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August 20th, 2012, 10:06 AM
I Clarified for the first time using Pantene Pro V clarifying shampoo (diluted 1 tablespoon of the shampoo with 2 liter of warm water poured it over my hair hanging my head over the sink and receiving the water to pour again , repeating this for 4 times then I rinsed with clean water till clean) I felt while clarifying that my hair really dry (making this sound of clean surfaces) but I was going to follow this with deep treatment using coconut cream (the natural stuff really) which I did and left for 3 Hours covered with plastic bag and a scarf then washed with cone free conditioner , rinsed with water , towel dried , combed with coconut oil .
After the DT and conditioner and coconut oil my hair still feeling really dry making this weird sound (I hope understand what I’m mean).
Usually coconut cream makes my hair really soft and shiny but using it on dry hair and also just conditioning followed by coconut oil make my hair manageable. So I don’t think that coconut cream or the conditioner is responsible for this.
So I really don’t know is it the shampoo itself or the way I used it or what? So please help?
I’m going to condition today but I really want to know what I did wrong.

August 20th, 2012, 10:38 AM
I'm not an expert, but I think you clarified way too many times. One or two times should be enough imo. I think your hair needs lots of moisture :)

August 20th, 2012, 10:52 AM
Do you think i should only pour it twice over my hair or dilute the shampoo with more water or use 1 teaspoon of shampoo instead of 1 tablespoon

August 20th, 2012, 12:39 PM
I would try 1 teaspoon and see if that works and I agree with NataschaB. You probably did the rinse too many times so I would give your hair 3 week break before you clarify again until then, give your hair the coconut oil and all the treatment it needs.

August 20th, 2012, 04:42 PM
I would try 1 teaspoon and see if that works and I agree with NataschaB. You probably did the rinse too many times so I would give your hair 3 week break before you clarify again until then, give your hair the coconut oil and all the treatment it needs.
Thanks honeyflower , i will co wash for a while but i want to know this really dry feeling is damage or what?

August 20th, 2012, 05:30 PM
You clarified 4 times in a row?? That's probably the reason why your hair is so dry, try using coconut oil overnight before clarifying and then a nice SMT after to put the moisture back. If your hair is still dry try a SMT to put some moisture back in, it's easily fixable but there's never any reason to shampoo your hair 4 times in a row, I never dilute shampoo when clarifying and only wash once, as clarifying shampoo is very stripping.

August 20th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Most curlies I know can't stand having their hair clarified ONCE. It takes about a week for me to recover completely from clarifying. And clarifying shampoos are used rarely in the year. Most shampoos are already stripping/drying enough for curlies. Remember, curls love moisture and most shampoos are very, very drying.

I say you just shrug and say "What's done is done" and focus on moisture treatments for the next week. Co-wash (wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo) for the next week or so and let your hair get back to it's normal moisture state. Then reassess.

August 20th, 2012, 07:58 PM
It takes my hair several conditionings to even start recovering from a strong shampooing. Give your hair time and lots of conditioner. Why did you clarify? Maybe you didn't need it.

August 20th, 2012, 07:58 PM
I agree with CurlyCap, it sounds to me like you stripped the moisture from your hair. My hair loses moisture very easily with clarifying .. what I would suggest is a heavy oiling of coconut oil, braid your hair, sleep on it, wash out with a NON-clairifying shampoo, and SMT on top of that.

After I henna, my hair is so dry for about a week I have to SMT and CO until it begins to respond. You might try CO'ing for awhile also. I'd also recommend a non-SLS shampoo if you heavy coconut oil.. SLS can be drying.

August 21st, 2012, 08:18 AM
Thank you all. I will give my hair a very long break from clarifying and alot of moisture hoping it is not alongterm damage.