Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
I apologize in advance to anyone who knows anything about Mexican food, but I was having a beef burrito for dinner and decided it didn't have enough protein in it so I tipped a can of tuna salad with sweetcorn on top of it. It was really good, that's the amazing thing! I am sure I have never knowingly eaten beef and tuna together in my life before. :p
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
Today I ate... my username! With added egg, because I've been trying to eat more egg lately.
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
Protein banana pancakes for breakfast.
The usual Marmite, cheese and lettuce sandwich for lunch. Vanilla Greek yogurt, this time, for an afternoon snack.
For dinner salad: cabbage, carrot, cucumber, tomato, chopped mint and basil, with a dressing. And a smoked chicken breast sandwich with lettuce and about, oh, one teaspoon of mayonnaise. Fatty Shayna has been learning her lessons about 'moderation'. This word didn't exist in my vocabulary until a few months ago. :p
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
Originally Posted by
I apologize in advance to anyone who knows anything about Mexican food, but I was having a beef burrito for dinner and decided it didn't have enough protein in it so I tipped a can of tuna salad with sweetcorn on top of it. It was really good, that's the amazing thing! I am sure I have never knowingly eaten beef and tuna together in my life before. :p
Oooh, I'm not Mexican but I am Latin American. In my country we call that "cruzado", which means crossed. So if you have a soup with beef and chicken it's a cruzado soup. It's my first time seeing tuna and beef though! Maybe I'll try it :D
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
I just had carbonara pasta with tuna with cheese on top
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
Originally Posted by
Peanut butter cookies my best friend's gf made :D
arc691 said she eats peanut butter for her hair so it must be good for you.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it :whistle:
Peanuts are actually an incredible source of natural biotin, so you aren't wrong! Eat those cookies to your heart's content :p
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
Dinner was Thai green chicken curry, with loads of extra vegetables, and mango Greek yogurt for dessert. :o
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
I managed to get a packet of Smoked Salmon at a reduced price in the supermarket today. Mmmmmm, juicy smokey salmon! :o
Re: What did you eat for your hair today?
with the exception of dinner/ the weekends, i usually eat the same thing every day. breakfast is coffee + oatmeal & collagen, lunch is niçoise salad with 3oz salmon instead of tuna, snacks are fruit/ toast/ pumpkin seed protein shakes, and/or a chocolate ensure drink. :yumm:
since i'm growing out a buzz-cut, i'm trying to eat 100g+ protein & foods rich in iron, biotin, copper, & omega 3s. my daily tea blend of nettle/oatstraw/moringa is high in silica/vitamin c & the only supplement i added to my stack is msm.
manifesting rapunzel hair :meditate: