Just out of curiosity: No matter your washing methods, where do you prefer to do it?
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Just out of curiosity: No matter your washing methods, where do you prefer to do it?
I just got a brand new, giant shower head so I am really excited to wash my hair every day! :)
I always wash in the tub "head over" :o
I wash in the shower nowadays. I used to wash my hair in the sink when it was shorter, but since it's gotten waist length and longer I found it disgusting because I just cannot avoid some strands hanging down the drain. Eww.
I always wash it in the shower. I tried to wash it in the sink and in the bathtub but I had much more tangles then.
I prefer to wash (scalp only) over the sink, because it's quick and easy.
I have always washed in the bath. Possibly because I prefer baths to showers anyway and also my shower doesn't work any more. I never put bubble bath or anything in the bath on hair wash days though.
bath :) I used to prefer the shower, but now I just prefer baths overall.
I have used a tupperware bin of water with a cup to rinse before when my bathtub clogged up.
I'll wash it in a tub when I'm at my grandparents house and can. I live near them so it doesn't happen often. I live in an 80 year old house that is in need of repairs that I can't afford and there is no amount of money that would get me to sit my butt down in my bathtub.
I stand up in the shower. My hair is just too long for me to easily do it with my head tipped over the sink. I have been known to wash my hair under taps or hand water pumps when we've been camping various places, though!