View Full Version : Split Ender Hair Trimmer

March 24th, 2008, 06:58 AM
hi all!
first of all and most importantly, i misses you all so badly!!!

i'd like to ask about this thing called split-enders machines?!! are they really good? my hair stylist didn't recommend it and said that traditional trimming is much better! but i don't believe her b/c i always ask 4 a trim and end with at least 1" cut and a new hair style!!
their site is http://www.splitender.com
what do you think of it?

March 24th, 2008, 07:15 AM
Hi Palms,

I would not put this appliance near my hair.

I do not like the premise that every hair that is not the length of my hair is a split end. What about new growth that is not as long as the rest of my hair? Will it get cut off as well? I fear that using this over time will thin my hair. Maybe just my imagination.

In the video it looks like it cuts the tips of hair that is shorter then the length. What about split ends at the hem of the hair?

I prefer a good scissor that is only for hair. Sit by a sunny window, twirl my hair and look for the actual split ends.

March 24th, 2008, 07:21 AM
The deal with that thing, is that it cuts with a razor. Now, a well-done razor cut can be a good thing, but the key there is well-done, which I doubt that thing is delivering.

Check out these photos:

Unskilled razor cutting can leave a long 'tail' on the severed hair, which may lead to breakdown of the end of the hair

The stump of a hair that has been badly cut

Source (http://www.pg.com/science/haircare/hair_twh_70.htm)

So I'm not convinced that this thing 1) cuts the hair straight across the bottom and 2) doesn't get dull as all get-out quickly, and give a poor, shattered cut like the second pic. I think you're better off getting a decent pair of hair shears and doing some old-fashioned S&D.

March 24th, 2008, 07:50 AM
There were a boatload of threads at the old LHC on the Split Ender. IIRC no one thought they were a good thing. The consensus was to run away as fast as you can. Why would whirling razor blades in your hair be a good thing? As for your stylist? If she is not doing exactly as you ask, why is she still your stylist? Maybe it's time to find someone who will only cut what you ask and not give you a new style each time? Sounds like she is one of those who loves to cut and be "creative". :rolleyes:

March 24th, 2008, 08:33 AM
I remember when they first came out. I so wanted one....and i still do after reading the testimonials....
But i can deal with doing it the old fashioned way! :)

March 24th, 2008, 08:35 AM
I would be scared to try this. I would just rather S&D.

March 24th, 2008, 08:49 AM
those things are dangerous!! the rotating razor on the inside can reel in your hair cutting alot off in the proccess..... and it cuts every short hair including new growth...

March 24th, 2008, 10:33 AM
It took a long time, but I fianlly found a stylist that understands that when I ask for 1/4", I *mean* 1/4". And that a blunt hemline means just that. Anytime a stylist does something other than what you ask for, it's time to find a new stylist.

March 24th, 2008, 10:39 AM
I saw this product too. I am such a sucker for hair commercials. I must say that this commercial did scare me with the whirling razors. Good material for a horror film not my hair.

March 24th, 2008, 10:39 AM
please do not use this machine, i bought one of these when my hair was long before, its rips and tears at your hair and causes more splits, its awful. I used mine once and put it in jumble sale.

March 24th, 2008, 10:42 AM
If the thing were capable of making nice flat cuts on the hairs, I'd probably get one and use it -- taking 1/8 inch off each hair would definitely get rid of all the splits I have scattered throughout my length.

Sadly, I don't think this thing is sharp enough or able to leave nice blunt ends, so every end that it cuts is likely to split again in a couple weeks, and since only a small proportion of my hairs are actually split now, it would be a nightmare split-fest comparatively. Which of course leads you to use it again and again....

So no thanks. I'll stick to my inefficient but effective methods of S&D.

March 24th, 2008, 10:45 AM
I like the advert. It makes me laugh with the bad acting. That said, it also scares me, and I'd rather spend ages S&Ding than do it that way.

March 25th, 2008, 12:47 AM
waw! thanks all for ur responses! i am now very convinced how harmful to my hair especially Nightshade's photos of of the un-sharpened razor is really convincing, but this brings me to the question how can i make sure my scissor is well-sharpened?
i've tried the S&D in the last few days and i feel great!! i wasn't expecting to have this result!! indeed, i used the idea of Talavera -the split ender's inventor- in how he used to S&D ;) lol

March 25th, 2008, 07:55 AM
I actually got hold of one, dismantled it, and can assure you there are no real razors in the contraption. It's something more like the beater bar in a vacuum. The edge is somewhat honed, but I couldn't get it to even scratch my skin.

Obviously this is not an endorsement for the thing. Even if it had razors, it would end up cutting everything indiscriminately, and I don't want to even think of what it would do on any hair that wasn't stick straight.

March 25th, 2008, 08:06 AM
I can't help wondering - if it works so well, why is his hair now short? :-)

March 25th, 2008, 08:16 AM
I actually got hold of one, dismantled it, and can assure you there are no real razors in the contraption. It's something more like the beater bar in a vacuum. The edge is somewhat honed, but I couldn't get it to even scratch my skin.

Obviously this is not an endorsement for the thing. Even if it had razors, it would end up cutting everything indiscriminately, and I don't want to even think of what it would do on any hair that wasn't stick straight.

DUH, Raederle, that's why you're supposed to flat iron it first! Then you get it nice and straight and "seal in the moisture" and then hit it with the Split Ender! :p


March 25th, 2008, 08:24 AM
Darn, I knew I was missing some important step there.

March 25th, 2008, 08:30 AM
Looks like the only thing that would so is thin out your hair. Especially since he runs it along the whole length of the hair.

March 25th, 2008, 08:44 AM
This product is a quack. I was interested in it last year and was seconds away from buying it until wonderful Google showed me all the bad reviews. I think if you Google it you will be able to find the video that I saw at a news station where a reporter put it to the test buy having stylists try it. Majority of the time it didn't cut hair at all, and when it did you only saw 2-3 strands in the tray. It sucks period!

May 18th, 2008, 11:26 PM
when this first come out I brought one got it in the mail and it when turned on made this horrible clunking scary noise that in no way was i putting near my hair back in the mail it went!!this was about 4 years ago id stick to scissors least you can control them!!! :smile:

May 19th, 2008, 02:05 AM
Just a question about s&d by a hairdresser. If you want to get it done, what do you ask for? What is the hairdressers word or s&d-ing?

Riot Crrl
May 19th, 2008, 02:29 AM
If hairdressers have a word for S&D, then I don't know it. I just always figured they didn't.

Where is this infomercial when I need a laugh? All I ever get to see is Wen!

May 19th, 2008, 03:57 AM
They have a word for it: trim.

They don't bother with cutting just the split ends, takes way too long.

May 20th, 2008, 07:24 AM
I remember they used to do it. So they really wouldn't if you ask for it?

May 20th, 2008, 11:04 AM
If I were a hairdresser, I would charge a fortune to S&D someone's hair, and make no guarantees that I would get even most of the splits, unless the person feels like being my victim for about 2 days.

S&D is really more something to do when you're feeling bored and nitpicky and have a little time on your hands.

May 20th, 2008, 11:11 AM
Just a question about s&d by a hairdresser. If you want to get it done, what do you ask for? What is the hairdressers word or s&d-ing?

Most hairdressers don't do S&D. You'd probably have to find a George Michael longhair salon - they do S&D as part of their treatment.

It is quite expensive, because it is quite time consuming to go through an entire head of hair systematically, and check each hair for splits. You won't be able to walk into Supercuts and demand a full S&D for the price of their standard 20 minute haircut.

Your best bet is to get a good pair of sharp, small scissors, and go at your ends now and then, when you are bored.

August 6th, 2008, 02:11 PM
has anyone tired the split ender hair trimmer? does it really work?

August 6th, 2008, 02:16 PM
I think it actually cuts every hair that doesn't lie flat, not only the split ends, so you'll lose more of your growth than you might want to.

Also, I think I've heard that the blades aren't that sharp, so you'll not actually cut the hair at one point, but you'll shred the hair, and thus create more damage.

August 6th, 2008, 02:19 PM
That device comes up every few months around here.

Depending on how you use it, yes, it should take the tips off the ends of your hair.

However, it does not do this by making a clean cut, the way you would get with scissors. What it does is closer to tearing the ends from the rest of your hair. These non-clean cuts are very likely to split quickly. Therefore, you'd probably see splits everywhere after using it and end up in a rather nasty cycle of using it just to keep your ends from getting extraordinarily ragged.

If it worked like scissors, I think people on the forum would endorse it, but it doesn't. What you can do is the rather more tedious "Search and Destroy" (aka S&D around here). You can twist or bend a lock of hair similarly to what you probably saw done on the ad, but use a pair of sharp scissors (preferably used exclusively for hair and kept razor sharp) to cut only the splits off hairs at a 90 degree angle to the hair shaft.

May 12th, 2009, 08:20 AM
hi guys....
now.. i dont know if its just me being cynical, but i saw an advert on the television for an item called a 'split ender' which is a device which trims off just the very ends of your hair.
hmmm.... im not convinced.
has anyone tried one of these? i just have a feeling that cutting it with a mechanical blade would be a bit rough thats all?

May 12th, 2009, 08:32 AM
I've seen a commercial on this device, and i'd be so scared to use it on my hair :D. It probably works fine, but I'd be afraid that if you use this device several times you end up with thinner hair.. But maybe that's just me

May 12th, 2009, 08:49 AM
I have one, but haven't used it consistently because I'm lazy.

My sister had one and she did use it consistently. She has 3B, 3C hair and MASSES of it. Her hemline was thicker after using it for 3 months, and there did not appear to be any damage during that time.

I should probably drag mine out and start doing it.

May 12th, 2009, 08:59 AM
Hair scissors and Feye's self-trim-style dusting got my ends thicker too.

May 12th, 2009, 09:28 AM
My concern, other than the fact that I think most info-mercial products are crap, is that it uses a rotating series of razor blades to cut the hair. It also cuts the ends of ALL hairs, which doesn't let shorter hairs catch up to the hemline.

Also, with razor cuts, which is essentially what this is on a smaller scale, sometimes you end up with this:

Unskilled razor cutting can leave a long 'tail' on the severed hair, which may lead to breakdown of the end of the hair

Another thing to consider is that you can't change the razors inside, so once they're dull you're going to get an unclean cut, which can encourage splits.

Fast and easy usually isn't best. I vote for a nice sharp pair of hair scissors, a sunbeam, and some time S&Ding.

May 12th, 2009, 11:04 AM
They're still selling those?

I have heard that the blades inside are not particularly sharp to begin with, so the ends of the hairs aren't really cut off neatly. Which means you're likely to get splits on every single hair that it trimmed the end from, all through your length! Which means you use it again, and again....

Honestly, if I had a device that would take about 2-3mm off every hair on my head, and would do it neatly so that the end wouldn't split again afterward, I would do it. My splits happen in the length more than on the ends, so it would be worth it. But I'm not going to get a split-end-breeding machine!

May 12th, 2009, 12:50 PM
I think it doesn't cut off EVERY end, just the ones that are dry= stand stick straight. I wouldn't really take the chance, though.

May 12th, 2009, 01:12 PM
Also, with razor cuts, which is essentially what this is on a smaller scale, sometimes you end up with this:

Unskilled razor cutting can leave a long 'tail' on the severed hair, which may lead to breakdown of the end of the hair

Snip!) Eeew. And that's why razors are never, never getting anywhere near my hair again.

May 12th, 2009, 02:50 PM
Eeew. And that's why razors are never, never getting anywhere near my hair again.

I have this friend who uses razors in her hair. Like, actual razors. The kind you shave your legs with. I can't understand her reasoning behind it, and it seems I cannot coerce her to stop.

Anyway, this device is apparently a lot better than it used to be. Instead of hearing an onslaught of "Why did I buy this?" I hear a positive review or two every so often. That said, it sort of seems like one of those too-good-to-be-true things, and I don't understand how it surpasses S&D in effectiveness.

May 12th, 2009, 02:55 PM
My concern, other than the fact that I think most info-mercial products are crap, is that it uses a rotating series of razor blades to cut the hair. It also cuts the ends of ALL hairs, which doesn't let shorter hairs catch up to the hemline.

Also, with razor cuts, which is essentially what this is on a smaller scale, sometimes you end up with this:

Unskilled razor cutting can leave a long 'tail' on the severed hair, which may lead to breakdown of the end of the hair

Another thing to consider is that you can't change the razors inside, so once they're dull you're going to get an unclean cut, which can encourage splits.

Fast and easy usually isn't best. I vote for a nice sharp pair of hair scissors, a sunbeam, and some time S&Ding.

Eew. I don't need to trim much anymore but that photo would send me running away from that product if that's a possible result. :(

May 12th, 2009, 03:13 PM
There have been several LHC discussions of this in the past. I think they are probably in the archives. If I remember right the consensus was a resounding NO WAY. I'll say it again, how in the world could whirling razor blades applied to our hair be a good thing for those of us who want to grow long? I'll take a nice sharp pair of good hair scissors and an afternoon in front of my computer screen.

May 12th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Somebody gave me one of these back when it first came out. I only used it once. It felt like it was yanking and ripping out my hair. Never again. I think I still have the thing actually. I usually can't bear to throw stuff like this out, but it would seem almst cruel to Goodwill it and sic it on someone else.

May 12th, 2009, 10:00 PM
I bought one of these things a couple of years ago when I wasn't thinking clearly :rolleyes:

It pulls and yanks and really cuts off about 1/8th of an inch from a LOT of hairs, not necessarily those that have splits.

I'm all about quiet time on the couch with small scissors and some bad television :)

May 13th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I have used it. It does not take that much hair really, very little. The tugging that some feel is because there is too much hair on the blade or it isn't combed through first. Also hair has to be clean and without any styling products. So you need tangle free hair that is neatly combed through. I saw no difference in before or after usage of it though. The ends that were cut did not look split, in fact the split ends were still there which was disappointing. But no harm was done. My hair hasn't suffered as a consequence, and believe me I would notice if it had because my hair is so ultra fine.

June 12th, 2009, 09:35 PM
I LOVED my split-ender! Unfortunately it gave out after about three years, and I haven't replaced it yet. The blades actually seem to sharpen themselves with use. And like Angelica said, if you feel it tugging or pulling, it's because you have too much hair in it, or you didn't comb through the hair first. It does take some time and practice, but once you get the hang of it, it goes so much faster than S & D missions.

January 23rd, 2010, 03:20 PM
I didn't even think that they still made this thing!


I bought one when they first came out (10 or more years ago probably). Worst $20 I ever spent. Oh sure it trimmed about 7 of my hairs the way it claims it should. What about the rest of my hairs you ask? It yanked them by the ends, leaving kinky strands of shredded straw behind! Ugh, I still have nightmares about it.

But it got me thinking. How awesome would it be if there was a product like this that actually worked? It would save me so many hours of S&D & would greatly lengthen the time between trims! Oh to live in a perfect world.

January 23rd, 2010, 03:26 PM
Oh. Wow. Lol! I've never heard of anything like that before. And I see the price has tripled....

January 23rd, 2010, 03:26 PM
I had one for a couple of years and rarely used it for the same reasons you stated. I had more split ends after using the thing than before!

I threw it away. I didn't want to try to sell it ... I would feel awful having someone buy it and having the same problems.

January 23rd, 2010, 03:31 PM
I can't even imagine what it would do to curly hair *cringes*

January 23rd, 2010, 03:31 PM
I never tried it, but I think the last time I saw this one pop up was a year or so ago and reviews were very similar to yours from 10 years ago :laugh: seems they didnīt make terribly much progress.
And I still remember someone mentioning that the blades in those things are sharp enough to ride all the way to Rome and back on them. Comfortably. :p
Yeah, still no perfect world :wink:

January 23rd, 2010, 03:35 PM
I can't even imagine what it would do to curly hair *cringes*

I hadn't even thought of that....*shudders* I hope I don't have nightmares tonight :p.

February 26th, 2010, 06:50 AM
Does anyone know anything about this?

The whole idea makes me nervous but it would be less time consuming than S&Ding. I just watched it reviewed on the early show, they said it can take about an 1/8th of an inch off pretty consistently but that it still left a lot of splits. So I don't know.....:shrug:

ETA: Ack, nevermind, there is a thread on it, I must have spelled it wrong with my first search. Please uh, delete this or something mods. I luv u!!

February 26th, 2010, 09:22 PM
I LOVED my Split-Ender. Past-tense because I wore it out over many years and haven't found another to replace it. (thanks for posting the web-site!)

Of course your stylist told you not to use it! If you do, you won't need him/her as often.:rolleyes:

There is a bit of a trick to it, and I found it worked better every time I used it. Make sure you use a small section of hair at a time and have the directional knob pointed the right way. If you find that your hair is pulling or snagging, it means you either didn't comb through it well enough before putting it through, or you are trying to do too large of a section. When I started out it took me about an hour to do my entire head-of-hair. After the fourth or fifth time, I had it down to 30 minutes. Be patient--it's worth it.

June 7th, 2010, 10:54 AM
I received a Split-Ender (http://www.splitender.com/) for my birthday and I have to say, it's pretty awesome! I haven't been to a hairdresser or had a trim in about 15 months and I have really terrible split ends. I've been trying S&D and although it works great, it takes me forever. I'm surprised, but the Split-Ender actually does what it says it does. It doesn't get every split end, but then neither do I with my scissors, and it definitely takes less time and effort than manually snipping at those ends!

June 7th, 2010, 11:11 AM
I tried to understand from the video on the website, but I still don't get it: how does this work without chopping off all of your hair? Do you just swipe it at the ends and not do the whole hair as the video shows? Do you push a button when you want it to snip? I would be scared it would give me layers or a bob and chop non-split ends off.

June 7th, 2010, 11:22 AM
glad to hear it really works since I read some mixed reviews on it awhile back. the guy that made it does seem to understand long hair since he did the S&D method himself.

the only concern I have about it is if the blade is sharp? and if there would be a way to replace the blade or sharpen it? because it's been said dull scissors can cause split ends.

oh nevermind.. lol, I looked over the site more and see they do have replacement carts.

June 7th, 2010, 11:35 AM
I am glad it is working for you. We had a lady come into the salon with a total disaster from using this product. She had amazing amounts of uneven ends and ended up losing quite a bit of length to even it out. Her hair looked better before, with the splits......

June 7th, 2010, 11:36 AM
it trims the end of every shorter hair sticking out ?

June 7th, 2010, 11:38 AM
Interesting. Looks like its intent is to target all the pesky ends hidden throughout the lengths, the ones that you miss when you do a micro-trim. I don't think it can distinguish between split ends and healthy ends, but from the looks of the diagram, it only snips off tiny pieces of hair as you pass it over each section.

To try and understand how it works (to my understanding, anyway, which is based on the diagram at the bottom of their webpage), you can hold a section of hair between your fingers - under the index finger, over the middle finger, and under the ring finger. Now run your hands down the length, while holding your hair that way. See the bits that stick up as you run your hand down? They stick up as the hair passes over the middle finger, where the hair is held on top of the finger. That's the hair this device snips off.

Possible problems:
- If you've got little snarls in your hair, what's to prevent it from snipping off a longer section where a snarl or tangle was sticking up? :hmm:
- If you do this too many times, even if it works perfectly, your hair will likely end up gradually getting shorter over time.
- Uh... I don't know, that's all I can come up with.

- Folks who are too lazy (me! :p) to S&D can trim throughout the length easily.
- Faster than S&D
- Ooh, cool new gadget to show off to friends!

I'm sold if it works. I am known among friends for being patient for some reason, but I just can't make myself S&D for longer than about 2 minutes before getting aggravated. No idea why! But that means I've got plenty of sorry ends strewn about through the length. This device should help with that.

I may end up purchasing. This thing looks cool!

ETA: Huh. Posted before seeing UltraBella's post. Hmm. I wonder if the lady had used it a whole lot, or if that's just what the gadget will end up doing. Maybe I won't buy it... :ponder: Too bad I can't just try one before buying, say on a small strand of hair or something, just to see how it seems to work for me.

June 7th, 2010, 11:40 AM
I was afraid that it would chop off my hair too, so I watched a few YouTube videos of girls demonstrating it before I used it myself to calm my fears. It doesn't cut my hair in the middle of the strands, thank goodness. It does clip off ~1/8 inch from the ends of each strand so it will clip more than just the split ends if you don't have split ends, but as long as you don't use it too frequently you won't lose any noticeable length. They recommend that you use it every 6 weeks or so. My hair ends are in such bad shape that all of my ends are split and this thing is really helping.

You do run the thing down your entire hair, and once you grip the handle fully closed, it starts running and clipping. This YouTube video shows a girl manually doing what the Split-Ender does, using her hands and scissors. Skip to 3:40 to see what I'm talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3C0ndGIZpg

The blade is not as sharp as I was expecting, but I don't think it's dull enough to cause damage at this point. I'll definitely be investing in a replacement blade in the future though.

June 7th, 2010, 11:49 AM
I can't see what makes this a "Maxi-Kit" as opposed to just a regular Split-Ender, so maybe there's something new & improved that I'm missing. For what it's worth, though, my experience with it (3-4 years ago?) was anything but positive.
Yes, the first problem is that it trims every hair, not just damaged ones. That might have been something I could live with, if it did that job *well*. However, the blades were so dull, and so slow-moving, that there was no way that was going to happen. I used it twice, shoved it in the back of a cupboard, and when I unearthed it a few months ago I couldn't even bring myself to sell it in a yard sale, knowing what abominations it was capable of; I just threw it away.

June 7th, 2010, 11:53 AM
If you have snarls, it will likely snip off the whole long section. The the part you put your hair into does have a comb thing in it to try to smooth out any small snarls, but they recommend that you make sure your hair is tangle free before using it. If you use it too many times, your hair will definitely get shorter.

I did half my head yesterday, and will do the other half today and report back to let you guys know if I still love it. I too have split ends strewn throughout the length of my hair, and this this has been super helpful so far. I'll definitely use it sparingly once I finish the head this time. UltraBella, do you know if that lady used it a ton or if it messed up her hair just from normal use?

The only major con I've experience so far is the sound. It's pretty loud. The reason I only did half my head yesterday was because my boyfriend got really sick of the noise and asked me to stop. It doesn't sound like a jet plane or anything, but it's a noisy device. After a minute I got used to the noise and didn't really notice it, but I was distracted by my excitement of seeing the split ends come off.

The "Maxi Kit" includes a hair clip (big and strong clip, not stylish, but good for holding hair out of the way), a comb that's wide tooth at one end and a forked parting comb at the other end, and a brush to clean the device. It also comes with Miracle Silk, "the ultimate hair salon restoration capsule" stuff to rub in the hair. I haven't used that stuff, so I can't comment on it.

I was really skeptical about the Split-Ender, but my experience with it thus far has been positive.

June 7th, 2010, 12:31 PM
Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Something to consider, anyway. I wouldn't mind trying it, at any rate, maybe just on the last 6 inches of my hair at first, since those are the "disposable" remnants of old dye and stuff, and I wouldn't be heartbroken if I had to cut them off. (They're just in decent enough condition that I'd just as soon leave them on, otherwise :p)

June 7th, 2010, 03:32 PM
I don't know if she was using it too often or what, but we cut five inches off her hair. It was awful looking.

June 7th, 2010, 04:42 PM
I don't know if she was using it too often or what, but we cut five inches off her hair. It was awful looking.

I had one a few years ago and never had a problem with it.
I wonder if the women who came to your salon flubbed the truth? Or her hair was a mess before she bought it?

Maybe she did not read the directions? It trims off such a minuscule amount that I just cannot see it causing major damage.
Your only suppose to go in one direction with it. Which means it is held upside down doing one side of the head (I hope that makes sense)

I was bummed when mine broke and I have been thinking of buying another.

June 7th, 2010, 04:47 PM
Curious...... I just clicked on the link and I swear I did not spend $60 when I bought mine and it was not an imitation.

Like once it got more popular they decided to charge more????

June 7th, 2010, 07:30 PM
I had one a few years ago and never had a problem with it.
I wonder if the women who came to your salon flubbed the truth? Or her hair was a mess before she bought it?

Maybe she did not read the directions? It trims off such a minuscule amount that I just cannot see it causing major damage.
Your only suppose to go in one direction with it. Which means it is held upside down doing one side of the head (I hope that makes sense)

I was bummed when mine broke and I have been thinking of buying another.
The woman who came into the salon was a regular repeat client and her hair did not look like that before. She even brought the Split-Ender with her. She seems like an intelligent woman so I think she would be able to follow the directions just fine. I have read some terrible reviews online, so she is definitely not the only one to have a bad experience.

June 7th, 2010, 10:38 PM
Ohhhhh I like the method without the tool better!!! :)

June 8th, 2010, 12:18 AM
I got this a few years ago, and it was awful. my hair looked alright for about a week, but the blades were way to dull. after about a week my hair looked fried and my ends were amazingly crazy.

I felt like the blades were not sharp enough and that the motor in the device wasn't fast enough. I really really wouldn't recommend it because in the end it hurts more than it helps.

August 16th, 2010, 12:33 PM
I have to admit, I was tempted but now after seeing all these reviews, I probably won't get one.

Can anyone explain what S&D is?

August 16th, 2010, 12:46 PM
"Search & destroy" :wink:
Search for the individual split ends and snip them off with hair-scissors. Takes longer, but leaves all the tips of the healthy hair alone.

August 16th, 2010, 02:55 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I can't imagine how whirling blades in your hair could be a good thing. As Finoriel said, S & D. You are in control of cutting off only the ends that are split or damaged.

November 10th, 2010, 07:59 AM
I was satisfied with it but its cheap stuff and somehow it didnt work anymore- no idea why I think the motor gave up working. I wanna buy a new one but WOW 60 Dollars? Mine was about 20 Euro- cant remember. Thats too pricy for me...

November 10th, 2010, 01:29 PM
I have used something similar, when I was much younger(12-13ish). I had some friends with a boy's haircutting tool(one of those auto trimmers), and put it on high with the longest guard they had, and carefully ran it down the length of my hair. It did get rid of the split ends, but also thinned out my hair a little. That was my goal, and to get rid of split ends without having to go to a bad stylist. I don't think it damaged my hair any more than any non super sharp, but not dull scissors did. Of course, my hair then was only APL, so it might not work well for longer hair. I also only tried that method once.

Personally, I think S&D is a better method, but if you have thick hair that could use a little thinning(for your personal style), it might not be too harmful. If the motors are quite slow and the blades dull, you could get a fast/higher quality trimmer, such as those designed for beards, or the ones for men's short hair. For $60, I'm sure you could get a fairly decent one!

November 10th, 2010, 01:47 PM
I've thought that the concept of those looks good, if you have a lot of splits it seems worthwhile to simply trim every end in the hair by 1/4" every so often.

In practice, I'd be afraid that the thing would not make clean cuts and after a few weeks, every hair it trimmed (basically ever hair on the head) would end up split.

MarlieJane, since you've used it, could you put it away for say, a month, and let us know how your hair and ends are after that month? I'm curious whether it makes clean cuts or totally frizzles your ends (which would probably require you to use it again to clean up the ends, starting a nasty cycle).

November 10th, 2010, 04:15 PM
I have used it and no horror stories to report, in fact it took off hardly any hair at all. It takes off only the very ends, but you need to make sure you are tangle free and are working on clean dry hair. If it tugs, you need to try a thinner strand. My hair is very fine, so I was extremely nervous about it. It was fine. I would be forever doing S & D and it wouldn't get rid of every split end anyway, neither does this, but it is fine to use. Not too often though because it is trimming the hair. It is noisy.

November 12th, 2010, 09:06 PM
I got this a few years ago, and it was awful. my hair looked alright for about a week, but the blades were way to dull. after about a week my hair looked fried and my ends were amazingly crazy.

I felt like the blades were not sharp enough and that the motor in the device wasn't fast enough. I really really wouldn't recommend it because in the end it hurts more than it helps.

In practice, I'd be afraid that the thing would not make clean cuts and after a few weeks, every hair it trimmed (basically ever hair on the head) would end up split.

MarlieJane, since you've used it, could you put it away for say, a month, and let us know how your hair and ends are after that month? I'm curious whether it makes clean cuts or totally frizzles your ends (which would probably require you to use it again to clean up the ends, starting a nasty cycle).

I was tempted initially when I first clicked on the link, but after checking out how it works it doesn't seem like a great idea.

1. It cuts using a blade right? Would that not be like using razors on your hair?

2. I was given the impression that we should cut splits at 90 degree angle during S&D, and it seems like this device gets it at an angle.

3. Is there a way to tell when the blades are dull and can the blades be replaced? :(

November 14th, 2010, 06:40 AM
I was tempted initially when I first clicked on the link, but after checking out how it works it doesn't seem like a great idea.

1. It cuts using a blade right? Would that not be like using razors on your hair?

2. I was given the impression that we should cut splits at 90 degree angle during S&D, and it seems like this device gets it at an angle.

3. Is there a way to tell when the blades are dull and can the blades be replaced? :(

I have been told that the blades are difficult to replace, so that is a disadvantage. It does use a blade, but it doesn't look razor cut afterwards.

December 11th, 2010, 02:30 AM
Is there a method to S&D if your hair isn't long enough for you to pull around and see it in the back?

I've been considering purchasing one of these so I can take just a little off my ends. When I go to a hairdresser they always want to take off too much.

Generally speaking the reviews I've found have been positive. There have been some complaints. I am concerned because it's not exactly cheap and I can't seem to get my hair perfectly straight so I worry that it might not work well for me.

:) I also haven't found a new stylist yet in my new area.

June 11th, 2011, 03:51 PM
DO NOT BUY THIS. It's now been a year since I started this thread, and a year since I last used that horrible horrible machine. I can't believe I didn't heed the warnings of people here and just throw the thing away. Although my hair looked and felt smooth and nice immediately after using the Split-Ender, it actually destroyed my hair, leaving me with the rattiest split ends all throughout my hair. I started with some split ends, and ended up with split ends on every single hair on my head! Some of my split ends got split ends! I'm sure the damage was caused by the dullness of the blade.

Thanks to everyone who tried to warn me. I really should have listened. After letting my hair grow out for a year with no cuts (and no more Split-Ender!) I finally got 6 inches cut off last week and got rid of a lot of the damaged hairs, and I'm hoping to have full recovery from the damage sometime soon.

June 11th, 2011, 08:10 PM
DO NOT BUY THIS. It's now been a year since I started this thread, and a year since I last used that horrible horrible machine. I can't believe I didn't heed the warnings of people here and just throw the thing away. Although my hair looked and felt smooth and nice immediately after using the Split-Ender, it actually destroyed my hair, leaving me with the rattiest split ends all throughout my hair. I started with some split ends, and ended up with split ends on every single hair on my head! Some of my split ends got split ends! I'm sure the damage was caused by the dullness of the blade.

Thanks to everyone who tried to warn me. I really should have listened. After letting my hair grow out for a year with no cuts (and no more Split-Ender!) I finally got 6 inches cut off last week and got rid of a lot of the damaged hairs, and I'm hoping to have full recovery from the damage sometime soon.

You poor thing :( It can be so tempting to believe what we really want to be true!

June 12th, 2011, 01:56 AM
DO NOT BUY THIS. It's now been a year since I started this thread, and a year since I last used that horrible horrible machine. I can't believe I didn't heed the warnings of people here and just throw the thing away. Although my hair looked and felt smooth and nice immediately after using the Split-Ender, it actually destroyed my hair, leaving me with the rattiest split ends all throughout my hair. I started with some split ends, and ended up with split ends on every single hair on my head! Some of my split ends got split ends! I'm sure the damage was caused by the dullness of the blade.

Thanks to everyone who tried to warn me. I really should have listened. After letting my hair grow out for a year with no cuts (and no more Split-Ender!) I finally got 6 inches cut off last week and got rid of a lot of the damaged hairs, and I'm hoping to have full recovery from the damage sometime soon.

That is terrible !!!!! What you described is EXACTLY how the woman's hair was that came to the salon. I am so sorry ! But I am glad you have got it under control and are almost free of the awful results for good. You live, you learn. Write a review online to warn others maybe ?
Happy growing !

June 12th, 2011, 11:41 AM
Oh my. I bought something like this for my friend's birthday a while ago, one of those 'As seen on TV' gadgets. Did. Not. Work. It was a complete waste of $30. She had A LOT of split ends, it was pretty terrible and when we tried it, it felt like it was a silly contraption that didn't yield any results at all. I'm not sure if this is the same product or not.

July 24th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the warning. I'm not sure I would have ever bought it, but it did used to look at it longingly as it seemed to S&D for you so easily. Now I won't even look at it ever again.

July 25th, 2011, 06:41 AM
Did they come out with a newer version? http://cgi.ebay.com/Split-Ender-Hair-frizzy-ends-trimmer-Free-Bonus-Blue-P-/110712282093?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c6f75bed#ht_3148wt_1143

Now there are warnings everywhere regarding the older version "revo". Has anyone tried this "newer version":) I bought it and used it once last month. BTW Thank you for the warnings I am going to keep a very watchful eye on my hair:)

October 10th, 2011, 07:16 PM
I'm sorry to say, winona, that's exactly the version I had. :-(

September 15th, 2012, 05:52 PM
oooh I was JUST about to cave in & buy this!! thanks for the warning sisters!!! I will tryto just read more on here to really learn about growing out my hair healthy and long!

July 20th, 2014, 02:40 PM
Are we still hating this thing?or has the newer version been better, maybe? I'm very tempted to buy this... are extremely tired of SD

July 20th, 2014, 03:08 PM
OMG, i've seen this years ago and was sure after one minute that this will never be for me. No matter how much they improve that apparatus, i would never leave cutting to a machine unless i wanted to go bald. :P

July 20th, 2014, 03:48 PM
Are we still hating this thing?or has the newer version been better, maybe? I'm very tempted to buy this... are extremely tired of SD

This thing will trim off healthy hairs. How can it tell if a hair is *really* split - it can't, so it's going to take even amounts off of every little hair that sticks out. You might as well trim. :shrug:

January 22nd, 2016, 05:27 AM
I tried this and it did nothing and the rotating blades were very blunt,i placed a section of my hair in it and took a risk but not much happened and when i emptied it there were some bits of hair in it but it missed lots so really you would be there for ages doing sections over and over again,S&D is quicker and we know how long that takes!

run for the hills as anything with rotating blades that's for hair shouldn't be tried,yes i did but that's me lol

January 22nd, 2016, 09:03 AM
Yikes, I wouldn't let that thing near my hair shudder: I'd rather sit and search for splits on my own; don't want to risk losing more hair.

August 6th, 2016, 06:37 PM
I saw this video on grav3yardgirl's youtube channel and was intrigued... while I would be too chicken to use this contraption, what do you guys think about it?


I think it's kind of gimmicky, but I wanted to share this with you guys as well!

August 6th, 2016, 06:58 PM
I've never tried it, so please take my ideas with a huge grain of salt :flower:, but here are the two big problems that I see with Split-Ender:

1. - How can one specifically trim *only* split ends (instead of *every* exposed end sticking out) while using this contraption on a section?

2. - How can one make sure the blades are always absolutely sharp? Does one replace blades? If so, how often and how exactly (to ensure proper angle on placement for perfect cut)? It's an issue for scissors and no doubt would be an issue for any cutting device.

August 6th, 2016, 07:08 PM
I've never tried it, so please take my ideas with a huge grain of salt :flower:, but here are the two big problems that I see with Split-Ender:

1. - How can one specifically trim *only* split ends (instead of *every* exposed end sticking out) while using this contraption on a section?

2. - How can one make sure the blades are always absolutely sharp? Does one replace blades? If so, how often and how exactly (to ensure proper angle on placement for perfect cut)? It's an issue for scissors and no doubt would be an issue for any cutting device.

That's what I was thinking... how does it only target the "split ends"? It seems like it trims the new growth more than anything. It would be like a super quick S&D, but not as precise.

I didn't think about the blades... perhaps they have replacements?

Again, I would never try this as I would be to terrified, but it just seems so interesting. :lol:

August 6th, 2016, 07:31 PM
For $320.00 maybe I can hire someone for a search and destroy day.

August 6th, 2016, 07:38 PM
For $320.00 maybe I can hire someone for a search and destroy day.

I know the price is ridiculous!! I would rather just S&D :lol: but I suppose if you're a famous YouTuber, that price is not an issue... if only :p

August 6th, 2016, 07:41 PM
It looks like a gimmick. Cutting down the whole length of your hair like that is very similar to when I got layers done, over and over and it ended up basically doing that. It makes it much harder long-term to cut split ends and thins out your hair. That's basically what happened when I had my hair thinned out anyways.

The assumption that any hair sticking out when you twist it is split ends is completely false too, which is what the device seems to work on. Stray hairs/flyaways does not necessarily equal split ends.

Seems like a waste of money to me.

August 6th, 2016, 08:22 PM
I watched the video this morning, I was really hoping it would cut off a inch or two of bunny's hair, she needs a trim so bad.

August 7th, 2016, 08:39 AM
Yes it's not unlike a trim, it's just going to take the sticky-out bits and trim off an even amount (half an inch to an inch?) - doesn't seem like a good idea. I think S&D is the way to go, at least then you don't snip off hairs that don't need snipping off, and possibly miss splits that are higher up.

August 7th, 2016, 01:49 PM
I saw the video too. I also don't think it trims the 'split ends', just probably anything that sticks out a bit. It looks quite scary too me with the rotating razor. She showed how much was cut off and that really didn't seem too bad, but can you imagine if the tool for some reason malfunctions and your hair gets stuck in it or worse? All that aside, I can't imagine why anyone would want to spend such a ridiculous amount of money on something like that. (Although everyone is free to do what they want with their money of course, but I can sure think of much more useful/necessary ways to use such an amount of money.)

August 7th, 2016, 02:11 PM
Those things don't work. Don't bother.

August 7th, 2016, 03:13 PM
I remember searching for info a while ago; if I recall correctly the "blades" are not sharp, and each "cut" turns into more splits (due to the rough mashing of each hair end). Very much not worth it!

August 7th, 2016, 03:56 PM
I saw the video too. I also don't think it trims the 'split ends', just probably anything that sticks out a bit. It looks quite scary too me with the rotating razor. She showed how much was cut off and that really didn't seem too bad, but can you imagine if the tool for some reason malfunctions and your hair gets stuck in it or worse? All that aside, I can't imagine why anyone would want to spend such a ridiculous amount of money on something like that. (Although everyone is free to do what they want with their money of course, but I can sure think of much more useful/necessary ways to use such an amount of money.)

I wouldn't let such a contraption near my hair. Since I've got tight curls it would be cutting all the curves and bumps in the curls off.

August 7th, 2016, 04:02 PM
I would be very afraid that the effect would be similar to a razor cut. I've heard that hair ends up splitting much worse after razor cuts than anything else. EEk! shudder:

August 7th, 2016, 04:02 PM
I had something like this years ago (actually I think I saw it at my parents' place while ago). It's been at least 10 years since I got it, but there is two things I remember:
1) The noise scared me to death.
2) It didn't really work. I didn't notice anything have been even cut! So after few tries I kinda just forgot it and left it to gather dust.

August 8th, 2016, 09:05 AM
I remember searching for info a while ago; if I recall correctly the "blades" are not sharp, and each "cut" turns into more splits (due to the rough mashing of each hair end). Very much not worth it!

This is what I imagined actually happening when she was using it. Just creating split ends!

August 8th, 2016, 09:20 AM
It really isn't that bad a device. I have used it. I have the original model which cost substantially less that what it is costing now. It does trim more than just split ends. My hair hasn't suffered any negative effect from it, nor has it gained anything from it. My hair doesn't grow very long anyway.

August 8th, 2016, 12:20 PM
There was once an old thread on these things, which I'm not feeling like hunting down right now. :) Suffice it to say that the consensus was that forcibly whacking off the tip of each hair with a probably-blunt spinning blade was a recipe to make every single hair on your head split a few weeks down the line. At that point, you'd probably use it again to trim all those ends. And again and again....

If the time before it all split was long enough, I imagine you could actually gain significant length with something like this. But I don't like the idea all the same, vs an occasional S&D to get the hairs that are actually split with sharp shears.

August 8th, 2016, 12:49 PM
No idea whether this contraption works or not, it kinda scares me actually.

But I have to say I watched the whole video and it is highly entertaining. When she called it Satan's tool I just lost it....

August 8th, 2016, 02:47 PM
No idea whether this contraption works or not, it kinda scares me actually.

But I have to say I watched the whole video and it is highly entertaining. When she called it Satan's tool I just lost it....

I lost it at that too! Bunny is highly entertaining to watch. I really enjoy her First Impression Fridays as well, any sort of review video she does is usually good for me.
I definitely spent the whole video cringing though, I can just imagine how horrible things could go with this if something malfunctions.

August 9th, 2016, 08:34 AM
I lost it at that too! Bunny is highly entertaining to watch. I really enjoy her First Impression Fridays as well, any sort of review video she does is usually good for me.
I definitely spent the whole video cringing though, I can just imagine how horrible things could go with this if something malfunctions.

Her facial expressions as she turned that device on and put it on her hair were priceless. I'm with you watching those spinning razors gave me the willies, no way would I let that thing anywhere near my hair.

August 9th, 2016, 08:41 AM
OMG, I couldn't get past this woman's over-the-top delivery. So annoying. I think I lasted 1 minute.

August 9th, 2016, 08:50 AM
Well I watched the video, and to be honest, she would be enough to put anybody off using anything. She is too hyper for me. It isn't a sensible review. It definitely looks better than the one I have, I only have the old version. The reason why she felt it pulling was simply because she put too much hair into it.

August 11th, 2016, 05:07 PM
I need to update on this. Because of the bad reviews of this products, I was beginning to think that I had indeed trashed my hair and went to hairdresser to even up the hemline. My hair is not damaged or broken - thank God! I don't know if I will be bothering using the product again though, it is an old model and the blades much be getting blunt by now.

September 9th, 2016, 02:13 PM
Just seen a video on Instagram for a 'split-ender pro'. Is this thing real or just a con?! Anyone heard of them/used one? X

September 9th, 2016, 02:17 PM
I remember watching this video a long time ago. To me I think S & D would be better.


ETA: Here is their website: https://www.splitenderpro.com/

September 9th, 2016, 02:27 PM
There's just been a recent thread on this:

Not to mention the ones before that.

You may find those useful! :)

September 9th, 2016, 02:37 PM
Yep, I'm tossing this into the most recent thread on that doohickey. :)

Curly Hermione
September 10th, 2016, 07:22 AM
That contraption looks terrifying! Like some kind of torture device. Seeing as some days it feels like most of my hair consists of flyaways I think I'll steer clear :couch:

September 10th, 2016, 09:35 AM
If I where to find someone who would S&D for 20 $ an hour, I would be able to get 16 hours of S&D for the same price. If I where to find someone who would S&D for 30 $ an hour I still would get 10 hours of S&D. I would definitely rather pay someone to S&D for me than put my hair in that thing!

September 10th, 2016, 09:51 AM
I have one of these things and its useless sure it cuts the ends but healthy ends too i still had tons of splits....nothing like a S&D session at least you control what gets trimmed off that way...the rotating blade makes a horrible sound as it hits the hair...scary even!

waste of money so don't bother to be tempted!

February 13th, 2017, 05:36 PM
So it may be that as usual I am way out the hairloop, and when I think I've made a new hair discovery, you guys are like yep there's 5 threads on that subject already.....but iv just seen a vid on Facebook for a genius but terrifying tool called a split Ender?
That you comb through your hair and it trims like 1/4 inch off all ends.
my hair has been untrimmed for 6months, just long enough to spot a handful of split ends at the front, but I can't see the back or the sides yet so I can't do it myself yet and I don't trust a hairdresser not to just chop it all off again..
could this be the answer?
the reviews iv watched seem ok.
my only reservation is that the blades might not be scissor sharp/ wouldn't stay sharp for long and could end up decking your hair more.
any views on this tool?

February 13th, 2017, 05:48 PM
Oh Suzi!

Hi! yep - this one has been covered & the consensus seems to be that it's a bad idea.

Here's the last thread on the subject: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=139214

February 13th, 2017, 07:34 PM
Has anyone used this product? I have a lot of damage all the way up the length of my hair, and I suspect that's why it doesn't grow long. https://www.splitenderpro.com/

February 13th, 2017, 08:34 PM
I think it could work, people have asked about products like that or methods of what they call dusting at salons nowadays and the general consensus was that it will also likely trim your new undamaged growth. Another thing to consider is that it may not be triming the end neatly or could be slightly dull which may lead to more splits after using it.

February 14th, 2017, 03:51 AM
I think it could work, people have asked about products like that or methods of what they call dusting at salons nowadays and the general consensus was that it will also likely trim your new undamaged growth. Another thing to consider is that it may not be triming the end neatly or could be slightly dull which may lead to more splits after using it.

Ok, thank you! :)

February 14th, 2017, 04:14 AM
I think if you read this whole big thread, you'll draw your own conclusions. ;) It's not a good product and not a good idea. :)

October 7th, 2017, 09:42 PM
Has anyone tried this? https://mycitraco.com/products/split-end-trimmer

If so what were your thoughts. I'm intrigued.

Jo Ann
October 7th, 2017, 10:15 PM
Um...I'm not sure I'd want to spend that much money on something that might not work as advertised. I'm also suspicious whenever I see a product that has nothing but positive reviews.

But that's just me.

October 7th, 2017, 10:59 PM
well, I looked it up on amazon and some youtube reviews. I understand the blade might not be the best but honestly it has to be better then doing nothing at all. I'm going to try it!

October 7th, 2017, 11:52 PM
Please don't use something like that. It does more harm than good. It's like razoring your hair. You'll end up making the splits worse or cutting hair that isn't split... please don't spend your money.

October 8th, 2017, 04:39 AM
I have tried it out of curiosity more than a year ago (a hairdresser nearby had it and the price was the same as a micro-trim, so I gave in xD)
Except for the horrible experience (the guy didn't untangle my hair properly so that thing pulled my hair and it hurt AF), it did work... until a few weeks later, when I had more splits than before, and I'm not split-prone usually sooo.. it's a big no for me, but since the device removes 1/8 of an inch or less I didn't regret it that much. I guess it's ok to try it once, but I wouldn't buy it, it's too expensive and I don't think it can be used regularly without getting at least some damage, so you wouldn't be able to amortise the cost.
I went back to S&D anyway, it's a bit time consuming but it works so much better and doesn't damage the ends

October 8th, 2017, 05:10 AM
There's been plenty of threads on this "contraption" already. Might want to search around the forum a bit on the split-end mender or something like that. :flower:

The thing is, it snips a bit of hair off of all of your hair, so it's like getting a tiny microtrim on all the hair, not something to "just" get split ends. S&D is far more effective for this purpose and won't chop all of the ends off.

October 8th, 2017, 06:35 AM
I have the original one. I am perhaps the only one on here who doesn't think it a terrible purchase. I don't use it very often though, about once or twice a year. I can't get on with s & d at all. My hair is too thin for that and I have had accidents with scissors before. If you purchase it be very careful and take heed to the instructions. Make sure all the tangles are out. My hair isn't very long either (been this length for most of my life).

October 8th, 2017, 08:35 AM
My hair is way too curly for such a device. It would be cutting my curls bumping out because my hair does not in any way stay smooth or flat. I just do s & d to get rid of split ends.

October 8th, 2017, 05:03 PM
As someone else said there have been several threads in the past on that thing. You would be better off buying a good pair of hair cutting scissors and doing your own S & D. You will see each split end that needs to be cut and you will only cut off the ends that need it. That thing doesn't know the difference in a split end and a good end. Razor blades in your hair are never a good thing. Just back away and forget it.

October 8th, 2017, 09:40 PM
This sort of reminds me of that horrific (in my opinion) hair burning fad that went around a while ago... not sure if it's still popular, but apparently you would twist your hair in a rope-like fashion, then burn off all of the hairs that stuck out (the "splits"), which is really unnecessary because shorter hairs across your head is usually just regrowth, most of which is not split at all and therefore does not need to be trimmed (or burned:rolleyes:). It's a surefire way to ensure your hair never really gains much length honestly, if you do it often enough. This trimmer is an interesting gimmick, but it's a waste of money. I agree with the others that S&D is the more sensible way of ridding your hair of split ends.

October 9th, 2017, 03:12 AM
I wouldn't try it only because I think the blades will be blunt in no time and doing more harm than good. The fact that it trims all hairs, not just the split ones would be fine for me, because my ends tend to turn into a "j" shape when they're worn out and that makes it tangly, so I don't mind taking those off, even if they're not split.
I basically do that manually, with hair scissors, using this method:

October 9th, 2017, 10:24 AM
I wouldn't try it only because I think the blades will be blunt in no time and doing more harm than good. The fact that it trims all hairs, not just the split ones would be fine for me, because my ends tend to turn into a "j" shape when they're worn out and that makes it tangly, so I don't mind taking those off, even if they're not split.
I basically do that manually, with hair scissors, using this method:

You should never just cut off all the hairs that stick up like that technique says to, though. 99% of those are just new growth, and trimming them like in that video (and in so many terrible other ones) will just keep them from ever catching up with the hemline. You should only ever cut hairs that you can see the split on. And the idea that the split hairs will "always" show up in the top layer when you do that is absurd, splits are more likely to happen closer to the ends of hair than in the mid length because the ends have accumulated more damage from all sources than hair nearer the scalp, and if your sections are thick, then it's just as likely that if there is a split, it's hiding underneath the top layer of the section.

It takes more time to do a thorough job of S&D, and it can be a bit of a pain to do it often, but I can think of a half dozen reasons why a split end remover like most of the machines on the market would be a bad plan, not limited to: you have to take extremely small sections at a time and if you're not careful you're likely to repeat a number of hairs in the process, not likely to catch splits higher on the hair shaft, will cut a bunch of hairs that don't have anything wrong with them, requires a ton of detangling, curly and wavy hair are gonna be a pain in the butt to get through the machine evenly, and the blades are not likely to be high quality or very sharp in the first place.

S&D can be as easy as doing a braid one or two evenings a week and looking for 5 or 10 split ends to snip out. If you get a couple of extra hairs in the process, you're still only near the ends of the hair so it won't look so uneven. Or, if you don't have the patience even for that, you can try to eliminate the sources of damage that are causing your splits and trim smaller amounts more often, methods of doing such I'm sure are detailed in the microtrimming thread.

October 9th, 2017, 02:58 PM
I'm merging this in with the BIG thread on a comparable device called the "Split Ender". The general consensus is that it's not a great idea to trim off healthy ends in a way that may make them more prone to splitting in the future. You tend to create a dependence on the device just to keep the splits down. Furthermore, if you do multiple passes on a section of hair trying to get it all, you're going to trim each strand shorter and shorter each time -- if you were to use this, sectioning and separating the hair is definitely important.

October 9th, 2017, 11:51 PM
lol since I do the trims and S&Dīs myself I am slowly achieving a healthier hair. no, such products are for those who canīt wait for the process of achieving a healthy hair and they want results in an hour. my God even hairdressers complain on youtube about how unrealistic clients can be. and by the way we are talking about sam villa. I donīt trust the man an inch...

October 11th, 2017, 01:48 AM
You should never just cut off all the hairs that stick up like that technique says to, though. 99% of those are just new growth, and trimming them like in that video (and in so many terrible other ones) will just keep them from ever catching up with the hemline. You should only ever cut hairs that you can see the split on. And the idea that the split hairs will "always" show up in the top layer when you do that is absurd, splits are more likely to happen closer to the ends of hair than in the mid length because the ends have accumulated more damage from all sources than hair nearer the scalp, and if your sections are thick, then it's just as likely that if there is a split, it's hiding underneath the top layer of the section.

It takes more time to do a thorough job of S&D, and it can be a bit of a pain to do it often, but I can think of a half dozen reasons why a split end remover like most of the machines on the market would be a bad plan, not limited to: you have to take extremely small sections at a time and if you're not careful you're likely to repeat a number of hairs in the process, not likely to catch splits higher on the hair shaft, will cut a bunch of hairs that don't have anything wrong with them, requires a ton of detangling, curly and wavy hair are gonna be a pain in the butt to get through the machine evenly, and the blades are not likely to be high quality or very sharp in the first place.

S&D can be as easy as doing a braid one or two evenings a week and looking for 5 or 10 split ends to snip out. If you get a couple of extra hairs in the process, you're still only near the ends of the hair so it won't look so uneven. Or, if you don't have the patience even for that, you can try to eliminate the sources of damage that are causing your splits and trim smaller amounts more often, methods of doing such I'm sure are detailed in the microtrimming thread.

But like I said, the ends that are not yet split, tend to turn into a "j" shape for me, when they're worn out, so I'd rather trim them, than having them tangle around the healthier ones.

But also, since we grow new hairs every day, you'll always have shorter hairs trying to catch up to the hemline. Those wear out, too, and need trimming. And, of course, you can be selective with the cutting, you don't have to cut it all like he does. He's just speeding things up.

Lady Stardust
October 11th, 2017, 04:45 AM
But like I said, the ends that are not yet split, tend to turn into a "j" shape for me, when they're worn out, so I'd rather trim them, than having them tangle around the healthier ones.

But also, since we grow new hairs every day, you'll always have shorter hairs trying to catch up to the hemline. Those wear out, too, and need trimming. And, of course, you can be selective with the cutting, you don't have to cut it all like he does. He's just speeding things up.

I know what you mean about the new growth getting worn and it doesn't get trimmed with the length, and I think that might ultimately mean my fine and fragile hair won't grow very long without a lot of splits ends. Personally, I don't want to thin my hair out by trimming undamaged new growth, I just keep an eye on it. Ultimately, I have to just be stoic about it because I have a lot of new growth following postpartum shed. New growth is a good thing so I don't want to turn it into a negative.

My shorter ends do the flipply J ends thing too, but I've recently started plying my hair with moisture from the ears down, and the new growth now lies flat with the rest of my hair. It's an amazing change, it looks a lot better and stops me worrying so much.

October 11th, 2017, 05:23 AM
But like I said, the ends that are not yet split, tend to turn into a "j" shape for me, when they're worn out, so I'd rather trim them, than having them tangle around the healthier ones.

But also, since we grow new hairs every day, you'll always have shorter hairs trying to catch up to the hemline. Those wear out, too, and need trimming. And, of course, you can be selective with the cutting, you don't have to cut it all like he does. He's just speeding things up.

Thing is though, you can't really be selective about the cutting at all when you use a device like that one. The only way you can be absolutely sure that you're only trimming actual splits is if you S&D.

October 11th, 2017, 05:57 AM
Thing is though, you can't really be selective about the cutting at all when you use a device like that one. The only way you can be absolutely sure that you're only trimming actual splits is if you S&D.

But that was my point, Sam Villa does the same thing as the device, but he does it manually, where you can select what to cut.

October 11th, 2017, 06:25 AM
But that was my point, Sam Villa does the same thing as the device, but he does it manually, where you can select what to cut.

Sam Villa isn't exactly "popular" around here. ;) :p I think it's not a good method, personally. Nothing beats S&D where you tackle each hair individually. With that SV method you can't get to splits if they are higher up a strand. It pays off to do a regular S&D session.

October 11th, 2017, 06:30 AM
Sam Villa isn't exactly "popular" around here. ;) :p I think it's not a good method, personally. Nothing beats S&D where you tackle each hair individually. With that SV method you can't get to splits if they are higher up a strand. It pays off to do a regular S&D session.

It works for me. I only get splits on the ends.

August 14th, 2018, 09:50 PM
I tried both the original device and the latest version. Neither of which caused any length loss. It actually works pretty well. I'm happy for it because I don't trust hair dressers nor go to them.

August 17th, 2018, 12:41 PM
I used it once and I didn't lose any noticeable length so I was satisfied. At that time I didn't search any split ends so I really can't say if it worked tho.
I'm going to try this again in October and I'll tell you how it works. The only thing I know is that several months after using that machine (maybe 4... 5 months?), the hairdresser said my ends were a mess and she cut a lot of length. I cried for hours, I was devastated to see my hair so short.

August 17th, 2018, 02:56 PM
I used it once and I didn't lose any noticeable length so I was satisfied. At that time I didn't search any split ends so I really can't say if it worked tho.
I'm going to try this again in October and I'll tell you how it works. The only thing I know is that several months after using that machine (maybe 4... 5 months?), the hairdresser said my ends were a mess and she cut a lot of length. I cried for hours, I was devastated to see my hair so short.

S&D is effective, this machine is not. It cuts a tiny bit off of each hair strand and is generally frowned upon on this site. And if you are risking the hairdresser cutting huge chunks off... why even use it?