another good question!
Rowie, your hair is absolutely gorgeous. I am very envious of your bun!
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awww, thank you. it's totally fake. lol. My hair has no natural wave-that was just after I took some braids out! I do love it when it's like that feels so thick. :)
I put some pictures up earlier in this thread, but i don't remember what page exactly..
I'll try to add some flexi pics later today, if I get the time. If not then tomorrow.
Page 425, but i'll add some more.. i currently have my hair in a braided bun with a flexi8 :)
thank you for that. I was picturing something totally different. It looks really comfortable! That may be something I need....but I'm not sure it would stay in my hair now. Maybe in 2 inches. :p
I know this is a little late but yesterday I found out that LadyIdun in Etsy is closing her shop. I hope that everyone in here got to buy one of their sticks which is now legendary at the Hair toy addicts thread.
I just bought one of their last Lantern topper stick. Yeah! I'm so excited since this will be my very first Lady Idun stick.:happydance: I'm just really sad that they are closing when I just found out about them. :(
This is what I bought : here ! Cheers!:bottomsup:
Fake or not you look beautiful and you have the natural look meant to have long hair. :blossom:
Hmm, if 6" is such a big stick, maybe better if i get 5"? It is a pair, so i guess it'd be more secure than one..
isn't that a delicious concept? So exciting!
Hey all APLers...I just posted a thread trying to decide if I want to grow bangs out or keep them. If you have a second, would you weigh in? It's in the Mane forum. I feel stuck and I'm literally in a place where I could go either way but need to make a decision. Any input is appreciated! :)
I don't think you have crappy buns! In fact you have unique looking buns that look fabulous!
You know I am still here...:( I've been committed to wearing my hair up everyday with sticks and forks,etc., for almost a month now.
<sigh> It really depends on the look you are going for. Do you want some of the tines to show up? Do you want to wear this piece at waist length? What types of buns are you going to wear with this piece? Will this be an every day piece or special occasion piece?These are some of the criteria's you need to consider when purchasing a hair stick. Plus you also need to consider the thickness of your hair, I can imagine at BSL you'll probably need at least 5" and above.. Personally, I go with 5 1/2 usable (not including toppers and bases) for my thick hairs because I want to be able to use this piece at waist. I hope this helps.
I need to rant. This seems as good a place as any. :p
My hair hates everything. Every wash method I've tried works for anywhere from a few days to a month or so and then my hair throws a hissy fit and I have to start all over again. I've been trying oil shampoo. My lengths are greasy, my ends are crunchy and dry. CO makes me greasy all over. Shampoo/conditioner makes me frizzy and flyaway. Shampoo bars work beautifully ONCE IN AWHILE, but if I use them too frequently, I get greasy again. Plus I'm way too lazy to get a vinegar rinse prepared everytime I need to shower. Ahhh! Rage! I think my hair type is just really difficult.
Suggestions, comments, commiseration? :(
I have a picture which I'll put up after the weekend :)
THIS is exactly what's going on with my hair! So tired of trying something which works fabulously once, and then never again. I, too, am plagued by frizzies. Oil makes my ends crunchy, length greasy... etc! Have you tried miracle water?
Bah. :rolleyes: I clarified, used a shampoo bar, lightly conditioned and then did a vinegar rinse and my hair is drying absolutely perfectly. Almost zero frizz (best I can hope for), silky, and I even have waves again! Hair, y u no make up mind?!
Finally got the time to read up, so much activity going on here! :cool:
Spring has finally started over here, seems more like summer already, so I'm hoping for a growth spurt! I know my longest layers are APL already, but I'm just waiting for the shortest ones to catch up. Would be easier for buns, because right now that doesn't work at all :mad:
I have started misting my hair and bunning it before going to sleep, with really nice big waves in the morning as a result. Basically I'm quite happy with my hair at the moment, it's just the color that is annoying me. But I'll have to live with that, because I'm not abusing my hair anymore before half July, and even then, I'll try to abstain :D
I'm sittin here with completely unconditioned hair (I'm about to henna and I use a lot of cones, call me paranoid, but since the last step of the hennaing process is a mega-condition I thought I'd better skip it beforehand) and it actually feels pretty alright, a little dry and poofy, but clearly my cones don't hide that much damage.
:D :cheese:
battles, have you tried WO? I still can't bring myself to give it a shot, but maybe it'll work for you.
My hair has been misbehaving the past couple days too :rolleyes: and I've just been leaving it be. I might oil it a little after I shower tonight, but I'm not sure.
I've got a little extra money left over from my paycheck :cheese: and was thinking of trying a shampoo bar. Has anyone here had experience with Chagrin Valley's shampoo bars?
I actually haven't.. I should read into that.
I haven't tried Chagrin Valley because almost all of the bars use rosemary oil, but I have Sweet Creek Herbs shampoo bars and they usually work pretty well for me. My hair always turns out super, super shiny after using them.
I'm investigating their scents and ingredients now :)
ETA: I think I'm whipping my hair back into shape :p It doesn't look all short like it has the past couple days, and I just oiled my scalp really well to help get rid of the itchies. I can actually feel it on my back, I just washed it and it's laying flat and I can't remember the last time I felt my hair touch my back! :D :D :cheese: My goal was to be at APL before going back to school for the summer, and even though I don't think I'll make it, I can feel that it won't be long (lol puns) before I'm there.
I'm really curious about the chagrinvalley shampoo bars as well, but we have hard water here and i've heard they won't work as well so i've been putting it off to order some... Also i have a bunch of shampoo and conditioner here I want to use up first.
I am really curious about their shower butter bars, so i tried making them myself with shea & cocoa butter and some perfume oils, since i had those laying around :cheese: They smell pretty good, but i'll have to see about how they work.
I was feeling a little blah about my short hair, so I went and got some manic panic dye, a dye bruch, a tangle teezer and elastics. I do feel kind of better, haha.
I also got a magnet for my magnetic nail polish! I'm happy about that, too.
That's good :) You just have to do what makes you happy instead of focussing on hairgrowth, then it'll be there before you know it :)
I really like their Ayurvedic herb shampoo bar and I used it with hard water. It lowered my shedding, kept my very fussy scalp happy, smells nice, it washed out my pre-wash heavy oiling (if applied twice) and didn't over-dry my hair (I followed it up with ACV rinse - one tea spoon to 8oz of water).
Katleen it will definitely get easier, at least for me the moment most of my hairs touched the towel was the moment I realized that I could do so many different types of buns. I no longer need to do sock buns cause I can now do high cinna buns, half-up nautilus bun, double cinnabuns, etc. Although some of the more complex buns end up looking kinda small for me, but I can fluff out most buns to cover my five pronged fork. Plus for me, I've recently transitioned to using only one stick, and having it hold all day nice and comfy, which is a big milestone for me. I can't wait for my LadyIdun stick to arrive! I'm now checking out the next thread. Let's just say it gets interesting with the whole bra dilema for me. hahahahaha
I've just tried the neeli oil and I don't like the smell. LOL I tried mixing it with coconut oil and I just don't know if I can take the smell. Maybe I got a rancid bottle? I got it from a local Indian store so who knows....Is it supposed to smell like that though?
I like chagrin valley poo bars. My favorites are cafe moreno, sunflower soapnuts (something like that), and neem and tea tree oil hair and body bar. The last one is great if you have breakouts in the hair line and scalp. Supposed to be good for flakes too. I liked ayurveda but it was just a bit drying for me.
Edit: I forgot to say guys that I got my forks and let me tell you the antler sticks are amazing. They are super light and hold fantastically. They come in all sizes also. So they are great for thinnies and thickies.
Ahhhhhhhhh I'm about the make the final payment on my Grah-Toe fork!!! I'll have to have it sent to my university, so I won't be able to play with it until the 8th of June at the earliest, but I'll have more hair then :p
Woo i did my first crownbraid today (that actually worked) :D it was a bit messy, but i kind of like that, it looks summery to me :) Of course, i didn't take any pictures... :doh:
Bunnysaur, that's just two weeks from now, think about all the lovely things you can do with your fork then!!!
MegaMystery (is that named after MegaMindy, BTW? :-)), I would love to see some pictures of your crown braids!! I'll try one tomorrow maybe, depends on how much time I have without children hanging on my legs :-)
lol! I have them on mine all the time too. ;)
I am going to figure out how to pin my bangs so I can do the crown braid without getting them in there. I've not been successful yet.
today is a Gibson tuck. Simple and off my neck, which is all I was asking!
haha it might be, i was really uninspired when i chose this nickname.. I usually just use my real name (Rianne) but that was already taken and i hate to be Rianne01 or something :P so i just thought of something random..
Nope, Neeli oil smells bad, the only way I can avoid sensing it is when I wear a hat over my head. That is why it is a pre-wash oil for me, I leave it on for ~1 hour then wash it out. *shurg* In all honesty there is no way in Hades that I would EVER stop using it. My scalp is happy and my shedding is minimal, totally worth putting up with the smell for an hour.
Just FYI the CV shampoo bar smells really nice, NOTHING like the Neeli oil. :D