_fred_, how long are your modified knitting needles? How thick are they? I never knew there were so many different lengths and thicknesses! (looking around the internet now)
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_fred_, how long are your modified knitting needles? How thick are they? I never knew there were so many different lengths and thicknesses! (looking around the internet now)
I feel you there! From the outside perspective yours doesn't look awkward at all, but I know things always look different to yourself. Mine's just like that. I've managed to make it feel less awkward by dying the tips bright pink at the weekend though, so there's that! Thank goodness for updos.
I've got two thicknesses, 3mm and 4mm, and they both work fine. I got the shortest needles I could when I bought some, which were abut 20cm long (difficult to measure when they're bent!). Bent over they're as long as my middle finger. I'm trying to find some shorter and slimmer ones so I can make smaller pins that are easier to hide, but I've not found any that fit the bill yet.
I don't know if you can get Pony brand where you are, but anything like this should do fine: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pony-Knit..._A7cyFQfYk5tvA
I'm now thinking of getting the really slim ones and seeing about bending something a little more decorative. I find that regular spray paint for modelmaking works well on them (although I did end up with silver fingers...).
Alright, thanks for the info! I just remembered that I have a knitting needle, one that I probably forgot to bring back to school when I was in my early teens. I bent it now and it works quite like a hair fork, but it was 20 cm when straight and I do find that to be a bit long to look invisible. I didn't manage to bend it symmetrically, so it looks a bit weird. I think I would aim for slimmer ones if I see them in the store, and probably a bit shorter as well, but it works :p
I really wanted to use a flexi today, so I tried to come up with something where I could use it.
I ended up doing a half up with two robe braids. I do like rope braids, but they are one of those styles that I think will look a lot better when I can do them properly.
ETA: I think I'll try out having this photo as my avatar, I don't think I have ever had myself there!
Thankie! I honestly think it's just because it looks complicated, and overall it does take more time. When my hair was longer and I could do a longer braid, an english braid took me all of four seconds. Part of that is practice, but most of it is it's just the three strands looping around each other. Dutch and french add an element of complication and time, but minimal because they're also still just looping the three bits. Fishtail adds another couple steps and takes one out. It's just two bits mostly, but like the dutch and french you need to separate hair and move it to another bit. But that's the whole braid, separate a bit move it, separate and move it, so it takes a bit more time.
Still only a few minutes, but compared to seconds it's a lot!
Half-up today, too! Couldn't think of anything LOL.
Thank you, folks :p
It looks good, Corvana ;) I should probably focus on mainly braids on the back of my head since that's what I need to practice the most. I was considering that type of half up as well until I realised that most of my weird layers are in the top portion there, so I don't think mine would have ended up looking that pretty x)
It's true, fishtail braiding does take a little more time than a normal braid, but I'm 100 % sure I myself will sacrifice that time many times in the future, because I like them a lot :o
Fun fact about my flexi history: back when I was buying flexis quite a lot I thought my hair was warm toned, and ended up buying a gold coloured flexi because I thought that it was like the skin undertones, gold goes with warm and silver with cool.
That was probably the first time ever what I realised that my hair is NOT warm toned, or at least does not go with gold at all. I keep to silver-toned jewellery now!
You're welcome! :blossom: 20cm is a bit long for me as well to keep hidden, but I couldn't find anything shorter. I'm still on the lookout for shorter needles, so if you find a brand that does them, I'd love to know :)
That's so pretty!
Looking good there!
All these lovely flexis definitely make me want to shuffle over to the swap board...
I've avoided gold toned jewelry almost my entire life due to it always giving me a yellow cast to my skin, and not in a pleasant way. But I'm surprised that it looks nice in my hair! I still prefer silver overall, though.
And if you look closely, you'll see that about halfway down my shorter bits start shredding out of the braid :laugh:
Thank you!! And you should get some ;) ;) They're heavy, though, if your scalp is sensitive. I can only wear them for maybe half the day before I need to take them out. I can go longer if I'm doing a bun, though!