Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
I think your hair looks lovely!
Judging by the photo I can't see any visible thinning, it looks really full :)
btw my intense hair shed stopped. I lost all my hair that used to be a one-and-a-half-year no-poo demarcation line which made me quiet sad. I realized that these hairs were on the top of my head, the area where you would part your hair and they were giving me so much volume and lift on top because they were shorter :( they added about 1/3 of the thickness in the front.
I hope they will grow back.
Thank you :) the photo hides it well. I tend to wear my hair up 99% of the time so its the thickness of braids that makes it really obvious.
But I am trying to find the positives from this. A) I got to cut off more bleach damage from last year, and B) I got to get rid of some more layers and make hair more even :)
I am still shedding but I am hoping it will stop soon :(
YAY for you though!!!! (the shedding bit ) I'm sure the other hairs will grow back too. Your hair looks very healthy and thick to be honest :) Also really like the colour :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Hi everyone! I'm a little shy about posting on the Mane forum so I thought I'd share my year's growth with you guys as this is the thread my length is at.
Here is my hair last year August (Terrible photo- sorry!):
I had it cut because I had a moment of temporary insanity and cut my hair myself- not even remotely in any style or any acceptable way, aaaanyways!
Here is my hair as of a couple of days ago:
This is my actual colour but the hair itself doesn't look very happy... (My husband took the photo and thought it looked fine- he shaves his head so that explains THAT! ;-)
I have learnt so many things from this site and sort of stuck with (a type of) benign neglect- wash, condition (we like cones, me and my hair!) and do ACV rinse every now and again to clarify after which I lightly oil. I used a bit of heat on the hair in the winter and hope it didn't so too much damage but going back to air dry as the seasons change again.
Thanks to everyone here for also sharing their pics of growth- it inspires and motivates me very much! :-)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Nooo, I promise I made the photo's smaller- or attempted to! Sorry about that!!:(:disgust:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
Thank you :) the photo hides it well. I tend to wear my hair up 99% of the time so its the thickness of braids that makes it really obvious.
But I am trying to find the positives from this. A) I got to cut off more bleach damage from last year, and B) I got to get rid of some more layers and make hair more even :)
I am still shedding but I am hoping it will stop soon :(
YAY for you though!!!! (the shedding bit ) I'm sure the other hairs will grow back too. Your hair looks very healthy and thick to be honest :) Also really like the colour :)
Exactly!!! You got to cut off some damaged hair and you have an even hair line now which is pretty great :D I'm looking forward to doing the same actually... once I reach a certain length. hopefully.
So did you manage to get your stress level under control? Or/and find the underlying cause of your shed?
Thanks for the compliments, my hair looks thick because I fluffed it up a little hehe; 1b hair does that I suppose :P I didn't know it was that hard to take a good picture of the back of your head btw ;)
And I'm trying to grow out henna actually - I sort of liked the colour but I always preferred cooler tones. At the same time I could never be bothered to research about indigo and buy it. I'm also too lazy to tone my hair with some blue toners (damn you laziness!!! I should get over it) then I discovered that I actually like my natural colour, so I'm trying to see more of it :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
MaryO that is some inspiring growth <3 I love the colour or your hair :) looks like you'll be solid APL sometime next year?
By the way, what is it with the picture size when it's linked from an external site? Are there any guidelines that I missed? Personally, I prefer bigger pictures, you get to see more details :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Looks great, MaryO! That's a lot of growth for one year! Yep, I'm with stachelbeere, I like the bigger pictures :) Thanks for sharing.
AnnaB, sorry about the shedding issues -- just went through a phase myself. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. But the new cut looks lovely!
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
AnnaB that sucks about the shedding, but I think your new hair looks great! :)
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
:waving:May I join all of you?:flower:
I cut from mid-back length to neck length on March 6th of this year and I am now solidly at shoulder. I am able to do a few updos at my current length, which is great because I love my 60th St. forks!:p
I just measured my length and it is 19 inches, I will be very happy once I make it to 20 inches, it just sounds so much longer than 19!:laugh:
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
I'm popping up with a mini-milestone - I just straightened my hair to check on its length and found that at the back my hair runs a little past APL! Of course I'll be sticking around until my hair naturally reaches that length (which I hope will happen a month or two into next year - it's currently a little past collarbone), but it was just really nice to see some progress :D
Re: Calling all who are growing shoulder to APL!
Originally Posted by
:waving:May I join all of you?:flower:
I should hope so! Welcome to the topic and good luck with your growth :)