Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I like the texture now that I know what it is doing lol. I know that it'll look thicker and more interesting then it would if it were well behaved straight hair. Not that I don't still envy lovely straight hair and it's ability to behave and look longer faster!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thanks Neecola. :)
palaeoqueen - definitely! But it still makes me a bit sad because there's such a long way to go, with curls...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I just got hot hot pink by manic panic. I think this is happening tonight... Maybe pictures tomorrow. It is a new color for me.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I just got hot hot pink by manic panic. I think this is happening tonight... Maybe pictures tomorrow. It is a new color for me.
I've used that :) It came out really nicely, and unlike the blue I used, did eventually wash out! It's been over a year now and I still have a weird green colour from the Shocking Blue dye...semi-permenant I think not!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well of course DD chose to stay up till nine last night. Since I figured thirty minutes for full application plus the hour or more the website says I should let it sit since I am not bleaching first plus I'll say fifteen minutes to wash, vinegar rinse and wash again I would have been up till eleven. Then I would wake up with matted hair from sleeping on it wet. So in other words I am a lazy bum.
Also the lady at Sally looked at me like my head was on backwards when I bought my Manic Panic without bleach. I told her I had used Manic Panic before and only rarely used bleach but still liked the results.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Looking forward to seeing your pics! I've often toyed with the idea of using some red MP to get a little more punch but the thought of the bleeding color and stained towels always prevents me from doing it. It sounds like a hassle and I'm a lazy bum too :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
ooh, pictures would be lovely!
(I too, am lazy. Henna is almost too much hassle, but I can't resist the smell, the softness, the sparkles in the sunshine..... mmmm.... hennaahhh....)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
If you really really really wash out that first dye job then the staining is minimal or a non issue. I tend to do a very light shampoo after that first dye just to be sure. I also have a cheep black towel for the post wash which helps. The website recommends a fifty fifty white vinegar step to help with the ph. Seriously check out the website they have so many tips, tricks and pictures!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
ooh, pictures would be lovely!
(I too, am lazy. Henna is almost too much hassle, but I can't resist the smell, the softness, the sparkles in the sunshine..... mmmm.... hennaahhh....)
Ugh henna is SUCH a chore to me. I don't even like the smell, but I love love the colour and all it's plus sides. But I never look forward to doing it haha, only when my roots are getting ugly I'll do it. It's such a mess and it's so annoying to do roots only :P
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I made it back to 22" this month but I'm not quite at APL, I think last month's picture I must have been tilting my head ever so slightly. Only half an inch to go though so should be there in July!
All this talk of Manic Panic makes me want to do my bleached ends. I remember the mess all too well though...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I can't bleach, it just kills my hair.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I cannot bleach, I have old bleach from two years ago at the very front of my hairline that has a totally different texture from the year old box dyed hair. It's like brillow pad stuff.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I cannot bleach, I have old bleach from two years ago at the very front of my hairline that has a totally different texture from the year old box dyed hair. It's like brillow pad stuff.
I know what you mean, it's nearly two years since I last bleached and never ever again! Just wish I'd learnt my lesson sooner...
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I nearly bleached my hair just before I decided to grow it out. Thankfully I did the allergy test and was allergic to it, so I couldn't do it! Definitely a moment of madness.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Ooh, pink! I want to see the results as well!
I am being very naughty and am going to bleach bath my hair. I've used Colour B4 on it and then lengths are lighter now so it'll hopefully only need a little lifting as I just want a cherry red all over. :laugh: it'll probably impede my growth but if I can't enjoy it then it's pointless growing it! ;)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I have put pink on hold till either I get back from my first ten day in field study or till I get back for the summer. I figure the super conditioning will be good for it no matter how much I baby my hair and hide it from wind and sun.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Very true. Don't forget to update us! :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Will do! Maybe I'll even get some natural highlights from all that sun.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Waiting for pictures....
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Field study ends on the 28th so sometime after that. I want to have it done but I have no idea what the water will be like and I do know it will be windy and dry. I'll post pictures of the site and if I can the dig as well.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
no rush. I'll bide my time. :wink:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
We are here I have great pictures of rock art and historic sites to share when I get home! I am sure I will have loads more before I am done!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Just started learning some flint knapping, we are having so much fun!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I am 2.25 inches away from APL!!
Well, when my hair is wet and stretched, but even so...this is very good! :o
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I checked last night, and I'm solidly at APL. So, I guess I'll see you all in the APL to BSL thread! Happy growing!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Well done Lucky Lurker!
I don't know if you all saw my thread or not, but I've dyed my hair red! :p It's so cool! I'm loving it but I can already see roots. Just goes to show how fast my hair actually grows! :laugh:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congratulations TheLuckyLurker!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congratulations, TheLuckyLurker! :applause:
I'll see you in the next thread!
@JoFlakes: I saw it! It looks fantastic! (FWIW, I think I must have missed a few places when I touched up my roots last weekend. --pic in "How are you wearing your hair today" thread gives a NICE view of a messy updo and grownout roots... :shudder: )
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Great growth ladies! I won't be going pink till we are allowed to go home. We live just outside of the fireline in Black Forest. My family is safe we are all evacuated to a dear friends house.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Serina, so glad you and your family are safe!! :grouphug:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thanks. We were able to go home for a little bit last night. The house looks to be unharmed, my cats are both safe and the smoke smell is minimal. We are still on pre evacuation status so we did not stay home. So many have lost so much. We are very lucky to still have a home to go home to.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
How scary for you, SerinaDaith! I'm glad you and your family are well, and hope you continue to stay safe. :grouphug:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
We will do our very best.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I am wearing my hair like this today: http://www.freckled-fox.com/2012/08/...band-tuck.html I don't remember where I got the link. It might have been from this same thread but I wanted to post this anyway.
I think it's a cool up do for this length. :) I just have to wear the head band differently because my head shape is so weird but I think it works anyway.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Neneka, I think that style is SO cute! (but I can never seem to make it look right on me)
Today I'm wearing Lilith Moon's twisted gibson tuck (not sure if that is exactly what its called) It's a nice style for a hot day like today!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm so close it's driving me mad! I really hope I'm there for the beginning of July, I'm desperately to measure but sitting on my hands until the beginning of July.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Very nice updos, Neneka and Neecola! So classy.
Atta-girl, Paleoqueen. It's growing every day. :)
Today, I tried Kaelee's "pineapple" updo--for the second time. (I wish I was smart enough to link to it, but I'm not. It was in the "okay, fine hair, you win" thread.) It worked and looked pretty decent! I had to use a jawclip to secure and Frenchbraid the layers on top, but it still came out WAY nicer than last time"
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hey, new siggy pic BESusan! Look at you grow!!
I'm wearing my hair down today... which makes me realize how short it still is. I should say how short it still looks (the curls just graze CBL in front) but on the upside, I am gaining length and am able to do styles I couldn't before so yay!