Edit: I got mum to measure APL on me and it's 20 inches so I have about 2 months to go! Yay!
21 inches stretched for me, I have no idea how much shrinkage will eat that up but I my measure day is tomorrow, I think I was 18 inches also stretched last month so with luck I'll be a little further along now. I think it's grown, my buns end a little further around then they did last month.
Yay, I'm shoulder length with you all! Hi :)
Hi and welcome!
Mmmm, all this talk about measurements is making me wonder about how far I am from APL. How do we measure again? I think I might have seen it somewhere but can't remember...
Thirstylocks- that seems very close to APL to me! Maybe an inch or so if you want to be 100% sure! :-)
AnnaB- I have started using Wild growth hair oil on my scalp (I'm very inpatient) so I'll keep you updated regarding miraculous growth. ;-) They (manufacturers and people on their site) claim that it really helps but because I have rather fine hair I can't use too much of the oil without my hair getting very greasy. So we'll see...
The way I was told is to wrap a towel around yourself (just under your armpits) as you would after getting out of the shower. If your hair touches the top edge of the towel, it's APL.Quote:
Mmmm, all this talk about measurements is making me wonder about how far I am from APL. How do we measure again? I think I might have seen it somewhere but can't remember...
I think I'm there with my hair sopping wet, but I'm not calling it until it's there dry. I need to measure again, but I know I'm getting close.
^ this is how I check about once a month.
Woo! Mini-milestone today! I wear my hair in a wrapped bun of sorts where you take the hair below a half up and wrap it around the ponytail base (Kate from The Small Things has a video on YouTube). My hair is now long enough to wrap around twice and still plenty of "tail" to pin in place. :hollie:
I'm just two more inches away from APL! I forgot to take my end-of-March progress pic so I just took one to do for March and April. I have some mega braid waves on the go (been dutch twin braiding every day, ponytail is getting super heavy without layers!) I still can't bun worth a darn without there being some really tight spots or it falling out within minutes, but as long as the growth keeps up, I can manage.
My hair is finally long enough to do a samll french braid. However it is only just long enough and any sharp gust of wind lifts out the shorter top layers but as long as I stay indoors it stays put. :o
@ Louise 148:
It's adorable!
Well done, Nique & Louise! Love how active this thread has been -- lots of progress!
I am almost almost almost to shoulder, so I'm coming over here. Hopefully I'll have a solid curly shoulder at the end of the summer, so is APL by the end of the year to quick to expect? It doesn't seem like all that much length to me.
It seems to be taking forever to get to APL for me but depending on your growth rate and the length between shoulder to APL it not be a long journy for you. My hair keeps stalling out so at the beginning of the year I was hopeful about APL by June, now I am thinking more like October. Granted I had some serious growth spurts in summer so I guess only time will tell.
Louise 148; that braid is so cute! I seem to be a bit on the slow side when it comes to french braids, I have only done one successful one ever!
So nice to se everyone growing an chatting here! :-)
A childhood friend taught me to do a frech braid at the back of my own head when we were kids. Although this is the only style I can manage. I have tried to start them at the front, as I would love to have one either side front to back, but my coordination goes awry and they end up a tangled mess. :confused:
I'm about halfway between shoulder and APL, from what I can guess by peering over my shoulder I think I'm about three inches away from APL :)
Hi PossibleMermaid :waving: Congrats on nearly shoulder! I suppose whether or not you will make it to APL by 2014 will depend on how fast your hair grows, how tall you are (how far apart the length markers are on you) and how curly your hair is. I think I am a 3a and I have noticed that the more length I get, the more my hair curls and it almost seems to be shrinking. There is an APL by Christmas thread, which I joined but am not sure that I'll make it:
I checked myself out today, and I'm calling it. I am officially at APL.
My hair seems to have stopped at shoulder, but oh well.
I tried so many hair styles, but nothing works. I have so many layers and growing my fringe out too, so normal single french braid doesnt work for me. soooooo, here what I came up with! I love it. Takes me 5 minutes to braid both sides. hair out of my hair all day, and I keep it this way when I sleep. without any clips of course :P
Thanks, Louise! No pics, though; I don't have a camera.
AnnaB: That's pretty!
AnnaB - I love those braids. I wish I could do that style but the only braid I can do is one at the back. I'm all fingers and thumbs when I try any other style and it ends up a uneven tangled mess, it's as though my brain just can't compute any other starting place other than the back of my head. :confused:
I am the opposite, wish I could the braid on the back of my head. But I tell you what, it took me a while to manage to make them look neat. Had to have a lot of patience!
I wish I knew how to do a dutch braid, would of been so much fun to experiment.
Thank you :)
Very pretty braids AnnaB, hope I'll be able to learn something similar soon. I suck badly at braiding! :-(
They're gorgeous Annab! I can only dutch braid on the sides of my head and only French braid the back...haha!
:love:AnnaB: SOO pretty! --I love those tidy eyebrows, too! Very classy!
JoFlakes: Wowser! You've grown! Your hair looks great!
I can French or dutch braid the top/back down the center, but I'm slow. (French is easier. I have to think really hard to dutch braid, and sometimes have to re-do it.) When I do 2 braids, it's French. When I go from ear to ear, I French lace braid! I think that's because it was all I could manage when it was super short. I wore my bangs lace-braided a lot while it was growing out.
2 pigtails today. Sporting that school-girl look! (DD 16, will be mortified when she gets home from school!)