Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
Really? That's interesting, I wonder if it's true. I'd love to be able to see my natural hair from someone else's point of view, just to see what it actually looks like without having a warped opinion/impression. :P
Me too!!! In my case It has kiinda been proven, since I wanted to buy a hair dye close to my natural hair color roots and I got a dark shade of blonde but then the girl who was there told me that it was way too dark compared to my roots
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
blue_eyes, sad to see you go, but it's no use to struggle doing something if you don't feel good doing it. Atleast you seem to know what you want and look best in. I was never sure and kept going through all the reds, browns and blacks out there which caused more than enough damage to my hair. Maybe now you'll be doing less of the bleaching which seems to have been the most damaging to you. And you do have a good head start on healthier hair with the virgin growth. :) Are you going to try some less damaging dyes or techniques first or is it straight back to chemical dyes?
Thanks Ocelan! I think being undecided about the best way to go about this has been one of the reasons I'm second guessing myself. I've traumatized myself by wrecking so much havoc on my hair in the past that starting again is somewhat terrifying :P
Initially I was just going to go straight back to the salon & have it done by a pro with professional dye (I'm always hearing it's "healthier" than drustore dyes), however I like the idea of being able to cover my hair in coconut oil and just do it myself at home. I've also been considering using a semi-perm dye just in case I do change my mind again.
I'm definitely not rushing into anything. If I put off touching it for another year I'll reach my goal length and the majority of it will be virgin & healthy, and then I could dye it if I wanted to. I'm really worried about adding the damage of repeated dyeings while I'm still trying to grow it out.
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
Me too!!! In my case It has kiinda been proven, since I wanted to buy a hair dye close to my natural hair color roots and I got a dark shade of blonde but then the girl who was there told me that it was way too dark compared to my roots
That's really interesting. I get very different comments from people (or the same people will tell me things that are very different). For instance, my SO has told me that my hair is very brown looking one day, and then he'll tell me it looks so light and blonde another day. My mom has said it actually looks kind of red. A hairdresser told me I looked like a level 7 blonde, but personally I think it looks like a light golden brown, hahaha. It's like nobody is very sure. :P
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
That's really interesting. I get very different comments from people (or the same people will tell me things that are very different). For instance, my SO has told me that my hair is very brown looking one day, and then he'll tell me it looks so light and blonde another day. My mom has said it actually looks kind of red. A hairdresser told me I looked like a level 7 blonde, but personally I think it looks like a light golden brown, hahaha. It's like nobody is very sure. :P
ahahahahaha thats a good thing tho! it means that you have many tones on it! But I trully believe that your hair is blonde and not even a dark shade! Its kinda close to a caramel honey blonde, the reason people have so many different opinios about your hair color it is becouse is a special kind of blonde (just like every natural blonde color), wich NON HAIRDRESS MAGICIAN will be able to represent it with the colors they already have.... Basically all of us natural blondes have their own "id" blonde color
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Hi everyone!
I posted in this thread about 10 months ago... Back then I wasn't really sure about what to do with my hair, but now that I do, this place is where I belong :)
So this is my resumed hair story:
- 2010-2013: I grew out my natural hair color after 4 years of blonde highlights. By spring 2013 I had collar bone length ash/ caramel (?) brown hair.
- Fall 2013: I started feeling "not myself" and "washed out" with my natural color. On impulse I went and ruined 3 years if growing out... With blonde highlights :( (yes... I know... How could I be so stupid??)
- New year 2014: After a few touch ups of the highlights... I started remembering why I wanted to return to my natural hair back in 2010... The damage was so visible already. But it still felt hard to let go of the blonde color, and my husband likes me to be blonde...
- May 2014: I find out that I'm pregnant, which means no hair dye for me until the baby is born...
So right now I'm almost 8 months pregnant and with 9 months of roots. I have decided to continue after the baby is born, until I have my virgin hair back... Which will be another 2 years... Sigh...
I have been trying to upload my pictures for a few hours now, but this site is not so iPad friendly or maybe it's just me... I was able to put up an album on my profile though. It's a month by month thing :-)
I have been reading the thread for a few days now, so I feel that I know you guys a little bit already :)
Blue_Eyes don't act on impulse! (It doesn't seem like you are but still). There is nothing wrong about dyeing your hair if that is what you want, but your natural color is so pretty and you have come such a long way... I dearly regret my impulse return to hair dye... So I feel that it us my duty to warn against any impulse actions!! :). :)
Hugs xoxo
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Autumnleaves25- thank you so much for sharing your story. Your natural color is so gorgeous. Its a shame that we get pulled into this hair dysmorphia where we don't feel like "ourselves" with the color of hair we were meant to have. I guses the good news is you've been through the grow out process and you know how long it takes....and you'll be less likely to make a snap decision to return to chemicals after 2 grow outs. Its a shame processing causes so much damage (at least in my case). No color is worth how fried my hair gets with chemicals. I'm going on 3 years with my grow out. By the end of next year it should be all virgin. I never ever ever want to do this again:)
Welcome to the thread and I wish you swift growing:)
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone!
I posted in this thread about 10 months ago... Back then I wasn't really sure about what to do with my hair, but now that I do, this place is where I belong :)
So this is my resumed hair story:
- 2010-2013: I grew out my natural hair color after 4 years of blonde highlights. By spring 2013 I had collar bone length ash/ caramel (?) brown hair.
- Fall 2013: I started feeling "not myself" and "washed out" with my natural color. On impulse I went and ruined 3 years if growing out... With blonde highlights :( (yes... I know... How could I be so stupid??)
- New year 2014: After a few touch ups of the highlights... I started remembering why I wanted to return to my natural hair back in 2010... The damage was so visible already. But it still felt hard to let go of the blonde color, and my husband likes me to be blonde... ��
- May 2014: I find out that I'm pregnant, which means no hair dye for me until the baby is born...
So right now I'm almost 8 months pregnant and with 9 months of roots. I have decided to continue after the baby is born, until I have my virgin hair back... Which will be another 2 years... Sigh...
I have been trying to upload my pictures for a few hours now, but this site is not so iPad friendly or maybe it's just me... I was able to put up an album on my profile though. It's a month by month thing :-)
I have been reading the thread for a few days now, so I feel that I know you guys a little bit already :)
Blue_Eyes don't act on impulse! (It doesn't seem like you are but still). There is nothing wrong about dyeing your hair if that is what you want, but your natural color is so pretty and you have come such a long way... I dearly regret my impulse return to hair dye... So I feel that it us my duty to warn against any impulse actions!! :). :)
Hugs xoxo
First of all i wish you the best for your baby!
I may be wrong but your hair color seems to me like a dark ash blonde, beautiful! If you ever get again the urge to dye it just place some face framing highlights wich are only on the front part of hair, this way you will still have your natural hair color on the rest of your hair and if you want eventually to have only your natural color it will be really easy to match them with the rest of the hair! ALSO I did the same mistake, I grew my natural color (at the ear length) but then I get the urge to have white-platinum hair, so 4 months later I want again my natural hair color -_-
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Welcome Autumnleaves25. I had a look at your album and your natural hair colour is lovely. And the grow out looks really nice. Congrats on your pregnancy too.
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
A picture showing how my hair near the scalp is gradually becoming more silvery and blending into the blonde further down the length.