Wonderful! And it looks good messy like that. Maybe you will be able to do it again, too! It's a start.
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Wonderful! And it looks good messy like that. Maybe you will be able to do it again, too! It's a start.
Congrats Café Au Lait, looks great!
Nice Café Au Lait! Out of curiosity, are you able to do a flipped cinnabun securely with the hair fork too?
Thank you, everybody!
chachagrace, I haven't tried a flipped cinnabun yet. I'll try it though!
I'm the worst at the no-measure things! I've been stretching out hairs on the sides of my head above my ears, and a lot of them reach apl. There's some tugging at my scalp and it hurts a bit, but I seriously think I'm there. (I know y'all are tired of me thinking I'm there and then getting my hopes crushed, but I really am--I promise! I'll even stick around until October to make it official!)
I was going to post here saying, "YAY I'M SL AND I'M ON MY WAY TO APL" when I realized...I already did! I've just been so busy lately that I haven't even thought about my hair! I'm so happy!
Still can't do a very nice braid, though, lol!
Hi all. It's been a long time since I've been around LHC. SUmmer fun has kept me pleasantly distracted.
I had been shoulder flirting for a bit then one day I realized that I am getting shoulder flippies which means I am in the zone properly! Funny how a past hair annoyance has become a triumph :)
Well, I hope to contribute to the thread more now and get to know you all a bit better.
Thanks :)
Hi all! Checking in again, and also:
I'm looking for a partner or partners who want to be at waist length in early 2014 (February-May). I don't know if I should start a thread or a group for this, but you guys seemed like the people to ask--we're all around the same length, so I have a better chance of finding people who are interested here!
I am calling myself shoulder now but I seem to be stalled as of the last month. I was growing about an inch a month since I started measuring in May but I have had no growth for the last month and while I have never tracked my growth before I have no idea if this is normal. I am still doing scalp massage and oiling but I just do not have anything going on. I have had hair just past BSL before so I always figured that I could at least achieve that again but now I am measuring right at 15 inches and have been since July 16th. Is this normal? Or have I somehow mucked up my terminal length by going way to short and chopping to even out my layers (aka avoiding the mullet look). I have been under a lot of stress for the last couple of months so could that be at the root of my problem? By stress I mean loosing our house, my husband having a diabetic related heart episode and having to scramble to find safe places for myself, my pets, my kids and being separated from my husband (by distance only). We are back together again and getting a handle on our new diet but it has been crazy.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
I am on flaxseed oil and prenatals on doctors orders (nursing).
Hi everybody! I´m gonna hang here for a while. I think I still have an inch to grow before I reach BSL :)