Anyone else ever go check out the shorter length threads to remind themselves just how far they've come? I've done that a couple of time to get over the "this is never going to grow!" hump.
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Anyone else ever go check out the shorter length threads to remind themselves just how far they've come? I've done that a couple of time to get over the "this is never going to grow!" hump.
Hi! I haven't been on the site properly for a few months, although I have been lurking and posting occasionally on this thread for many months now.
My hair passes APL when straightened, but I'm not sure whether or not it still does in its natural state - could someone please let me know what they think based on the photos below?
I am officially in this thread now! my hair now mostly(all) touches my shoulders.
I don't neccesarily go to other threads to look, but that is a good idea! Most of the time when I see someone who has just graduated to this thread, I'm over here like....whew..thank goodness I'm almost to my next goal! Haha. :hollie:
Congrats bananahanna! It's so exciting isn't it!?
ebullience: I'm a newbie here, but it looks like you are riggghttt about where I am! haha. I'm almost there, but not quite. Personally, I would love to call it APL to make you happy, but I think you're about a half inch, maybe an inch away. I know it sucks waiting, but think about it like this, if you call APL too early, you'll have to wait even longer for BSL(if you plan on going that long)! I hope you hit it soon! Maybe someone else will say otherwise! haha. :thumbsup:
No, ebullience, you are not APL yet curly.
but your hair looks gorgeous!
I sympathize with the wait. I'm not APL yet curly after 18 months on the boards. And I'm WAAAY longer than APL stretched --a bit frustrating. But I am also way curlier than you--I believe you will get there soon.
I know I'm longer than I am stretched, if I flatiron but I so don't want to flatiron my hair even once to check. At this point, the ends of my hair are so old and they are somewhat damaged anyway, I know I would get breakage.
I call myself brastrap anyway, I jsut specify to people that it is 'brastrap stretched'. Those who aren't curly may not understand, but it makes the frustration a bit less for me and lets me realize I have made a lot of progress.
I'm actually an inch or so longer than this photo now stretched, but it gives you the idea.
Thanks for letting me know chen bao jun! Guess I'll continue lurking on this thread for the foreseeable future :p
I admire your being able to resist the flatiron, I'm not as good as you! And your hair is stunning, I can't wait to see what it's like at APL!
I am joining in again. I just cut my hair from BSL to SL so I could even out my ends and get rid of breakage and damage from the back. It feels healthy again. It is still past my neck so I am still warm when I go outside. Hopefully this time growing will end in a more healthy result?
Hi! I'm a newbie and have about an inch to go before APL. I can't stand this length and this is where I've always cut in the past. I'm hanging in there but it's not easy sometimes!
Welcome curlylocks85 and durgidog!