Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
I can see my roots only in certain light, it weirdly blends with henna. :)
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Not sure what I think of the structure of my natural hair. My plan was always to grow out my natural hair to shoulder and then chop off the dye, because the dyed ends split so easily and can look quite damaged at times. However, with the right treatment they can look quite shiny and glossy.
I'm not so sure whether that's the best way to go, as my natural hair seems to be a lot dryer than I expected. This makes me fear that once it gets more length it will split just as much as the dyed ends. It would be so sad to trim off all hair dye to avoid splits, loose length and then keep getting just as many splits.
I guess I was hoping for my natural hair to be shinier? I do think that a huge part of this whole problem is the fact that the different parts of my hair want different haircare. My bleached ends love cones, which seem to make my natural hair lifeless. However, if I cater to the natural parts more, the dyed ones will probably just fall off haha :justy:
Sorry about the rant!:crazyq:
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Thank you so much, blue_eyes. Let's see if this works...
A photo taken in the last week, of the top of my head. The colour isn't very good, but you can see the difference between virgin and coloured hair.
Do you think my hair looks very thin?
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
Thank you so much, blue_eyes. Let's see if this works...
A photo taken in the last week, of the top of my head. The colour isn't very good, but you can see the difference between virgin and coloured hair.
Do you think my hair looks very thin?
I'm so glad it worked! :D
You're making really good progress! I don't think your hair looks very thin, it looks like you've got volume. :)
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
I'm in the same boat! I dyed last 6 months ago. Here's a picture I took this morning,... granted, it's wash day and I'm a total oil slick.
And here's a length picture:
I have a long ways to go!
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
Thank you so much, blue_eyes. Let's see if this works...
A photo taken in the last week, of the top of my head. The colour isn't very good, but you can see the difference between virgin and coloured hair.
Do you think my hair looks very thin?
I have to say that's a really soft demarcation line. It should be a breeze to grow out. :)
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Originally Posted by
So sweet! Your natural color is so beautiful! :-) you are so pretty.
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
I wanted to share my progress during this year as I just made an update in the Monthly Photo Project-thread.
I last dyed my hair in April 2013 so in the January photo it had been 9 months. The demarcation line isn't really visibe but my lenghts were definitely red.
After the June photo I bleached the lower half of the lengths. Summer had already done things to my hair before that!
Since then I have just let it grown and trimmed a bit in between. My ends have some damage going on as they have been both dyed and bleached but I'm comfortable with the colour. There isn't a clear line between the virgin and bleached hair, there is still some yellow/orangeness going on but overall I'm very happy with this year's transformation. I plan to trim a few cm every three or four months so the damaged parts will slowly be trimmed off.
Re: Giving up the dye/bleach and growing out natural? Share your progress.
Well, I had the back of my hair chopped off, near the nape of my neck, to avoid any potential mullet. It feels so good, especially as the weather's so hot at the moment! Love the feel of no hair on my neck in summertime.
It does make it feel a bit like I've defeated my last three months of growing, but the hairdresser didn't touch the top parts, which need to grow more to meet up with the bottom bits anyway.
Re: How persistent were you growing out dye?
2-4 years, succeeded. It took three years and couple of months to grow virgin hair down to around apl. Then I cut all dyed hair off and lived happily ever after :) Now growing towards longer lengths. I was very persistent and headstrong with my growing out process, I wish I would be that way with all the other decisions in my life too, lol.