Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I completely changed my mind about dying my hair- not going to happen. I forgot something EXTREMELY important: the **** gets everywhere!!
I used to not give half a crap about my clothes or bedding but that's not the case anymore. Completely and permanently off the table :(
Aaaaanyway here's the braid waves follow up... They've mostly fallen flat now because it's been 2 days but they sure did last a while considering! Like technically they are still there my hair isn't completely straight yet.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I completely changed my mind about dying my hair- not going to happen. I forgot something EXTREMELY important: the **** gets everywhere!!
I used to not give half a crap about my clothes or bedding but that's not the case anymore. Completely and permanently off the table :(
Aaaaanyway here's the braid waves follow up... They've mostly fallen flat now because it's been 2 days but they sure did last a while considering! Like technically they are still there my hair isn't completely straight yet.
I think your current color is gorgeous already!
Your braids were so thick and shiny...I wish I could braid my thin scraggly tangly mess :violin:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Aaaaanyway here's the braid waves follow up... They've mostly fallen flat now because it's been 2 days but they sure did last a while considering! Like technically they are still there my hair isn't completely straight yet.
Wow, your braid waves turned out gorgeous! And your color is lovely, especially in the light. Did you use any products before braiding to make it shine?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well, I was going to try to post a hair progress photo, but I can't figure out how! :confused: I think I have graduated from this thread earlier than I thought I would though! Either my hair growth has sped up quite a bit due to pregnancy/vitamins/better hair habits, or my growth is just faster than I thought in general. Either way, good luck to the rest of you!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Well, I was going to try to post a hair progress photo, but I can't figure out how! :confused: I think I have graduated from this thread earlier than I thought I would though! Either my hair growth has sped up quite a bit due to pregnancy/vitamins/better hair habits, or my growth is just faster than I thought in general. Either way, good luck to the rest of you!
I think you need a certain number of post to be able to post pictures. Is it 25?
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I think you need a certain number of post to be able to post pictures. Is it 25?
Correct, but you can also use an external hosting site such as ImgBB, then copy the image URL (very important that you don't copy the page URL but right-click on the photo itself and copy the image URL) and then paste it here within the IMG tags.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
@SecretSoup you beat me to it, saying @0xalis - your braids are seriously amazing! One of your two is thicker than my whole hair in a braid would ever be. I suspect i have a short growth cycle, since any time I get past shoulder I end up with a scraggly thin mess. Yet my ponytail circumference is solidly over 2" ... shrug.
Hi friends! I was feeling pretty good about my progress a month or two ago but lately I've gotten really discouraged. My ends are crunchy and splitting, despite that I've completely given up heat. I spend weekends elsewhere so was blaming my pillow case there not being satin. But then I stumbled upon the Curly Girl Method and it occurred to me the shampoo I have there is bad. So since October's big chop, I've been mostly home using this CG-approved shampoo by accident. A month of the other house and I'm fried. I'll do a few S&D clips when I can but will avoid a real trim for as long as I can.
Side bar: I'm solidly a 3B-3C if I actually let my hair be itself. Who knew? lol
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Pics or it didn't happen Re: my claim of having type 3 hair (actual right ringlets behind my ears.)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Definitely a type 3! I'm envious of your volume!
And your tinsel (that's what I call silver hairs mixed in :laugh: ) is beautiful! My tinsel tends to only grow in certain areas, whereas yours is evenly distributed.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Such a difference! Your natural curls look great