I know what you mean, I have a full kid and a kidlet now lol!
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Messy topknot! Almost all my hair is in there! Held with copper sticks.
THAT'S SO CUUUUTE!! I love your color, and that little pop of blonde in all that dark :crush:
This reminds me that I never posted the like 4 or 5 styles I did and uploaded! Spam time? SPAM TIME.
Bun (barely) in a four prong fork! I think if I can get the ends to actually tuck under, it'll hold a little longer and will last me a bit longer for full buns.
Very plain half-up, but classy and nice!
Twisty stick! I love how it holds.
Half-up with the four prong fork, and you can see how tiiiiiny it is! Once I outgrow it 100% for full stuff, it'll be a half-up fork!
Half-up bun with a flexi this time!
Thanks H o n є y, Corvana, and Eastbound&Down! :)
Corvana you have so many beautiful hair toys! The half ups are especially lovely. How does the four prong feel? I was tempted but IDK if my hair will slip out at this length.
Ah thank you! Several of them were a birthday gift, actually!
The fork feels really nice in a half-up, and either too loose or too tight in a full bun. Mostly because I have to make the bun real tight so it doesn't fall apart like crazy. I NEED THEM COUPLE INCHES. It has a short FPL (like 3") so it won't last me super long with all of my hair. I like how it spreads the weight out, though! Really nice.
I also managed to keep a full bun up with the spiral stick, and it may have stayed all day (and it was a headachey day for me, and I had no additional pain) had I not been like "well this one bit is sticking out, let me redo the whole thing" and THEN I COULDN'T REDO IT AT ALL. I was so mad at myself :laugh:
I don’t think I’ll reach my goal of APL by Christmas :(
I thought my hair just isn’t growing but I just realised when posting in the mini milestone thread that actually my fringe has grown from reaching my lips to just past my chin so it MUST be growing .... but the back looks the same length ... I have trimmed the back and it’s not been by much but it must be more than I think it is
On the plus side it appears the back of my hair looks in much better condition ..... I think so anyway
It looks fuller and getting close to all being one length rather than chunks missing here and there. It’s not perfect far from it but the condition has improved imo
I just wish it was longer it feels like I have ridiculously slow growing growing hair
I took a break from here hoping I would stop obsessing g about it but nope lol
1. I'm glad the condition is improving!!
2. I feel you on the "front is definitely growing but the back doesn't look any longer??" thing. I think I just posted about it, too. From the front, my hair has clearly grown like 1"+, but from the back it just looks exactly the same. I'm trying really hard to focus on other milestones, like "all my hair makes it to my english braid" and "I can just barely touch it when I reach up behind myself". Because I got nothing else :laugh:
But that sort of thing is why these length threads exist! We're all in a similar boat!
OMG That is actually how I have been feeling for the past two months! My hair in the front has clearly grown. It went from being at my lips to being half way down my chin. However, to me, the back looks the same length it has been. It's funny we've all been feeling this way and around the same time too. But I'm happy y'all mentioned it because now I'm convinced it's all in our heads lol.
Maybe this is just one of the obstacles that come with the territory of trying to reach APL? Like you, fhairyqueen, I thought I would reach APL by Christmas but it looks like that's not gonna happen. I'm so close though and it's aggravating.