View Full Version : Tangle Teaser vs. Tangle Tamer Max or other suggestions

August 11th, 2012, 02:22 PM
I was in need of a new brush, as my old copper-plated goody is getting old and losing its copper plating. I was at Sally's and asked for a suggestion. My hair was down, so the lady could see and feel it before giving me a suggestion. Her first suggestion was for this little plastic ball-tipped bristle brush with longer than average bristles. I felt it and thought it was way too soft/flexible to actually brush through my hair.

I've heard such good reviews on the tangle teaser, but right next to it was a slightly cheaper version with a handle, called Tangle Tamer Max. So I got that one. Well, it doesn't seem to actually go through all of my hair, but wants to stay on top, creating tangles underneath. I wanted something that would actually massage my scalp as I brush. I don't know if it is because the teeth are too short or if they are too soft and bendy. Any ideas? Should I try something else? Also, it seems to pull out more hair than my other brush, but I could just be shedding more because of the heat.

Thanks in advance!

August 11th, 2012, 02:39 PM
I've been using the Tangle Teezer for a few months now and I've got to say I'm a big fan :)

Detangles very quickly - although if you have thick hair it might not be able to penetrate through ALL your hair so bear that in mind!

August 11th, 2012, 02:44 PM
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing that can replace the real thing, aka the Tangle Teezer. I have a Macadamia Oil "No Tangle Styler" (http://www.macadamiahair.com/products/detail/no_tangle_styler_brush) brush, also with a handle, and the bristles are slightly longer, which doesn't make it as effective as the Tangle Teezer (buuut it's okay).

August 11th, 2012, 02:48 PM
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing that can replace the real thing, aka the Tangle Teezer. I have a Macadamia Oil "No Tangle Styler" (http://www.macadamiahair.com/products/detail/no_tangle_styler_brush) brush, also with a handle, and the bristles are slightly longer, which doesn't make it as effective as the Tangle Teezer (buuut it's okay).

Actually, my tangle tamer looks just like the "no tangle styler" just a different color. It seems that the longer bristles would go through the thicker hair. I dunno, not so impressed with what I got and not sure I want to spend even more money on the real thing. How can shorter bristles make it through all the bulk? Are they just sturdier?

August 11th, 2012, 04:00 PM
Actually, my tangle tamer looks just like the "no tangle styler" just a different color. It seems that the longer bristles would go through the thicker hair. I dunno, not so impressed with what I got and not sure I want to spend even more money on the real thing. How can shorter bristles make it through all the bulk? Are they just sturdier?

A little yes. They push through the hair easier, somehow. My hair is still sectioned into two halves for the TT to get through it properly, but I have no issues with it in that sense, not really. It reaches my scalp just fine. :)

August 11th, 2012, 04:47 PM

August 11th, 2012, 05:12 PM

Ooh, great, thanks. I seemed to remember there was already a thread about this!