:D thankyou Hotrox! I double checked the other day and im just there! im so happy :cheese:
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I can finally join this thread now. My ends are touching the very top of my shoulder, so I'm calling it shoulder. :)
Shoulder-APL is by far the longest stretch on me--nearly 7 inches. I plan to micro trim quarterly, to keep my ends in good shape, so it'll take more than a year to get to armpit. As a comparison, APL to BSL is only 3 inches, and to waist another 3. In other words, this is the longest, hardest part of the marathon. That's good to remember when it gets frustrating. And it will!
Alright, you inspired me to go track down my tape measure..:drama:
I am probably doing it wrong, but it looks like shoulder length (which is where I am) is 19 inches over the top of my head from my hairline. APL is another 4, BSL another four, and waist yet another four. Since my long term goal is TBL, it looks like I have another 24 inches to grow! :thudpile:
And here I always thought I had a short upper body:rolleyes:
Still, 24 inches, that's not too bad, seeing as in March I was at pixie.
FrozenBritannia, what is FL, like..flip length? That's not very obvious to me, and perhaps to other members aswell. Why don't you put shoulder length?
At first I thought floor length. :p
I'm finally happy enough to call this APL here is the back (sorry crappy quality)
And the front :
Yayyyyyyy finally 10 months too long.
Hello!! Here another one growing from shoulders to APL!!! I took this photo this month, I will be updating!!! :D http://i51.tinypic.com/waqzrt.jpg
Oh Manzanilla I have the same day bed as you, I use it as a couch, it's very comfy to curl up with my two puppies (and bf). Lovely net as well, like your taste in decoration ;)
i did check if it was APL and it was just there but i realised afterwards that it was still slightly damp! when my hair is dry it still has a couple of centimetres to go :( ! The good thing is that i can hang around this amazing thread for a little longer :D
I'm new here and currently at shoulder/flip length, with my 1st mini-goal as APL. Shoulder is such an annoying length right now. My layers make it so I can't do much but a stubby pony tail to keep my hair up, because my shortest layers are just barely chin length. Grrrrr!
Happy growing everyone!!!
I still have about 4 inches to go ... this is taking FOREVER!
When my hair is wet, the longest parts are so close!! But it is only just past collarbone when dry :( I hope to get there by december though :)
Just curious, why does it take sooooooooo long to get from shoulder to APL? Please tell me this is the worst part and it gets better after APL?! :justy:
I'm saying good-bye to this thread because I decided to keep my hair short (neck length). Good growing everyone. :)
heyo, i'm very new to lhc! i haven't measured my hair correctly yet but i can guestimate by looking at it that i'm about 3 inches-ish past SL and i have about 2.5 inches to go to be APL. I'm also growing out bangs and layers from when i wanted to have "zooey deschanel" hair last year. lol. like that can be achieved with SL hair to begin with... :P
so anywho, to help it along i've been using castor oil on my hair overnight a couple of times a week, eating more bananas, using a BBB and seam-free comb, putting coconut or jojoba oil on the ends, and all in all just OBSESSING about it waaay more than i used to. LHC is such a time-suck in the hands of some people.. i'm still looking around for supplements/multivitamins that would be helpful. any ideas?
Lianna you have to do what's right for you! Enjoy your hair! :flower:
hoopster welcome!! It sounds like you are doing a whole lot to help your hair! I would recommend simply adding regular multi-viatmin to your daily intake along with fish oil supplements. I would not add anything else until you check with a doctor. I was one of those who took supplements without consulting a doctor and it did no good and potential harm to my body. Now, I take supplements my doctor knows I need and my overall health, including my hair is much improved!!
I need a new 2c hair twin now that Lianna is going back to short hair! :(
My hair feels really huge today... it's almost as wide as my shoulders. I'm always in search of ways to make it less huge. It's not even that thick ... just puffy. This was my best attempt to "straighten" it with damp-bunning.
Here's what it looks like with the "curly girl method" ...I think this looks a little better but it's really frustrating to wear it like this because I can't brush it.
Jaine your hair is so long! My hair looks like yours in the back (CG method for you) but it's definitely 3a in the front. I'll have to take some updated photos. I've given in and trimmed and shaped it up while I've been growing it because I can't handle the pyramid shapes or the frizzy, shapeless mass that it can be, so I've got layers, and I love it!
I think your hair is beautiful and the fullness is a stunning quality! Both looks are great!
hello all :)
I'm just past shoulder length, although I have layers and the shortest is at chin length so it will take time for all of my hair to be APL but hey.
I'm getting married in Jun 2012 and would like at least APL for then, which I'm thinking will be no problem. 6 months would get me to APL I reckon so there's another 3 there for the craic :)
I had a trim to get rid of damaged ends in...end of August and have another booked for November but am just getting a tiny bit taken off each time as the hairdresser knows I'm growing it. Since I've only stopped heat styling and chemical dying recently it does have some damage so I feel it needs the trims right now.
I usually CWC every other day (sometimes stretch an extra day though) and before a wash I massage in a mix of castor oil, grapeseed oil and monistat and leave for a few hours, so that's my basic routine. I also sometimes put coconut oil on the ends if they need it.
I keep bouncing back and forth between alllllllmost BSL and then back up to ALLLLLLLMOST APL. Grrr. Help me stick it out this time? :confused:
It looks really great in the CG method! I think it just takes time to get used to not brushing it. And you can still brush it, just right before you wash it! (BTW, my sister and you have nearly identical hair- if it wasn't for the couches I'd swear you were her... Her hair is BSL now and she has found that the longer it gets, the less poufy it is. :))
My bleached ends are really, really showing the wear and tear; I just did my 12-week trim the other day (of course, it was just a teeensy, eeensy, weeensy trim) and I keep finding splits absolutely everywhere.:(
I'm finally at APL (or would be if I straightened my hair, but I don't, so hooray, I'm still here with you all!) and was hoping to keep the damaged ends until waist and then trim off before continuing to classic, because I'd have enough length it wouldn't freak me out so much to wack off a couple of inches, lol....but...I think I'm starting to realize these bottom few inches might not make it that long.
Yeah, I've been S&Ding pretty regularly. I have hair scizzors on my desk, lol. Basically I think I'm trying to talk myself out of a big chop (at least two inches, but should probably be more like 4-ish. eek!), especially since I cut my own hair and that would mean relayering all of it to make sure I get all the damage...
ie. a revolting pain in the you-know-what, and terrifying as well. lol
On the other hand, even with four inches I'd still be in the same length bracket. *sigh* But this is always the stage where I chop the length back, and I don't want to do it yet again. Raggh.
Apologies for the rant, lol.
I know it's horrible isn't it! If your ends really are that bad though I'd say it'd be to just brave it and get rid of them all! Then you can start from fresh :) My hair around 6 months ago was extremely damaged and I wouldn't have managed off just S&Ding.
Yup! jaine I'm sausage ringlets all the way in the front! :lol: I don't live in the same climate though, so I don't have big hair right now. I have limp hair, or frizzy rat's nest hair!
Jimothea, I know what you mean! With my hair wet/straight, it's at APL, but about an inch-ish away dry. But my ends are AWFUL. Just crunchy and yucky looking. I think I will probably just reach APL, grow an inch past and cut that inch off, then continue on my merry way to waist :)
I'm just a few inches past shoulder blade. It seems to take forever to get to beyond shoulder blade length. The thing is when it straight its about half ways to my goal. Its taken me four months to get to where I'm at. I have a taper to my hair I have taken care of my hair. I'm thinking about trying monistat. I heard it makes hair grow faster.
My hair is a couple inches past shoulder. I usually get a little longer than that and get fed up with my dry frizzy ends and chop them off. Ive made a few changes Im hoping will help.
I am going to stop chemically dying my hair.
Ive gone no-poo as of almost a month ago.
I discovered that a couple drops of coconut oil on the ends of my hair makes a huge difference..
Im focused on growing out my hair. If I have a bad hair day I will put my hair up and noone will know.