Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone! I've been on LHC for nearly two years now but don't post much. I have been growing my hair out from a pixie and it is now just a little past collar bone length.... I really wish it would grow faster!! My hair is now long enough that i should probably figure out some sleeping styles. Has anybody got any good ideas for this length that are comfortable for sleeping? :)
What works for me is a ponytail on top of my head, so I don't lay on the elastic. (It looks ridiculous, and DH teases me mercilessly!) Not all of my hair will reach, but whatever I can grab, I pony up there, and let the rest run wild. I've tried a sleep cap, so that might be another option? (It was 2$ at Walmart in the hairtoy aisle.) If it's long enough to braid, you can try that? For some reason, the silly topknot is the most comfortable for me.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Neneka - Thanks so much! Also, I love spin pins and really want some more, but I got mine from Primark and there isn't one near me. Sad times.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I am about an inch away from APL! should be there in May at this rate! Then it's 4.5" to BSL! Should be there by the end of the year! I have been wearing it up every day and I wore it briaded was so dinky and little compared to my bsl+ length braids before my chop.:(
Here's my February picture:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Are you positive that you aren't APL already? It kind of looks like you are already there!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone! I've been on LHC for nearly two years now but don't post much. I have been growing my hair out from a pixie and it is now just a little past collar bone length.... I really wish it would grow faster!! My hair is now long enough that i should probably figure out some sleeping styles. Has anybody got any good ideas for this length that are comfortable for sleeping? :)
I always french braid for sleeping, I'm so used to it now I can even do it automatically if I've come home late and drunk, anything else seems wrong ;)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Are you positive that you aren't APL already? It kind of looks like you are already there!
I agree, I think you might be longer than you think!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Are you positive that you aren't APL already? It kind of looks like you are already there!
I thought so to! It definitely looks APL to me :)
I just made a 2-year-anniversary-blablabla-post, you can see it here: *shamelessly plugging* in case anyone's bored or something haha!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I measured today but only grew 0.25" in February :( After a microtrim I'm back to 21". On the bright side though I asked my husband to estimate what length APL is on me and he thinks 23" so I'm only 2" away, that's four months of no trims so I 'll hopefully be there in five :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Just checking in, we seem to have all gone silent for a bit. I am having a rare, my hair feels longer kind of day :) Hope today finds all of you well! <3
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
This thread is for me now!
My hair was at waist length and I even started the waist to hip thread for 2013 last year but I decided to chop it off the collarbone length last october. It was just too damaged from previous dyeing and straightening that no amount of TLC could help it anymore. So now I'm about 2 inches below collarbone and although short hair does suit me I miss my "long" hair so much! All the braids and buns :( But this time it will be without all the crazy layers and it will be healthy!
My ends still have dye on them, a horrible brassy colour. But instead of chopping it off I might get it dyed ombre style so I don't really have to dye much of my virgin mousy brown hair, if at all. So it will go "blonette" to blonde and then I can continue growing it and chop the lighter ends off whenever I want :)