View Full Version : How to keep curly hair straight?

August 8th, 2012, 08:02 PM
Hey, I'm a guy with really curly hair and straighten it enough to look like I have naturally straight hair (Not too straight). Anyway, whenever I straighten it, especially in the summer, it inevitably turns curly. I have a good straightener... (FHI?) and it works well, it's just keeping it straight that is the problem. I am a varsity athlete also, and play soccer everyday, and after the practice it looks like I drove straight through afro city. I'm not looking to permanently straighten my hair. Anyway, any recommendations on shampoos/conditioners/gels? My hair is close to shoulder length, brown, and pretty thick. Anyway, thanks for the help.

August 8th, 2012, 08:20 PM
The short answer: you can't. Sorry, my hair is also wurly/curly and very thick, it takes too long to straighten and it just curls up again. When you straighten hair, it changes the hydrogen bonds in the hair, but when moisture (water of course, but also, sweat and humidty) hit the hair, the bonds (which break and reform each time you wash/wet your hair) form back into their natural curly state with added frizz from the high heat of striaghtening. Can you maybe braid the hair before soccer so it is less frizzy? I personally wouldn't straighten it before a sport or such, there is no point in the damage if it all just curls back. If you are hellbent on straight hair for soccer, maybe consider a very silicone heavy shampoo and conditioner (read some lables, I don't use many cones so I have no recomendations, sorry). Then, apply silicone serum of some sort to the hair while damp, blow dry it straight with some sort of straightening gel (I used to use the Straight Sexy hair balm by Paul Mitchell), then spray a heat protenctant on and straighten. It is a long process and is really all about layering heavy products to weigh the hair down and seal the moisture out to keep it straight. If you want straight hair for longer, there is a 3 day straight spray by John Frieda (avaliable at CVS) that you spray on clean, damp hair then blow dry and flat iron straight. I used it once and my hair hated the protein in it, but it worked VERY well and for longer then just one wash, maybe look into something like that? Best of luck, I don't flat iron anymore, but I am a former addict so if you have any questions, feel free to PM me.:) Oh and welcome!

August 8th, 2012, 09:36 PM
I used to straighten my hair a lot. I could never get it completely straight for more than five minutes :rolleyes: using only straightening balms or protecting sprays. I did alot of sports too, and as soon as my hairs touched my shoulders, they would curl up... so keeping it short was one of the things I had to put up with. What I did also was let the hair cool off after straightening, then take very strong hair gel and rub between my hands. Then I stroke some of the gel on the hair by letting both hands slide longside every strand. Gel on both sides and being very careful all places were covered. Then comes the hard part, not moving around to much while this dries :D This makes the hair keep the shape for much longer. Actually, if I put too much silicones in it, it would curl up again and the gel slides off and doesnt do its job. Perhaps this helps. When all else fails, there is always the pony tail to keep it under control :cool:


August 9th, 2012, 02:58 AM
As far as I know you can't but I'll be the first to admit I'm not an expert in heatstyling. I've never even touched a straightener IRL let alone used one. But if you want your hair to grow long then heatstyling is not going to be your friend because it does irreparable damage.

You could always learn how to make it look good while curly and learn to love it in it's natural state.

August 9th, 2012, 05:37 AM
Yes thats some good advice there. I did and found that curly hair is actually more forgiving than straight hair when doing sports etc. when it comes to appearance. And less hazzle whith the look after training (showers and hairdo etc).


August 9th, 2012, 07:02 AM
before i blow-dry and use flat iron i put zero frizz and it works great in keeping it straight and with no frizz at all, but i only blow dry it once every month or so either than this i keep it curly and moisturize it very well also i eat healthy food, next week i will try chi permanent straightening thats a big step 4 me i didnt do it before i hope it works and wont damage my hair..