View Full Version : 4a Hair Growth Regamine

August 1st, 2012, 12:36 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the community and cannot wait to learn for all of you and share some of "limited" knowledge on healthy hair maintence.

Several years ago I fell victim to the "Layering Haircut" trend and now I am in the process of trying to grow my hair to all one length. My longest section is BSL and the shortest is shoulder length. I use all natural products and essential oils on my hair.

Can anyone recommend a hair growth regamine for a 4a (thick) hair type that will also help me combat split ends.

August 1st, 2012, 12:41 PM
Welcome to LHC!

You can S and D those ends to get rid of damage while you're growing your hair longer. S and D, search and destroy, removes only the damaged splits and white dots. Always be sure to use sharp scissors, or you'll just be sowing another crop of white dots.

As far as dry ends, keep them moisturized. Many members swear by coconut oil, or other oils. I use mineral oil myself because it is very lightweight. It is also a great detangler.

Generally speaking, just baby your hair as it grows longer. Wear it up, detangle it with a wide tooth comb, avoid hot rollers, blow fryers. A silk pillow case cover is great for protecting delicate ends at night.

You might want to trim it every 3 months or so.

Above all, have patience!

August 1st, 2012, 01:17 PM
Yeah, I'd recommend visiting the type 4 thread, there is really helpful information.

Madora has really great tips, I just want to mention that with type four hair you will need to moisturize it in addition to dc treatments and just regular conditioning treatments. I'd sugggest that you look up moisturizing and sealing type four hair, in google, and to keep using lhc for hair info as well.

Personally for me, baggying my end helps, after I moisturize my hair I apply oils and hair grease (gasp I know, but because it doesn't seep into your hair like oil it really helps keep moisture in your hair). I make sure that I detangle gently and sense I am natural I keep my hair stretched. I try not to wear my hair out (afro is included) because it really causes tangles.

August 1st, 2012, 02:17 PM
Thank you ladies for the tips.

August 1st, 2012, 03:01 PM
No problem!

August 1st, 2012, 03:57 PM
Welcome jachey :D

Some basic tips for growing type 4 hair or curly hair in general include:

Moisture, moisture, moisture!: Find a conditioner/DC that is specifically designed to moisturize your hair. Use your favorite oils/butters like to seal in the moisture.

If you are relaxed, color treated, or use heat a lot, consider adding a protein reconstructor to your regimen to strengthen your hair, (note: Protein treatments should always be followed by a moisturizing DC b/c they make the hair feel hard).

Avoid using petroleum based products on the scalp. I avoid them entirely, but some people don't have any trouble with them.

low manipulation, no to very little heat.

Reduce mechanical breakage caused by combs and brushes by putting your hair in long term protective styles, (i.e; buns, twists, braids and updos). Also think about getting a silk/satin scarf or pillowcase to reduce breakage while you're asleep.

Hope you can join us in the Kinky 4's thread. You'll see many type 4's whose hair range from TWA's to Hip and beyond and I'm sure you'll get even more advice there. Here's a link:


August 1st, 2012, 05:48 PM
Thanks for all the tips. I generally DC once a week and treat my hair with a hot oil treatment of my homemade hair oil using jojoba, borage, jamaican black castor oil with several essential oils added for scent and other benefits. I look forward searching through the type 4 thread to get some helpful tips.