View Full Version : Scalp problem

Redhead Rebel
August 28th, 2012, 06:20 PM
I need some suggestions please. . .

I have had Psoriasis all my life, I have been using medicated shampoos and dandruff shampoos for my scalp to try and get rid of it but nothings helped.

:confused: I'm now not sure if it is Psoriasis that is on my scalp, my scalp feels very thick and dry, but there are rarely any flakes.

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and if there is anything I could use to get rid of the thick dry skin.

Some days I feel like I would have to shave my head to try and get it under control :(

August 29th, 2012, 06:59 AM
Don't know if you have Selsun where you live but I used that when I had a scalp problem years ago and it really worked. My Dad has been using it for years and he recommended it. It is available in the UK from chemists. They keep it behind the counter so you have to ask for it. Maybe look online and give it a go?

Or tea tree oil is often good for scalp problems.

If all else fails, go to your doctor to see if there is a medical problem

Redhead Rebel
August 29th, 2012, 05:05 PM
Don't know if you have Selsun where you live but I used that when I had a scalp problem years ago and it really worked. My Dad has been using it for years and he recommended it. It is available in the UK from chemists. They keep it behind the counter so you have to ask for it. Maybe look online and give it a go?

Or tea tree oil is often good for scalp problems.

If all else fails, go to your doctor to see if there is a medical problem

I have tried using Selsun Blue and that didn't work and T-Gel didn't work either. I might try the Tea Tree Oil, Thanks.

I have been to the doctor but they keep giving me medicated rinses etc for Psoriasis but those don't work

August 29th, 2012, 06:39 PM
I have tried using Selsun Blue and that didn't work and T-Gel didn't work either. I might try the Tea Tree Oil, Thanks.

I have been to the doctor but they keep giving me medicated rinses etc for Psoriasis but those don't work

Sorry to hear that you are having this problem.

I have not had this problem myself but I have read several claims about substances that ease psoriasis and other scalp issues. Here's a few that I have run across online:

Brahmi (paste made from mixing the dried herb with water)

Hope that helps. Maybe someone else will chime in who has tried something that worked on their scalp.

Redhead Rebel
August 29th, 2012, 06:44 PM
Sorry to hear that you are having this problem.

I have not had this problem myself but I have read several claims about substances that ease psoriasis and other scalp issues. Here's a few that I have run across online:

Brahmi (paste made from mixing the dried herb with water)

Hope that helps. Maybe someone else will chime in who has tried something that worked on their scalp.

Thanks, I have been taking MSM so will try it for longer and see if it helps. And have been wondering if taking flaxseed oil would help, though that usually makes me break out.

I will look into your other suggestions.

August 29th, 2012, 06:53 PM
I have been to the doctor but they keep giving me medicated rinses etc for Psoriasis but those don't work

Have you revisited, to tell them it's not doing any good? :) Maybe they'll put you on something else.

Redhead Rebel
August 29th, 2012, 08:54 PM
The only ones I haven't been able to try are ones that aren't funded so are out of my price range

August 29th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Could it be fungal? I know that if I am having problems some canisten or monstat or daktarian helps - I to have thick scales on two spots on the back of my head and this has helped. The other is to try some hydrocorsosone (sp) but that would be a trip to the doc.

Redhead Rebel
August 29th, 2012, 09:07 PM
That had crossed my mind seen I don't think it is Psoriasis or Dandruff, it is my whole scalp not just patches so I really don't think it is Psoriasis anymore. I think on pay day i'll have to go out and buy some of the things people have suggested and experiment.

August 30th, 2012, 01:43 AM
My scalp is really itchy and dry too. I'm thinking of using Sweet almond oil with tea tree oil. I'm going to massage it into my scalp the night before I wash my hair. Maybe you should try that.

August 30th, 2012, 01:45 AM
I forgot to mention that you could also try mixing tea tree oil with jojoba oil. Or try using neem oil.