LUCKY! :) I am so tall that it takes forever to get anywhere.
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I am still here! Though near collarbone now. rachellilly I am felling your pain with the curls, my curls just keep eating the length as it grows!
My hair looks bad whatever I do to it at the moment, and has done for the last 6 months, but today I felt a small glimmer of hope as the weight seems to be doing its job and holding it down a bit more than usual.... I am sure tomorrow it will be back to normal though!
APL really can't come quickly enough... :whistle:
I feel the pain of the curl eating length as well. Before I washed it today I looked at it after I took it outta the ponytail and said, "Yep, definately way below shoulder now." And after I washed it, it all curled up over an inch ABOVE shoulder. Grrrrrrrr......
Hello all, I'm joining in! I'm at shoulder length now, and I hope to be at APL this fall. My plan is to make it to an inch past APL, then trim it. I haven't trimmed since I joined LHC in February. I might even have a go at trimming it myself. shudder:
I'm here, too! I think I'm 4 inches away from around collar bone.
Hi, I'm joining too!
Right now my layers around my face are about shoulderlenght, and my longest strands are now reaching my shoulderblades.
My hair is curly, so when it's dry it's slightly shorter. But APL when my hair dry is my goal for now!
I'm also not very much one for buns and braids (only if I can use a really cool hair toy that drags everyones attention in a cool way), but I hated my layers because of the way the upper layer always got more damaged than bottom layer. It needed a trim way before the rest of my hair. Perhaps wavy hair is different. Looks great though!
I guess this is where I belong! Darn curly hair makes it so hard to tell sometimes. I'm a little past shoulder length when curly, depending on the day of course, and I'm dying to get to BSL. Really, I guess I'm growing to BSL, but APL is along that journey!
Cheeks1206, nice to see that someone else does have the same issue with the curls.
I like having long hair, but I'm a bit worried that when my hair reaches APL, the lenghts will be curly but the hair near the scalp will be flat because the weight of the hair. Ah, but I'll think about that when my hair actually is APL.