Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
You're really close Simpscone, you get to graduate in no time! :thumbsup:
I had my microtrim on Thursday. I lost maybe 0,5 cm, less than 1 cm anyway. It would be pretty great to grow without regular trimming, like when I used to do, but I think I'll stick to this microtrimming routine for now :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
So close Simpscone! Your hair is looking great :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I was surprised by how close it looked! It feels so much shorter from the front!
Your hair looks so pretty and you are indeed very very close!
MissMuse - i am glad you enjoy your current hair length. I think i don't mind mine as well. I just put it up and forget about it though. :)
Excited for when i'll be able to do more various buns and braids though.
Begemot - glad your trim went well, i will get another small trim in the beginning of summer i think and then leave it alone for the rest of the year. I also joined the challenge for the second half of 2019 :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Gah, I should join that challenge too Stray, officially. It's more fun being part of something like that and do growing together :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Gah, I should join that challenge too Stray, officially. It's more fun being part of something like that and do growing together :D
Yeah and i think it's very motivating as well. :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
For me, the no-trimming challenges are too motivating. I mean, if I commit to such, I am too stubborn to "fail" even if I knew very well that was the right thing to do. I did no-trimming for the latter half of 2018 and ended up losing more than gaining, because my ends just gave up. At least it was a learning experience and I now know not to take part in such, for a good while at least. :D
Sorry for intruding, just thought to share my thoughts and experience!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Can we just get an update where everyone is on this thread? Because of my layers I think it will take me another 10 months-a year for all my hair to be the same length & APL. Ugh seems like a LONG time to wait!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Can we just get an update where everyone is on this thread? Because of my layers I think it will take me another 10 months-a year for all my hair to be the same length & APL. Ugh seems like a LONG time to wait!
Is that your current hair in you avi? Or are you talking about growing out layers? Are you trimming to even them up and lingering at APL until then? I have the same issue, but I'm growing out as long as possible before I even out the layers- I'll probably get past APL, then microtrim perhaps half whatever my average growth is so that I can still gain length and very, very slowly even out the layers. Knowing me, I'll get tired of that and do a big chop, but either way I don't want to let my hair get any shorter than APL at any time.
As for where I am, it depends on how I measure it. Shrunken I'm still at chin xD
With my braidwaves, I exist at a various range of shoulder lengths, because each day my braid waves will stretch more and get longer. This is of day one braid waves, which are shortest. Then I'm showing stretched there as well, which should be APL in the next month.
So I could be anywhere between on month and 2 years from reaching APL. Still deciding how I'll call it.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Is that your current hair in you avi? Or are you talking about growing out layers? Are you trimming to even them up and lingering at APL until then? I have the same issue, but I'm growing out as long as possible before I even out the layers- I'll probably get past APL, then microtrim perhaps half whatever my average growth is so that I can still gain length and very, very slowly even out the layers. Knowing me, I'll get tired of that and do a big chop, but either way I don't want to let my hair get any shorter than APL at any time.
As for where I am, it depends on how I measure it. Shrunken I'm still at chin xD
With my braidwaves, I exist at a various range of shoulder lengths, because each day my braid waves will stretch more and get longer. This is of day one braid waves, which are shortest. Then I'm showing stretched there as well, which should be APL in the next month.
So I could be anywhere between on month and 2 years from reaching APL. Still deciding how I'll call it.
Blackgothicdoll that’s a big difference when they are stretched! Your hair looks great. Yes, it’s my current hair in the photo. You probably can’t see it that clearly in the pic as it really is the top section that is so much shorter- SO annoying! If I showed you a pic of my face you’d see it even more clearly as it’s like face framing layers but I really hate it & cant wait for it all to be long again.
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Thank you everyone! I hope to graduate in the next few months!
Star_fish, I also have layers starting at around maybe the bottom of my ears/chin length. And then my longest layer is almost APL. My plan is to get some significant length before I maintain to grow them out. I hope to be at BSL before I even think of maintaining! It’ll take way too long if I maintain at this length to grow layers out, and I’d rather the length for now :)