How soon did you start having silver hair?
My mom only started after her fifties.
I'm 22 and already have some strands all over my head, they are most obvious when I part my hair on the left side. My mom thinks it's weird and unatural. She doesn't mean it in a bad way, though.
I'm not sure at what age people are supposed to have gray hair, had them since I was 15 :confused:
I think people (and society in general) have a tendency to associate gray hair with old age, but I'm not so sure about that. I've met people that were born with patches of white hair, so...
You tell me!
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
I've had a few strays once in a while since I was about 16. I just pull them out. They don't come back like the myth says. But I've only found about 10 total in the past 6 years.
I had a neighbor growing up who had black hair but he had a huge patch of white hair on the back of his head. He said it was a birth mark. :confused: I don't know if it's the same as regular silvers though.
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
It probably started sooner, but I noticed silver hairs in my mid-40s because there were quite a few of them. My hair is so light in color that a few silvers blended right in, I'm sure.
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
Originally Posted by
I had a neighbor growing up who had black hair but he had a huge patch of white hair on the back of his head. He said it was a birth mark. :confused: I don't know if it's the same as regular silvers though.
Yea I've heard another person call it a birth mark. I think they call it like that when it's something they are born with.
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
Don't feel too bad about it........I had an indian friend who also started going gray in her teens. There was another lady I knew who was only in her thirties and you could see the majority of her hair was gray when she let her roots go too long.
I found my first gray when I was 26 or 27 and I only have 2 really noticeable strands (to me) and I think I have glimpsed a couple of others towards the back. Lucky for me my hair is fine so they are kinda hard to see unless actively searching for them.
I have to say I can't wait to see what I'm gonna look like with a head of silver. It looks really pretty on some ladies!
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
I noticed my first as I was starting to grow out dye the end of last year/beginning of this year. I'm 23. They don't bother me, I'm naturally blonde and they're pretty hard to notice.
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
Originally Posted by
I have to say I can't wait to see what I'm gonna look like with a head of silver. It looks really pretty on some ladies!
Have to agree with you on that one! :D
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
I started graying at 14. Both parents grayed quite early. I love Dad's brilliant silver hair and I'd love to be able to transition to all silver one day.
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
Well, I'm 24, and no silvers so far, so I didn't vote. :p My mom is pretty much all grey (but dyes it) at 48, and my dad, turning 50 this year doesn't have a single grey yet! My hair seems to come from my moms side of the family though, so I wouldn't be too surprised to see some in not too long. :p
Re: How soon did you start having silver hair?
Another blondie with silvery/white hairs that just blend in... I noticed in a picture from last August (just before I lightened my hair) that I had quite a few white strands. I think it was pretty cool. I notice in my roots as well there are few lighter hairs. My dad started graying quite young and I certainly wouldnt object to having silver hair when Im thirty :D