Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Wow, great progress Emily! :D
This is not exactly SL-APL-related, I lost some eyelashes yestersday.. I coach 12 year old gymnasts and we were doing handsprings on the plinth, one girl didn't keep her arms in and my eye got in the way. It's a little bit swollen and bruised, and half the eyelashes were sort of torn off! There's a 1 cm gap between the remaining lashes on the upper lid. I wonder how long it will take them to grow back? I look kind of spooky. I'm thankful nothing worse happened of couse, my contact lense was destroyed but no damage to the eyeball.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congrats Emily!
And askan that's terrifying! Glad you eye is okay.
I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions of buns we could do at this length (I have layers too, ugggh). I can JUST do a modified LWB (without the wrap) but I got my flexis in today and I want to do more! Thoughts??
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thanks, everyone :D
Welcome, amino! My hair does that too; it can get really wavy sometimes but it can also be pin straight, all depending on when I washed it!
askan, that's horrible! D: When I was a little kid I came out of my tent in the back yard and ran right into a branch of the apple tree... it hit me right in the eye! I had to wear an eye patch for 2 weeks and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Your story reminded me of that :lol:
I looked it up and it may take anywhere from 1-6 months for your eyelashes to grow back completely, but most likely 1 or 2 months. At least your eye is okay!
magfish: the only buns I can do are cinnabuns and doughnut buns :(
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Congrats emily! Welcome new people! I'm paranoid of eye injures. I have terrible eyesight as it is.
Growing fringe out is the most annoying thing. Between my fringe and the hairs at the nape of my neck, I can't do any sort of bun or twist at all. ]: Usually dual french or dutch braids are what I stick to. Single ones drop hair out too. You could do twin braids and then use the flexi-8 to pin them to the nape!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
My hair is just brushing collarbone (had the ends snipped off), yet all I wear are buns. Maybe I have bun magic.... ; ) I find the easiest way for a beautiful but unkempt bun is to start with your hair curly (naturally or in your choice of curling method), then put it in a ponytail. You can use any type of ponytail holder (I use those thicker ones that don't pull hair out). Then start getting small pieces of your pony tail, twist them, and pin them close to the ponytail holder with hairpins. Work in a clockwise motion. Keep doing this till you've done all the strands. It "fakes" long hair so well, no one can believe how short my hair actually is if they see it down for the first time.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Oww Emily that sounds so painful :( I guess I'll still miss some lashes for Christmas and New Year's, then! But if I put makeup on the inner and outer lashline it's not very apparent. My boyfriend is having fun about it though:P I'm glad my teeth didn't get hit, that's something I am extremely scared of.
Magfish: Messy french twists are nice to do with flexis. The flexi8s are so beautiful, they can make any effortless updo look fancy! =)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Oh askan, I am sooo paranoid about teeth injuries because I already broke some of my teeth in an incident in the 6th grade. Unfortunately, they were adult teeth :( Won't go into detail because it was quite painful and also I'm getting the thread off track ;)
People on tumblr are actually interested in my hair growth, and it makes me happy :D Some of my shorter-haired followers look up to me ♥ >w<
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I got to touch long hair yesterday, excited.
Yesterday I met an old friend who has hiplength, thick natural light blonde superbeautiful hair! Yeeeaaars ago I told her "I will catch you up someday!!" and, well, I'm not even APL and she's still somewhere around hip. Since it was a gymnastics show and her team was supposed to do their hair the same way, she asked if someone could do hers and I volonteered, haha. The idea was to frenchbraid the fringe and make a sock/donut bun. She had a huuuuuge hair donut, it was so big and it looked so cool. I never had the chance to play around with long hair before so I made a few buns making the real do.
She isn't even very careful with hers, I noticed she kind of ripped trough it with a plastic brush. She must have superstrong hair, it's beautiful and doesn't appear damaged in any way even if it was a bit tangled. Maybe I will catch her up one day.. Not in thickness and blondeness, but lenght.. I'm so impatient!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I had a choir concert over the weekend and tried to put my hair back in a barrette for the performance. I got it back and was going about my merry way doing my makeup when *snap* the barrette broke and went flying off in several pieces around the bathroom. I just kind of stood there for a moment in shock. I had a lot of problems this summer and in early fall before the big chop because my hair had gotten so long/thick/heavy/BIG that it was snapping hair-ties and breaking barrettes and clips left and right (was buying hair ties all. the. time.). But right now I seriously have less than half the hair I had then, but apparently it is still continuing its hair toy murdering ways. I wound up just putting it up in a pony with a big satin bow at the top, but I couldn't believe it took out ANOTHER barrette even in the state it is in right now. :rolleyes: Thought you guys might find that amusing.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I wish my hair broke some hair toys.. Mine seems so thin *sighs*