Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
So I've been really close to APL for what seems like 20 years. Lately, I have been using a tactic of damp braiding it to practice braiding , and to make my hair nowhere near APL so I would ignore it. ( if that makes sense)
Today, I oiled it up and went for a super long walk, when I got home I took it down and combed it out , well holy cheese it is at APL , I'm not calling it yet because my hair usually has more waves and I don't want to wait forever and a day for BSL . But by the end of this month I should be solidly at APL yayayayayayayayayayayayay HURRAH waaahoooo
joy in the streets.
Woot! That is awesome. I think I am in the same boat. I was looking at my hair down yesterday night and I think I am there but I going to wait one more month till I am really comfortable with it to call it APL. I am also not sure because of the curls lol. Looks like we will both be moving to the APL to BSL thread about the same time!!!! Sweet, sweet success.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Bottom layer is firmly at APL!!! But I'm going to hang out awhile because my shortest layer is almost at SL. :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
So I was getting ready for work this morning and I noticed that the front parts of my hair are looking quite long. I pulled them down straight and holy carp! They are just shy of APL. But seeing as I'm growing out an angled bob, the hair in the back has a few more inches of catching up to do. But I'm getting closer! :cheese:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
How exciting! :) congrats everyone!
I haven't really checked my length and probably shouldn't bother until December...last December i seemed to be about 6 inches away from APL. But it'll probably be longer than a year for me because of shrinkage!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
So I was getting ready for work this morning and I noticed that the front parts of my hair are looking quite long. I pulled them down straight and holy carp! They are just shy of APL. But seeing as I'm growing out an angled bob, the hair in the back has a few more inches of catching up to do. But I'm getting closer! :cheese:
Congrats! Its funny how length can sometimes sneak up on you.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I think I'm at a mini-stall and I'm going bonkers....rather, I started Monistat to fill in some bare spots, and that is working fantastic, but it doesn't seem to be adding length to existing hairs AND my length hasn't changed in almost a month; I've just added new baby hairs to my my hair is hanging out at 19.75-ish in.
Bah! LOL. I so want to trim my hair; I keep thinking about all the damage on the ends and how nice it would be to actually have a "style" cut into it again, and how lovely it will look to have one-toned hair, etc., etc., and then I think *No! That'll add at least another two months to my growing process!
Raarh! Lol. And it's not like I wear my hair down ever (year-long updo challenge) so even if I did trim it I wouldn't see the benefits, because it goes straight into a bun or braid....
I think I need to sit on my hands to keep from the scizzors...And I agree about this being not only an awkward stage but conservative as well. Politician's wife-like. Only messy, in my case lol.
Congrats to APL graduates since I last checked in here!
And I do the backwards head-dip length-check thing too...can't wait for the real thing....
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Jimothea I know what you mean...even if my hair goes straight up into a bun it still bugs me when my shape is off.
It bugs me a lot more than I admit.
When that happens to me I usually go through the same old sequence of steps. I don't recommend this but it's what I usually do:
1) Agonize over the decision for months.
2) Cut one tiny piece in the bathroom to try to fix the shape.
3) The next day, cut the other side to make it match.
4) The next week, cut the back since the back is now too short in proportion to the sides.
5) Agonize over my new wonky haircut for a month.
6) Get a professional haircut to fix the shape for good.
I'm thinking next time it happens, if someone can talk me into skipping straight from step 1 to step 6, I'll lose a lot less length in the end...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Jaine, ignore the hair shape, i can understand that when hair grows from shoulder to apl, it tends to lose the shape. You have s very beautiful hair once your reaches apl, the only thing you will usually constantly think about is the length and no longer the shape. You can do it :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congrats to everyone who've reached APL!
I totally feel anyone and everyone struggling with losing the shape. I hate my hair currently, but yeah, I try to just put it up and away from my face and not think about it. Come summer, and I might be able to make decent ponytail without the dozen or so hairpins I need to keep any stray strands of hair in place. Hang in there, everyone :) APL is getting closer every day.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm right at collarbone length. But because of my last, superchoppy haircut I have layers as short as the middle of my ear, and one side of my head I almost have a mullet! My thicker "nicer" side is almost 3 inches away from APl, though the other side has about an inch ofcatching up to do. Uhg, it feels like I'll be here forever. Hopefully by September I'll notice some length. :/