Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I cut myself a fringe today! I hate the front inch or so of my hair, it's very thin and weak (maybe because I always pull and brush it back) so I thought might as well. I'm kinda excited I get a blank slate to measure my growth rate.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
It looks lovely :D I always find my fringe creeps up on me until it's smack bang in front of my eyes before I've realised it's got too long ;)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
That is a great idea for a bun. Just today i was playing around with all kinds of up-dos and half-ups and i'll definitely try this. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
WOW I am so sick of being this stupid length -_-
Yesterday I was having problems getting my hair up and I feel like I killed it via manipulation and I did wind up finding splits and I had my mom microtrim again...
I have no idea if the damage I found was cumulative or truly from trying to get it to stay in the freaking cinnabun.
I keep feeling like my hair will never grow and I should just chop it to chin to get rid of the rest of the bleach TT^TT
But of course, I'm not going to do that because that'd be stupid. I'm always going to want long hair so I better keep going.
I'm also irritated that my hair will get damaged if I wear it down because the whole point of me having long hair was for it to look good down... :steam
I need like nothing but satin blouses/dresses and satin lined hoodies because I do NOT want my hair rubbing against cotton [or any other fabric] EVER.
Uhg it just feels like it's all for nothing at this point.
I'm sorry that I post so much in here, there's just not really anywhere else that I can.
You're not alone, I feel this way too about my hair right now. I have actually stayed away from this site a while because I feel so bad that my hair is this disaster.
Hang in there, sis.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Finally put some pincurls in my album! I am really horrible with technology, so I apologize for the picture quality, hugeness, sideways images, and reverse order! (Name a way to screw it up, and I'll find it!) When I get some time, I'll get in there and try to straighten them out. I was going to put them here in the thread, but they're GIANT!
I really like pincurls. They're the only curls that last for me, and they come out bouncy and moldable. I brush them around my fingers or against my hand to get them going in the right direction, and they're very cooperative. You might have to experiment with dampness. I set mine on dry hair that's barely damp for best results. They'll last all day, depending on how much I'm outside. Wet and wind will relax them quicker.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I got my wig today! It's great quality and it's absolutely gorgeous! I feel like a princess<3
Pic showing colour and texture:
Pic showing length:
ETA: I cut the fringe myself. It came with a side-swept kind of fringe but If you pushed it too far to the side [aka out of your eyes!] you'd see some short hairs by the wig cap thing. I also just look 1000x better with a straight fringe than a side one.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
@emilylightning: Wow! Awesome! It looks so lovely on you!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
@emilylightning Nice, I really like the colour
I think I need to do more regular protein treatments. Since i've been paying more attention to my hair i've realised that I get a fair bit of breakage, I need to get that under control if I want to retain length so that is now my main focus. I've got aphogee 2 step and cassia which I plan to rotate, I don't really want to but I may revisit henna if the previous 2 are not enough (replace cassia not as well as) because henna really helped in the past.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm at the 'am I there yet' stage of picture taking :S
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Wowzers, Haybop! Your hair is so thick and healthy looking! Sure looks like APL from the picture. Have you tried the towel test?